Jazz Theory 101 made EASY. (and can use it for any genre!....)

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, May 16, 2018.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    these 2 videos will make a significant difference to your playing! enjoy!

    A quick summary.

    lets take KEY of C major

    our chords


    We are going to use the Bebop dominant scale when playing lines in order on a dom chord
    the chord tones fall on the "on" beat the non-chord tones fall on the swung shuffle beat or "off" beat.
    this linear pattern is played descending. lets try it out for G7 ( 'on' beat in red)

    G F# F E D C B A G

    that is descending from the root.
    now lets descend from the 3rd

    B A G F# F E D C B

    next from the 5th

    D C B A G F# F E D

    next from the 7th

    F E D C B A G F# F

    this gives us an ability to have a linear line always match the correct pattern of having our chord tones land on the on beat and the non chord tones land on the "off" beat.


    Part II

    adding in arpeggios.

    in the KEY of C major, we have 4 chords that are consonant with the dominant function. (these 4 are incompatible with tonic .)
    G7 ----------GBDF
    Bmin7flat5- BDFA
    Dmin7------ DFAC
    Fmaj7------ FACE

    this means that we can arpeggio these chords and combine with our bebop descending scales.

    here is a line (red is "on" beat)

    FACE DFAC B A G F# F E D C B D F A G F# F E D C B A G B D F E long ring out for C major

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
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  2. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Thank you! This is great!
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  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Lets examine some of the ways we can add variety in while using the bebop scale and arpeggios mixed.

    Red is "on" beat (make the Black note last shorter duration than red note.)

    Start from F and ascend

    F A C E

    Now lets add in the Dmin7 or DFAC next , but start on the F or 3rd of Dmin7

    F A C E F

    okay ,now we descend to D

    F A C E F D

    Next we descend to A the 5th of Dmin7

    F A C E F D A

    Next we descend to F (where we began earlier)

    F A C E F D A F

    Next we ascend to B to begin outlining the Bmin7flat5 BDFA

    F A C E F D A F B

    Now we ascend adding in the DFA 3rd, 5th, 7th, of Bmin7flat5 BDFA

    F A C E F D A F B D F A

    Now for the finish we are descending to G note, and playing the descending G7 bebop scale.

    F A C E F D A F B D F A G F# F E D C B A G
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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Next lets see how we can make a whole looping pattern that can repeat ( in same spot or octave higher or lower each time)

    we just have to take the beginning portion of what we had last time.

    F A C E F D A F

    Now we are going to make same shape out of the Bmin7flat5 going to G7

    B D F A B G D B

    our first section is outlining Fmaj7 to Dmin7
    our second section is outlining Bmin7flat5 to G7

    Next we connect the 2 patterns

    F A C E F D A F B D F A B G D B

    this gives us an ability to loop , or repeat in ascending or descending octaves.
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Next we are going to take this last pattern and make one looping repeating pattern for all 7 chords in C major

    Fmaj7 to Dmin7 to Bdim to G7
    Emin7 Cmaj7 Amin7 Fmaj7
    Dmin7 Bdim G7 Emin7
    Cmaj7 Amin7 Fmaj7 Dmin7
    Bdim G7 Emin7 Cmaj7
    Amin7 Fmaj7 Dmin7 Bdim
    G7 Emin7 Cmaj7 Amin7

    this shows us a master progression
    one large pattern we can start anywhere and repeat any portion of it or repeat the whole pattern.

    G7 Emin7 Cmaj7 Amin7
    Fmaj7 to Dmin7 to Bdim to G7
    Emin7 Cmaj7 Amin7 Fmaj7
    Dmin7 Bdim G7 Emin7
    Cmaj7 Amin7 Fmaj7 Dmin7
    Bdim G7 Emin7 Cmaj7
    Amin7 Fmaj7 Dmin7 Bdim
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  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    We can travel note by note in 2 ways

    STEPWISE which is traveling small amounts from semi-tone to tone (traveling diatonic scale or bebop scale)
    LEAPS which is any larger than distance of a tone, all the way to octave and larger.

    We seen that STEPWISE we have using the Dominant bebop scale descending.
    we can also travel through the diatonic scale this way from our root, 3rd,5th or 7th of G7

    We seen that we can use arpeggios to expand the distance of traveling the notes so to introduce variety and more audibly express the chord function in our foundation .

    We have the ability to use grace notes a semi-tome below our chord tone on the swung beat as well.
    this adds another layer of detail.

    Next we can add "button-hooks" or "enclosures) which means a scale tone above down to leading tone below, then arriving on the chord tone.

    This allows us to add in more instances of triplets to sometimes change the duration of our notes.

    Note duration.

    normally we have swung eight notes
    take a triplet 123 123 123 123
    we simply make the 1 or first note last the length of 1 and 2 counts, than have the 2nd note the 3 is.

    this gives us

    1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3

    Our first note becomes longer than our 2nd note. our second note is the length of the 3rd note of a triplet.

    one thing to note about shuffle or "swing"

    when you get up to high tempos you must make the notes slightly more square or even you will see this when playing yourself.

    So our main rhythm is swing 8th notes.
    this is our foundation of note durations, (2 main note duration as foundation)

    Now ,just like how we talked about STEPWISE vs LEAPS as the way to mix up the distances of our notes traveling.

    It is also just as important to have variety in the length of time each note lasts for. ( it sounds corny to have only swung 8th notes.)

    Our first addition to variety in note duration is the triplet where we actually derived the swing to begin with

    we can add it in in different areas, but note that we have to have the notes correctly match the on or off beat as we have talked about before.

    Lets start by examining a simple line constructed with already discussed techniques, which Begins with a structure of
    Fmaj7 to DMin7 (red is the on beat black is the shorter note swing beat shuffle)


    lets add in a Triplet in the intro of it by adding in a leading tone


    so because a triplet and a swing pair notes equal the same duration (123=12)
    Anytime we are wanting to add a triplet to a swing 8th note pattern

    it is an addition of 1 extra note. (make sure they are the right note also)

    those three blue notes = same amount of time as the AC that follow it.

    lets repeat this pattern

    the first portion
    takes up the same amount of time as the second portion

    loop this now


    you should feel comfortable with the steady flow of 123,1-2 123,1-2,123,1-2,123,1-2

    Next lets take our little part

    and make is a sextuplet ( 2 combined triplets)

    remember whenever adding triplet to a swing 8th notes you just need an additional note.
    but remember we want our chord tones to always be on the "on" beat.


    what we are doing here, is turning the intro from a leading tone into a button-hook or enclosure by adding a note one scale tone above our root.

    G down to E up to F as one triplet

    than the 3rd A 5th C 7th E ACE as the second triplet

    finally we travel down to our D note the new root of Dmin7 and here we switch to swing 8th notes like this


    So for our note durations so far we have the foundational 8th note swing, next a triplet so speed up and add occasional extra note.
    Next note duration is to cut down slower to Quarter note, this makes every note played a chord tone and there are no "off" beats

    (note this is the speed of the bass instrument laying down the foundation)
    quarter notes are the chord tone foundation of the music.

    so 1234 =( 1 2 )

    Lets take our very last pattern we used.


    we will add in upper A then C quarter notes to the intro of the melody


    now for the finishing touches, we will put a descending G7 bebop scale starting on the B note

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
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  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    For our note durations ,we have talked about our standard 8th note swing

    next the triplet ( fills in to be 123,123 instead of 1-21-2)
    and the quarter note ( all notes on the beat like the steady baseline)

    we also have the half note and whole note, where at times you can have a note ring out for a long time so to have more varitey and impact in the sound. for instance

    lets make a tiny line of swing 8th notes using what we have covered.based on a G7

    our first note is going to be a half note on the 5th or D

    next lets jump up to A down to F# up to G as a enclosure and triplet

    next up to a B on the beat up to D (off beat) up to F then slide down to E

    then down to A up to C (off beat) up to E down to D (off beat)

    down to B up to C (on the off beat)
    here is the whole thing

    D,AF#GBDFEACEDBC then end on a E half note
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
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  8. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    @MMJ2017 I am preparing a word file, which will be converted to pdf from the material you posted here. I will share it when it is completed. :headbang:
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  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Lets now look at a simple aspect of scale tones

    check out this melody (structure is G7 add9 GBDFA)

    F E D C B G A

    extending it

    F E D C B G A G F D E D C A B F E long note C maj7

    Structure is (G7add9 GBDFA, to Cmaj7)

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  10. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    All over the place
    @MMJ2017 I was thinking of going to take some music theory classes at the local college but with your posts I much rather use the money for equipment. Thanks for your posts.:thanks:
  11. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Grab new version in later posts
    Added some material myself :winker:
    Youtube videos are embedded in docx file, and you can watch videos in the word.
    I added the pdf file just if anyone wants to print, and it does not have videos in it!
    Please add useful material to this book. :headbang:
    insert this code into VideoOnline button in Word (replace changethis with youtube video ID and paste it into embeded video bar):
    <iframe class="videoContainer__video" width="1366" height="768" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/changethis?modestbranding=1&autoplay=1&controls=1&fs=0&rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    @MMJ2017 Edit your valuable information and style or organization if necessary.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2018
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    @MMJ2017 would I ask you to spend some time for analyzing the scores note-by-note (not chord by chord) instead of making structures for improvisation?

    Improvisation based on structures is an excellent approach that helps people to make music fast but making music fast is not the all that the composer needs.

    If you've taken a look at the classical scores, you'd see that the Mr. analyzer scrutinizes them so carefully and note by note than applying reason based on improvisational techniques.
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The Bebop scales.

    We talked about the Dominant Bebop scale a bit earlier and looked at some ways to use it.

    We also have a Bebop scale for the iimin7, and the Imaj7
    After that we have more available chromatic notes to add to the 3 bebop scales in order to have chord tones land on the beat and non-chord tones on the "off" beat.

    Let's start off with the Bebop scale for the iimin7 chord.

    In Cmajor this is Dmin7 DFAC

    we start with the Dorian mode DEFGABC

    we then add the C# to get,

    Now like discussed before we use these scales mostly Descending
    This will give us

    D C# C B A G F E D

    (note:make your red note twice as long in duration then the black note to create SWING)

    Lets add in a Fmaj7 to DMin7 arpeggio in the intro of the line.

    F A C E D F A C D C# C B A G F E D


    Next up we have the Bebop scale that belongs to the Imaj7 chord.

    in Key of C major this is Cma7 CEGB

    it uses the Ionian mode


    we add a #5th to create a major Bebop scale.

    Like before we use it Descending mostly


    Lets Add a Emin7 to Cmaj7 Arpeggio to the intro of this line


    We have now seen the 3 important Bebop scales to use.


    Next we have the ability to expand upon these Bebop scales to add more chromatics so that we have more variety to use at our disposal.
    Let's start ff with our Dmoninant7 Bebop scale for G7

    we add in the F#


    Descending this gives us

    G F# F E D C B A G

    If we add in the arpeggios Bmin7flat to G7 to the intro we get


    we can add in a A# and a G# to our bebop scale watch

    G F#F E D C B A# A G# G

    You can see this gives us an additional note A on our chord tones which land on the "on" beat in red

    this creates the structure of G9 GBDFA

    This gives us more options for our lines regarding note distances when dealing with STEPWISE vs LEAPS while changing notes.

    It also gives us a way to have more detail when playing faster tempos.

    Let's look at the added chromatic notes available for the Major Bebop scale in C amjor KEY


    we can add in the D# and C# watch how it comes out when descending


    You can see we have an additional D note as a chord tone on the "on" beat in red

    this makes our structure for this line a CMaj9 CEGBD

    We have now expanded our Bebop scales to include extra chromatics and giving us more tonal options and variety when playing.


    Lets now take a structure of Dmin9 to G9 to Cmaj9 DFACE,GBDFA,CEGBD)

    We will use arpeggios ascending, Bebop scales with added chromatics Descending like we just discussed in order to see this in action.




  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Lets now take a look at one of the advantages of our extended Bebop scales with extra chromatic notes.

    Let's say we are Descending a bebop scale from root on the G7


    this works well ,because we have our 8 notes that match up correctly for the swing 8th notes.

    But we have traveled from G to G again we ended up a octave lower than we started.

    Sometimes we do not want to travel this far even though we want 8 note pattern and we want to descend.

    let's look at our extended G7 Bebop scale with chromatics descending


    here we have the extra added notes of A# and G#

    IF we wanted an 8 note pattern we can break it up different ways based on the chord tones of the G7

    lets say we want 8 note descending pattern from B


    interesting we got a string of notes more bunched up together and ending on a D note a chord tone of G7

    lets try same thing but from D


    interesting again we get a pattern that lines right up with a chord tone at the end

    how about from F our 7th


    very cool we ended right on our root

    so adding in these extra chromatic notes gives us a way to have more control over the distance of the notes we are traveling
    we can travel octave to ocatve in 8 notes with the standard bebop scales

    and with the extended bebop scales we can travel chord tone to chord tone with notes closer together

    This can come in handy when playing faster or when wanting to add in triplets and faster note durations
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  17. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    dont forget to use the ignore button friends.......if a disease is not acknowledged sometimes it just poof!!! disappears
  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    "Playing fast with the notes to fill the track without comparing the different combinations carefully is the ignorance", said Foster.:shalom:
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Now we are going to explore more connections in lines.

    lets stay in C major for simplicity

    and a foundation of
    Dmin9 DFACE and go to G9 GBDFA to Cmaj9 CEGBD

    We will start with an enclosure around the D

    so E C# D

    Then ascend to the F

    E C# D F

    Now go right into an enclosure of the G to begin the G9

    so A F# G

    Then ascend to the B up to D

    A F# G B D

    here is the whole line so far

    E C# D F A F# G B D

    Now ascend up to E and finally descend to land on long C note.

    E C# D F A F# G B D E C

    Now finally we are going to modify to make the first 6 notes a sextuplet

    E C# D F A F# G B D E C long ring out
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  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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