Just your friendly reminder ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cardamom, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Since you think "a backup can be pretty useless", what is the better thing to do?
  2. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I think the only sure protection from lightning strike is physical disconnection such as unplugging or switches.
    But lightning strikes have nothing to do with suppressing surges.
    Surge suppressors also won't help if there is a tsunami and your house gets washed away.
    And I can testify that surge suppressors will NOT prevent STDs.
    But they have their uses.
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  3. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I've never used Linux but it looks like you can do this with an old WinXP machine you have laying around, which I still have.

    Is this more to do with Linux?

    Interesting point, I think they will do that much like automatic daw backups but even then there will be different strings of dates/times where updates have been made where you can go back to a previous edit. Wouldn't you have a backup plan for the incremental backups in the same way on that type of system? Where it makes backups of backups or something like that? All of this largely just goes over my head mostly though, a lot of this terminology is new to me, I don't know shit or fuck about hard drives.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
  4. BagelShaggerz

    BagelShaggerz Platinum Record

    Apr 19, 2022
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    I thought I installed a virus but maybe an automatic uninstaller has done this to me like over 5 years ago now, wiping everything I had when I didn't have a hard drive or money to my name to buy one so I litterally had to move back to Grove Street, then walk down that alleyway like CJ, ah shit, here we go again.

    This is what I've been doing by learning the hard way but I thought maybe I'm missing out on something with NAS backups like pro's do it but I always thought they were automatically updating certain backups to other machines aswell but maybe I was wrong to assume that.

    My Ramen Noodle budhole used to feel that real hard. Shit, my slightly better noodle budhole now still feels it to a slightly more tolerable degree but may need to revert back to Ramen butthole soon, man. I call it, uh, home sweet home, I guess.

    Oh no, I had that new fear unlocked when I saw a lightning strike take out all of the electronics of a house including the computer, basically anything still plugged into an outlet jack, completely taken out with one hit. I started getting into the habit of just going offline, other than my phone when nasty storms come my way.

    Another new fear was unlocked when I was browsing reddit one fine morning and some guy left his lights on in his band practice garage as he went for a quick beer run with the band after practice but when they piled back out of their van upon their arrival, a fuse had shorted out in his lights (or some shit like that) which caught fire and burned down his entire garage & his equipment.

    Shit had already burned down and almost took out some of his house if he didn't make it in time because he lived in the North of the US where people have those seperate garages which sometimes have those "hallway" roofs that extend to the house for the little "sidewalk" from the house to the garage.

    So, that coupled with the fact that he showed up in time for his house to not be burned down was what saved him. Also, I think the lights were those wide ceiling office lights with the the long cylindar light bulbs which caused the initial fire, which is the type of lights I was using before learning all of this. Now I use regular table lamps in the studio that take traditional lightbulbs, lol.

    So now, I don't even leave lights on when I leave. My butthole is tighter than the coinslot on the GTA snack machine, man.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2023
  5. Coochie Bean Paste

    Coochie Bean Paste Producer

    Feb 20, 2023
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    along the river
    The Great Reset!
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