KARORYFER SAMPLES Meatbass SFz-format - Free!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by phloopy, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    A large and meaty bassist's large and meaty bass recorded with the help of a thin and bony producer. These are samples of a 1958 Otto Rubner acoustic double bass including bowed notes, plucked notes plus various muted plucks and percussive noises.

    Arco is five velocity layers with two round robins across four octaves, pizzicato is four velocity layers with four round robins across three octaves, and percussion is eight different sounds with five round robins. All that adds up to a total of 434 samples and a 188 MB download (220 MB extracted). The bass was tuned in fifths, one octave below a cello, so the range of notes sampled goes down to C instead of the standard E, but the C string was also sampled tuned down to A.

    In addition to basic arco and pizz mappings, there are also three-voice and six-voice versions. Controls mapped to MIDI CC and also accessible from Sforzando's Controls tab are envelope release time and four vibrato controls: speed, depth, delay and fade-in. The multi-voice mappings add detune and width controls, plus a "sectionize" control which adds differences to the vibrato depth and speed between the different voices, like a section of human bassists whose vibrato isn't perfectly synchronized. They don't sound like a very realistic bass section, but they are great at making huge, wide and organic basses for EDM or hip-hop.

    There's also an earlier sample library of the same bass which is less polished but that sometimes has its advantages - the loudest velocity layers are downright excessive, there are also various scratchy bow noises, and it generally has a wilder, sloppier and brighter character.

    17 of these samples were also used to make Ironface, which is kind of a fake synthesizer made from real bowed bass samples.

    Requires Plogue Sforzando version 1.809 or newer for all the controls to function, but the basic one-voice mappings should be usable with any SFZ-compatible sampler. Free download, open source and royalty-free for all commercial and non-commercial use, including conversion into other sampler formats and redistribution as part of larger sample libraries.

    Private comment: Easy to convert into Kontakt (Nki) format!

    Link: Here!