Jazz Theory 101 made EASY. (and can use it for any genre!....)

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, May 16, 2018.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    there really is a lot of info in that one comment.
    I will expand upon this further
    there is really so much info here i am going to have to make audio examples of it and that will take some time, but it will be worth it.

    thanks for your questions fine sir i will work on it and get it up asap.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    long one packed with great info!

    here is entertainment "swing" documentary
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I've deleted all off topic comments.

    Please all of you, calm down your egos.

    If you see anything incorrect, just report, no need to quote and get into an off topic discussion.
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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    We will begin in our KEY of C major. we will take the Dominant chord G7 GBDF ( with the mixolydian mode in mind also GABCDEFG

    We create 7th chord for each of the tones of G7
    (this is because out of our 7 chord sin the KEY,
    these FOUR are the chords consonant with the dom7 )


    Next , our first part of our line is the arpreggio of G7

    GBDF (bold is on the beat

    we continue on by outlining the Dmin7 chord DFAC on the 5th of the G7
    so far this is what we have now


    finally we play the G7 descending bebop scale (GF#FEDCBAG
    except ,
    we play it descending from our B note or the 3rd (BAGF#FEDCBA

    Now lets see what we have when we assemble the entire line


    we play all the way to the A ,so that we can loop the entire line .


    Next lets continue this process by making the same line ,but for ii V I

    we did the G7 , so now we start with the Dmin7 and dorian mode DEFGABCD

    we start with our arpeggio of Dmin7

    next we add to include the 7th chord on the 5th of Dmin7
    Amin7 ACEG


    next we descend the Dmin7 bebop scale (DC#CBAGFE
    except, we play it descending from our 3rd F so


    Now lets see what we have when we assemble the whole line.


    Next we continue to include the Imaj7 Cmaj7 CEGB and ionian mode CDEFGABC


    now the 7th chord on the 5th G


    we descend to the E,

    Next we descend the Cmaj7 bebop scale (CBAG#GFEDC
    we descend starting from the 3rd or E.

    now we assemble our whole line


    We have covered our 3 unique bebop scales the maj bebop ( has #5th included) the min bebop (has #7th included) the dom bebop has the #7th included)
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Now that we have covered these shapes based around the root of the iimin7,V7, and Imaj7

    lets do the same exact line structure, but starting from the 3rd of our chord.

    our original line for the G7 was this.

    we follow the same method and thought process but with the 3rd at the start,( next descend the G7 bebop from the 5th or D {remember the F# is added to the dom bebop scale}



    Lets do the same thing for our iimin7 chord now (Dmin7 DEFGABCD plus added C# for {min bebop scale}

    our original line was
    now follow the same process, from the 3rd and then descending form the 5th of the dorian min bebop



    Finally the same for the Cmaj7

    this what we began with before on the root

    this time same thing, except from the 3rd of Cmaj7 and descending the maj bebop (with added G#) BUT from the 5th of Cmaj7 or G

    Finally we have the Imaj7 Cmaj7 (Cmaj6 or Cmaj7 add 13

    EXCEPT starting from the Amin7


    We have now explored this line through all 7 modes. and how they each relate to our iimin7 V7 Imaj7

    we have every option now as we traverse through chord progressions with arpeggio ascending, bebop descending lines.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The three Bebop scales

    We have a bebop scale for our iimin7 (in this case Dmin7 Dorian with added C#
    We have a bebop scale for our V7 (in this case G7 mixolydian with added F#
    We have a bebop scale for our Imaj7 (in this case Cmaj7 Ionian with added G#

    We use the bebop scales descending

    Lets take a look at them now

    Dmin (dorian bebop DC#CBAGFEDC our strong tones outline Dmin7 DFAC
    G7 (dom bebop GF#FEDCBAG our strong tones outline G7 GBDF
    Cmaj7 (maj bebop CBAG#GFEDC our strong tones outline Cmaj6 or Amin7

    Next each of our 7 chords belongs to 1 of the three bebop scales

    CEGB belongs to C maj bebop
    DFAC belongs to Dmin dorian bebop
    EGBD belongs to Cmaj bebop
    FACE belongs to D dorian bebop
    GBDF belongs to G7 bebop
    ACEG belongs to Cmaj bebop
    BDFA belongs to G7 bebop

    this is because of our chord equivalents

    vi min7=Imaj7=iiimin7

    and {iimin7=IVmaj7}={V7=vii%min7flat5}

    finally {vi min7=Imaj7=iiimin7}={{iimin7=IVmaj7}={V7=vii%min7flat5}}

    our whole KEY itself is a representation of iimin7 V7 Imaj7
    or V7 to Imaj7
    or Imaj7

    this is the "fractal" nature of jazz

    unlimited detail can be expressed or you can simplify and be as minimalist as you want.

    for example, if you see a chord chart with
    Cmaj7 written for 4 bars like
    Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7

    you can transform that into Cmaj7 G7 Cmaj7 G7

    you could also transform it to be Dmin7 G7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7
    also Dmin7 G7 Cmaj7 Amin7 or Amin7 DMin7 G7 Cmaj7

    all these represent the same thing.
    You can play these as chords or as melodies

    for example lets look at lines that represent Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7 Cmaj7

    lets transform it into Dmin7 G7 Cmaj7 Amin7
    and lets make a melody expressing that

    we can start by arpeggio from the 3rd of DMin9

    F A C E

    next slide down to D as a beginning of outlining another DMin7 so

    F A C E D F A C

    Now, this will be our bar of DMin7 structure, so what we add next will be to begin to outine the G7

    We can slide down to B descending a G7 with
    B G F D

    here is the whole thing

    F A C E D F A C B G F D

    then go Down to B which ascends upward through Bmin7flat5


    here is the whole thing

    F A C E D F A C B G F D B D F A

    so far we have outlined our DMin7 and out G7 we are halfway done with our line now to Cmaj9

    we slide down from our last note in the line A down to G

    G B D B C

    down to A descending G E C

    G B D B C A G E C

    this covers our Cmaj7 and Amin7 portion

    here is the entire line

    F A C E D F A C B G F D B D F A G B D B C A G E C
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Connecting Arpeggios PART I (for dummies! ;D

    We are going to look at connecting arpeggios alone alternating between descending and ascending
    in the KEY of Cmajor
    CEGB - function Imaj7
    DFAC - function iimin7
    EGBD - function Imaj7
    FACE - function iimin7
    GBDF - function V7
    ACEG - function Imaj7
    BDFA - function V7

    Lets begin with descending Fmaj7 and its inversions


    We are going to create a pattern which uses this inversion (play this first)


    Next we are going to slide up to the D note which outlines an ascending Dmin7 DFAC

    A F E C D F A C

    this is our first section which outlines Dmin9 DFACE

    Next section we are going to look at the descending G7 arpeggio and its inversions


    We are going to create a pattern which uses this inversion (play this first)


    Next we are going to slide up to the E note which outlines an ascending Emin7 EGBD

    B G F D E G B D

    this pattern outlines a V7 to Imaj9

    now we can connect the 2 patterns and get a string of arpeggios which outlines a ii V I

    A F E C D F A C B G F D E G B D


    Finally we can look at the pattern as it travels all the way through each chord of the key

    A F E C D F A C outlines Fmaj7 to Dmin7 or Dmin9
    B G F D E G B D outlines G7 to Cmaj9 or Emin9
    C A G E F A C E outlines Amin7 to Fmaj7 or Fmaj9
    D B A F G B D F outlines Bmin7flat5 to G7 or G9
    E C B G A C E G outlines Cmaj7 to Amin7 or Cmaj7add 13 or Amin9
    F D C A B D F A outlines Dmin7 to Bmin7flat5 or Dmin7 add 13
    G E D B C E G B outlines Emin7 to Cmaj7 or Cmaj9

    we can connect them together in many ways
    they can represent either a 9 chord or represent a chord change within themselves
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Connecting Arpeggios PART II (for dummies! ;D

    Lets begin with descending Fmaj7 arpeggios and its inversions


    Previously we looked at the specific inversion AFEC and found it connected to DFAC

    The next inversion we will look at is FECA

    F E C A

    next we slide up to B and outline a Bmin7flat5 ascending arpreggio BDFA

    F E C A B D F A

    this outlines a Dmin9 to G9 or a Fmaj7 to Bmin7flat5 or rootless G9 add 11


    Just like before we will take the last one in this case A and slide down to G and begin the pattern all over again.

    here is all the patterns

    F E C A B D F A outlines Fmaj7 to Bmin7flat5 or Fmaj7 add 11
    G F D B C E G B outlines G7 to Cmaj7 or G13
    A G E C D F A C outlines Amin7 to Dmin7 or Dmin11
    B A F D E G B D outlines Bmin7flat5 to Emin7 or G9 to Cmaj9
    C B G E F A C E outlines Cmaj7 to Fmaj7
    D C A F G B D F outlines Dmin7 to G7

    we can connect them together in many ways
    they can represent either a 9 chord or represent a chord change within themselves
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Connecting Arpeggios PART III (for dummies! ;D

    Lets begin with descending Fmaj7 arpeggios and its inversions


    Previously we looked at the specific inversion FECA and found it connected to BDFA

    The next inversion we will look at is ECAF
    play descending

    E C A F

    Now we go from that last F note up to A and outline ascending Amin7 ACEG

    E C A F A C E G

    This outlines a Fmaj7 to Amin7

    From our last note we slide down to F ( which begins our pattern over on the next section)
    Here are all of these sections

    E C A F A C E G outlines Fma7 to Amin7 or Fmaj9
    F D B G B D F A outlines G7 to Bmin7flat5 or G9
    G E C A C E G B outlines Amin7 to Cmaj7 or Cmaj7 add 13
    A F D B D F A C outlines Bmin7flat5 to Dmin7 or rootless G11
    B G E C E G B D outlines Cmaj7 to Emin7 or Cmaj9
    C A F D F A C E outlines Dmin7 to Fmaj7 or Dmin9
    D B G E G B D F outlines Emin7 to G7 or Cmaj9 to G9 or G13

    we can connect them together in many ways
    they can represent either a 9 chord or represent a chord change within themselves
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Connecting Arpeggios PART IV (for dummies! ;D

    Lets begin with descending Fmaj7 arpeggios and its inversions


    Previously we looked at the specific inversion ECAF and found it connected to ACE

    The next inversion we will look at is CAFE
    play descending

    C A F E

    Now we go from that last note E up to G and outline a G7 GBDF

    C A F E G B D F

    this outlines a Fmaj7 to G7 or a Dmin9 to G9 iimin7 to V7 variant

    Now we go from our last note F down to the D note ( in order to start all over again on the next pattern)

    here are all the patterns connected in order

    C A F E G B D F outlines ii to V7 or G13
    D B G F A C E G outlines G7 to Amin7 or V to I or G13
    E C A G B D F A outlines Amin7 to Bmin7flat5 or I to V or G13
    F D B A C E G B outlines Bmin7flat5 to Cmaj7 to V to I or G13
    G E C B D F A C outlines Cmaj7 to Dmin7 or G13
    A F D C E G B D outlines Dmin7 to Emin7 or G13
    B G E C F A C E outlines Cmaj7 to Fmaj7

    we can connect them together in many ways
    they can represent either a 9 chord or represent a chord change within themselves

    we have now covered all four parts of connecting arpeggios, i hope this is a revelation for you and that you see all the possibilities when adding up using as one all the material we have covered! Let the joy flow through you and create some music!
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  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I would like to share a special song and performance for fun!

  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Here is a brand spanking new video, from rick beato on the very topic we have been discussing here.
    some excellent melody involved enjoy!

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    here is more to go with it

  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    listen to this!
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    let in the beauty of this sound
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    study this!
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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