Just got a sweetwater credit card. Can I get some advice on headphones and accoustic treatment?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by CharlieCrizzle, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. CharlieCrizzle

    CharlieCrizzle Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2019
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    I have athm40xs right now and really wanting to make somewhat of a jump. Really thinking Beyerdynamic semi open 880 pro 250 ohms. Are they legit worth the extra $100 over the 990s? Being they are both 250 ohms, what kind of amp can i get away with and what chords will i need to connect both to my interface?

    Next thing is accoustic treament. Its something im absolutely in need of. My room is 12x13x8 ft. I have a bed in one corner so dont know how i will be able to do bass traps in every corner. How much additional paneling do i need after the traps. I didnt mention this before, but i am beyond broke. If i had any actual cash, i would try to build them myself. Its sounding like its gonna cost atleast $600.

    If anyone is in the US and wants to make me some traps and paneling, I will gladly buy you some gear with my card and we can both come out on top....
  3. Veks

    Veks Member

    Dec 8, 2015
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    I didnt heard DT 880 but i have DT 770 80 ohm and iff i am buying again, i would reconsider DT 250 also. DT 250 should be very good for mixing mids, bass and overall sound, and doesnt have spike in heights as DT 880.

    Better build yourself 15-17 cm thick rockwool panels. It will act also as basstraps. You dont need wooden panels for it. You can wear them in textile and hang them on a rope (at least i will try that way).
  4. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Open back headphones HD600s, closed DT770s.. Acoustic treatments should never be bought from stores like Sweetwater. DIY is much cheaper and much more effective. Look up Ethan Winer on broadband trap builds.
  5. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Just because you've got the credit card don't be tempted to blow it immediately, make do with what you have for now and be patient, wait you will most probably find an exceptional deal if you wait a while and then you will be a real winner. Impulse buying is the worst thing you can do. Many of us have been over excited with a new credit card at one time or another , did the same thing and then regretted it when we had to pass up on the deal of a lifetime due to our impatience and having maxed the card/s out already. Patience is a virtue and you will not regret it, of this I am positive.
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