Keyscape problem

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by ArtVandalay7, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. ArtVandalay7

    ArtVandalay7 Newbie

    Jan 31, 2019
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    I recently had to reinstall Keyscape because of an error updating the software. Everything is up to date now. However, an initial significant problem I had mostly with the acoustic pianos has returned. I get very harsh cracking noises and occasionally the whole keyboard will become very shrill/tinny-sounding. This is running Keyscape in standalone mode or within Omnisphere with thinning engaged. Changing the buffer size makes no difference whatsoever. This usually occurs when playing multiple notes, using the sustain pedal, etc.; a very harsh, shrill, distorted sound will almost be superimposed on top of the normal keyboard or piano sound. Sometimes it will go away after stopping playing for a few seconds, sometimes it persists and you have to exit out of the app or change settings/drivers back and forth to get it to go away. This happens despite low CPU use at the time as reflected in the Keyscape settings tab. I completely fixed this in the past and this issue completely disappeared but I can not for the life of me remember what I did to correct this. I am using the exact same equipment as listed below:

    My setup:
    Yamaha P-115 piano
    Laptop with Intel i7 processor, 8 GB ram
    Output port ASIO apogee USB ASIO driver
    Output into Apogee One which feeds into my mixer

    If anyone knows how to fix this I will be forever in your debt!
  3. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Did you ever fix this issue? Because it is happening for me with the Rhodes and sustain pedal. Ummm.

    EDIT: Fixed it by upping the sample preload in the settings. At first it would never save this setting but I checked and it turned out the preferences file was set to read only. Once disabled, I was able to load the plugin, set it to the max, and then close and reopen the plugin successfully. Problem solved.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2022
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks for leaving this tip ... it may help someone!
  5. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    No worries. I always like to leave a tip or something if I figure things out for that very reason :).
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