KarmaFX2 for $39.99 (Modular)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Polomo, Feb 17, 2022.

  1. Polomo

    Polomo Guest


    Maybe one of the best tools for everything, there is .Modular.
    (It's an effect and a synth .
    It can sample direct from your sound source (like only a few other VST´s I know), you can modulate every parameter with LFO´s Step Sequencer ... )
    From the site :
    • From Advanced Simulated Analog Modular Synthesizer and Effect Unit.
    • Full Modular patching of synth Components and Controls.
    • Patches are built using Generators, Filters, Amplifiers, Controllers, Effects and Modulators.
    • Internal high-frequency digital simulation of analog voltage levels.
    • Oscillator with phase, Detune and Pulsewidth that generates standard synth waveforms.
    • Dual Oscillator with Detune, Hardsync and Ring modulation.
    • Sampler, 16/24/32 bit Mono/Stereo multi sample player that imports WAV/SF2/SFZ files.
    • Multisample editing with Key/Velocity-ranges and Loop-Points.
    • Additive and Pad module with waveform and Harmonic Magnitude/Phase editors.
    • User defined waveforms and built-in presets of up to 1024 harmonics.
    • Granular module for sample-based granular synthesis with variable grain size/rate.
    • 2/4 Pole Resonant Multimode Filters with Cutoff, Resonance, Saturation and Drive.
    • Resonant Filters (LP/HP/BP/BS): SVF, SVF2, SKF, Zolzer, Moog, Moog2, Acid, and MS20.
    • Additional filters include Formant, Comb, Allpass, Parametric and Shelving.
    • EQ3, 3 band equalizer with adjustable crossover frequencies, and 2 and 4 pole modes.
    • 10-band digital and 31-band simulated analog Graphic Equalizers.
    • Amplifier and Stereo module with Panning, Volume and Velocity control.
    • Two channel Mixer with Ring modulation and Circuit Bending Bit Shuffle operations.
    • Inverter for Amplitude Modulation, and Mid/Side module for stereo separation.
    • Delay, Reverb, Phaser, Chorus/Flange, Pitchshift, BitShuffler and Distortion effects.
    • Soft-knee Compressor with Peak/RMS detection and optional Sidechain,
    • Folder, Limiter, Repeater, Soft Clipper and 3-band Multiband Compressor with Peak/RMS detection.
    • 10 Octave/12 Note Pitch control with Detune, Portamento and Pitchbend support.
    • Choose between Mono, Legato, or up to 16-voice true Polyphony.
    • Controllers for Frequency Modulation (FM) and frequency/phase control.
    • Support for Linear FM, Phase Modulation, and Exponential FM with Exponential Sync (EXS).
    • Generators support Through-Zero frequency, and optional High Quality (HQ) 16x oversampling.
    • Up to 16 channel Unison controller with Detune and Stereo pan spread.
    • 32 step, 4 octave Pattern controller with Hold, Loop, Legato, Sustain and programmable Arpeggiator.
    • Custom arpeggiator note masking with programmable scales and 30+ scale presets.
    • Scope Module with synced, multi-layered oscilloscope, frequency and phase displays.
    • Keyboard module for MIDI visualization and manual MIDI triggering, with Pitchbend/ModWheel.
    • Bipolar/Unipolar LFO with Tempo Sync, HFO with FM/Phase Modulation option + Fade and Keyb. Tracking.
    • ADSR and Multipoint Envelopes with Linear, Exponential, Hermite and Cubic curves.
    • 32 step Step Sequencer, Envelope follower, Sample & Hold and Decay modules.
    • Shaper module for custom waveshaping.
    • Output module with Panning, DC removal, Volume and Clip control.
    • Noise generator, filtered Pink, White and Brown Noise with Frequency Sync control.
    • PanSpread stereo expander with individual low and high spread + crossover frequency adjustment.
    • Sonic Maximizer emulation module with Low Contour, Process and Peak Detector.
    • Input generator so synth can function as an Insert effect.
    • SubPatch generator and effect modules for re-using patches within other patches.
    • Number of simultaneously running modules supported per patch is practically unlimited.
    • Full stereo support (selected modules can run in mono to save CPU cycles).
    • Expression option, so parameters can respond to MIDI Mod.Wheel, Aftertouch and Velocity inputs.
    • Instant visual feedback on all controls. Frequency, Time/Amplitude, Modulation, etc.
    • Visually see signals, and knob's and slider's modulation-values in real-time, as they are modulated.
    • Fast trigger and output response, with zero latency and tight latency compensation.
    • Up to 128 simultaneously running internal voices (Polyphonic and Unison combined).
    • MIDI modulator modules for MIDI Controller, Velocity, Aftertouch and Pitchbend input.
    • MIDI Polyphonic Expression support (MPE) for per-note Pitchbend, Aftertouch and Timbre.
    • Synth frequency can be offset from "Concert Pitch" (from 440Hz to e.g., 432Hz).
    • 128 user-assignable Automation controls with MIDI Learn.
    • Control Panel & Patch Browser for quickly navigating patches and banks with search filtering.
    • Fully skinnable GUI: Skins bundled with the installation support HiDPI/Retina GUI scaling up to 200%.
    • Fully customizable GUI resolution of up to 4096 x 2048 (default is 1500 x 1000).
    • Customizable GUI patch-cables can be shown as linear, curved and dangling.
    • 5 banks of pre-made KarmaFX patches + Extra userbanks. (More than 1000+ patches total).
    • Additional Online Banks can be downloaded and installed from inside the synth.
    • Full VST 2.4+ support on PC/Windows and Audio Unit/VST 2.4+ support on Mac/OS X.
    • A 120+ page User's Manual in PDF format is included with the registered version.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2022
  3. Dmotr Softor

    Dmotr Softor Kapellmeister

    Jul 13, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Interzone, beyond the Ultraworld
    Wow! I remember v0.X years ago! It's an unexpected news.
  4. vingula

    vingula Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Thx for info, good news :wink:
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    80% OFF: Synth Modular 2 by KarmaFX
  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I wonder how heavy or light is it on cpu?
    Also what is the protection scheme.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2022
  7. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    In mono mode, it's a lightweight totally comparable with Serum or Rapid maybe even a bit lower (0.02% KarmaFX vs 0.03% Serum on my CPU with a simple 1 Saw)

    But if you turn the Polyphonic up to 8+ it becomes a heavy hitter with up to 1.5-3 times (the 3 times was a simple SAW with 8 Poly mode (0,14 vs 0.48% Serum vs Karma) which was crazy for such a simple setup ,everything else was more normal. Also, a bit problematic even in idle it has a high CPU usage.

    My Reallife Scenarios :
    On average, a Karma Patch hits 0.6-0.7% of my CPU
    Serum 0.4%-0.5%
    and the highest Serum 0,8%
    Karma 1,3%

    So I can say for ARP's, leads it's good in terms of CPU usage. For everything else (pads, Keys) it's a bit too heavy.

    About the protection : You'll get a branded preregister installer with your name in it.
    With my times playing with the Demo, I can speculate that it's working with a Windows Registry entire, but more I don't know (The Demo can simply used again and again if you delete the entries with KarmaFx in its name.)
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  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thank you Polomo, for your detailed answer.
    I cant imagine how it would hit with granular synthesis ...
    It's very useful to know the cpu hit. I'll pass on this one then.
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    KarmaFX Synth Modular 2 is an advanced and highly flexible Simulated Analog Modular Synthesizer and Effect Unit.

    The Sonic Sirius Soundset For The KarmaFX - KarmaFX Synth Modular.
