Just when you thought you had seen it all before

Discussion in 'humor' started by reliefsan, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Nono, i didnt choose that nasty button, wanted to click like, but didnt hit it correct. All good
  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    No doubt about that, shawty.

    The fact is that we consider everything that is not fast enough as prey. I myself prefer short pig over the long ones, easier to broil, you know. :yes:
  3. Zealious

    Zealious Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I jump to this conversation from the outside of it

    This is exactly how they ( who want you to think this way ) want you to think

    Our false perception of the past, and news is required to keep you in that mindstate of hating the species you were born in to

    When people hate on themselves, it is way easier to make them take all of that anger out to another being. When people feel they need to hide parts of whom they are, just to get by, it is way easier to make them pick on someone else for " a perceived flaw " ( consider raceisms of all sorts ).

    This is how people, who appear to themselves and even some people around them, who have the appearance amongst themselves to do good, to actually go out and police on others.

    This is how the so called environmentalists, are turned against humanity both within them and amongst everyone.

    The belief that humans, were born from apes, and that most of us are stupid and that we created all of the problems on this planet that is a threat to all the species on this planet > Is exactly the most depressing, most debilitating bullcrap and a belief they, who want you to think in the most debilitating and self humiliating way, want you to think and believe in

    You need to look at your perspective of history, what is it based upon?

    Only a sound understanding of what is going on, and what has been going on, can bring positive progress ( no, am i right or wrong, come on tell me i am right ? )

    Have you looked at the history books, as to what proof there actually is that humans are descendants from the same ancestor as apes?

    If you believe in that, i know you haven t ( looked in to it, and no there are no fossil records no there is nothing, when you actually look at the evidence, there is not even a single study that has been done to show why and how people would be descending from same ancestor as apes, when it was already taught as truth in the so called school systems ).

    I actually started looking in to, Just the Truth of things, when i was 4-5 years old. I happened to learn to read so early, not saying i am better than others but it was a headstart, that got me in to great trouble when i went to school.

    I asked the first class teacher questions like " how do you know God exists ? " or " what proof do you have for God existing like you say right now you believe in, and what is the basis of your teachings about God and religion ? "

    I also asked questions about the Fossil strata and Dinosaurs and the basis of our beliefs about the history of man, when i could not find one university level history book ( at the age of seven ) that had any reliable evidence or anything that would show it logical to conclude "yes it must be so"

    This got me in to great problems with the education system, i got put in to all kinds of behavioral control structures and punishments that just would never stop

    Because i asked a Question i had many more coming, that a first grade teacher was simply not equipped to answer

    Now me as a 7 year old child, i would have expected the teacher to answer as to
    -why does she say god exists and that she can prove her point when asked
    -what is the basis of our beliefs about our ancestry in general?

    I genuinely expected as a child, that these are easy questions for an authoritative figure to answer to

    And please, guys, we are here to make music and elevate to being of another

    Please do your research and see what your beliefs are based upon

    We can t go around blaming others are stupid like Apes, when we don t even know what our beliefs ( about us having the same ancestry with an ape ) is based upon ( that is ape stupid in itself )

    So please be sure what your beliefs are built upon

    Just a couple pointers:

    For example,

    1. there is no way of dating bones longer than a certain period old ( some 60 thousand years old )

    How ever, when you put dinosaur bones in to any of them C14 date reader machines, they give out readings ( which they should not were a. our methods of dating things solid and b. were they truly as old as we are told to, and were our perception of the past based on anytyhing real )

    Ask yourselves, why does it have to be Creationists, who are the only ones dating these bones like this, and revealing the bullshit ( alhtough they believe in another form of bullshit themselves, but why does it have to be the creationists who are revealing this level of bullshit ) going on in our scientific communities, that people teach Dinosaurs died 65 million years ago, yet their bones give out readings on methods that should not give out any readings beyond 60 000 year old bones, because the method is based on the lessification of Carbon 14 over certain periods of time

    2. See how many maps of Rome, you can find, from that supposed era of the existence of the supposed existence of Rome. See how many maps by their adversaries, their enemies or even by the so called Romans can you find from that supposed era of its existence.

    If the Story about Rome were true, you would expect to find atleast one map ( from that era ), correct?

    3. See what the original face of the Sphinx looked like ( a face of a black woman ) before Napolens troops shot is face off

    ( this was drawn by the artist who traveled with military, before it was defaced )

    They needed it to be shot, so the belief in to subhumans originating from Africa could be kept alive.

    The Truth about the matter, that Black people actually had a thriving continent with high tech to build pyramids out of Rose Quartz ( needs diamond tools to this day to be worked on, that s higher tech than we have currently ) - this truth does not fit anyones beliefs in to humans originating from apes in africa

    A hight tech culture, that is actually ahead of the culture today, built by people with melanin in their skin? That would not fit this artificial idea of history that has to be taught to people, so the racial divides can be more easier maintained


    Please all of y all who say ( or pretend? ) to be men of Science,

    check what your beliefs are based upon

    There is crazy stuff going on on this planet, and you can not have all your beliefs about humans doing things out of stupidity, be based on our media and education systems because you know those are not here to show you what and how things are

    they could be, but they are not and have not been used for that on this planet

    So if you believe men are the cause of climate change....

    ...find a map of Siberia, before 16th Century that has Ice on it

    And that is where you begin to see which ones of your beliefs are worthy of upholding
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  4. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Koko The Gorilla. A Pretty Smart Ape:
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    ^ The whole Koko docu was posted by @Retrolize77 on the first page...
    This is higher quality though!
  6. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Yeah there's actually 3 full length docs on Koko that I downloaded for a friend and they are all really interesting.
    Are we related to apes? Are we hybrids? Who knows but it's really interesting stuff! Cheers.
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh cool. Didn't know that. Loved the one on prior page.
    Not descended from, but humans and animals are all part of the same experiment. The Hindu 'gods', Ganesh etc, were when the experiment went wrong. There was The Great War. Then later, the Pharaohs created the purported 'truth' (a lie), and most humans have been oblivious of their own true nature ever since.
    The 144,000 haven't all realised who they are yet. But nothing in nature happens instantly...
    The 'elites' know what I'm talking about, and they're shitting their pants right now.
    Plus they haven't realised that going underground won't solve anything for them at all, when the time comes...
    The real truth of this is found within, if one can only let go of all things to remember it.
    I should really have posted this in the thread that @Zealious created.
    But fuck it. I've said it.
    It was the word 'hybrids' that triggered me...
    As you were.
  8. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    History as we know it from school, textbooks and documentaries is just a cover really!
    The Elites have controlled the narrative of our history for many years. Smart people are now discovering and uncovering truths that we were never taught growing up. The deeper we dig the more there is to be discovered.
    We are spiritual beings and we know that what we are presented with is all bullshit. That is why we have to research outside of the norm!
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Ours, yet his story.
    Wow, this 3D dualistic illusion is such an irritating bind sometimes.
  10. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    His-Story is certainly not ours!

    QUOTE = Smoove Grooves
    "Wow, this 3D dualistic illusion is such an irritating bind sometimes".

    I'm a simple man Smoove Grooves.
    I wonder if you can quote this in laymens terms? :bow:
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I used to keep coming back to the intelligent design pov, but it is just an overly romantic notion to me now, imo.
    Just because we see that light and sound have similarities, and the micro and macro have a template that matches, doesn't have to mean anything really.
    When we look at the larynx, the journey of its way to the brain is so convoluted that you'd think it could have been done better!
    And apparently that is due to our relationship with fish.
    Same with how the testicles are designed, in a way.
    So the way I see it, we are related to everything that has come before us (just that I'm not sure if it is in a straight line or not); but as of yet, it still hasn't stopped me from believing that it may not be exactly as we are told.
    Evolution; yes. But perhaps in a way we haven't yet understood. I really don't know, and probably never will.
    I mean, look at cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts; all from the same, but selectively bred.
    Have certain circumstances forced the same in our own evolutionary lineage?
    And what are the certain circumstances? I'm not well read enough to know what the consensus is, myself.
    I know DNA has given us the best answers, but I still don't feel that it all totally jives right with me yet.
    Which is why I mentioned things early from the Mahabharat, and the Vedas.
    But of course, it's linked to religion again! Argh.

    I found memories within, and my instinct is still that they mean...something.
    But I'm still open to having the gaps filled re. what I've just written above, if anybody wants to.
  12. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Well you certainly laid that out in laymens terms lol. Now I can't remember where I left my brain...Eh! Uh! Duh!
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    But I realise I didn't actually address this specifically, and am wondering if I even can! As it's just from a personal perception, having occurred before I ever ate the mushrooms! lol
    The problem is, I am the layman! Googoogajoob!
  14. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    History is written by the winners.
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And from another pov, the fact we have aspects of mammals, fish, etc within us (probably all the best aspects put together within us), still doesn't obliterate the intelligent design theory.
    If anything, it could point to it even more. Argh!
  16. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Hey mate I am the Walrus so fuck all that!!
  17. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    The problem is, is that the winners are always the elitists.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2019
  18. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    I don't believe for a minuite that we have aspects of other animals within our genes. I believe that to be a big fat lie!!
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  19. Marcsal

    Marcsal Kapellmeister

    May 29, 2019
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    Soon we are going to have apes mastering our music. The sad part is that some of them would be able to do a better job than us.
  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    But in the long run, do they always truly win?
    And what is are definition of winning?
    But yeah, I see what you mean.
    The tide will turn though...
    This time round, I feel we have to have faith. Strangely enough!