+100 I'm on the same continent as you SineWave, but way up north in Scandinavia. I guess you're somewhere further south, cause this 'joint' thing that you speak of is illegal here
This joint thing isn't really legal here, too, but that doesn't make it completely unavailable, and they cannot put you in jail for just smoking it. ;P Well, at least while there are still no security cameras in our homes... speaking of which: I really like your avatar Thisis Theend. Your username always reminds me of that Infected Mushroom album "The Doors remixed". I love that album. Check it out if you can. Or maybe you prefer the original? I like the original Doors, too, but Infected Mushroom really did a great job.
SineWave, Well, considering that I may very well be on some stupid NSA (or local equivalent) list already, I can't say anything about drugs for certain. But I guess you can find some stuff up here too, though it may not always be easy. And you'd only go to jail if you had a certain amount, so I suppose if you got caught with just a joint you would end up paying some hefty fines. Of course, I'm only speculating here... And the original, yeah I friggin love it. One of the best songs ever. I think both Mr Mojo Risin' and Ray Manzarek were true geniuses, not to mention bona fide rebels. The world needs more of those. Didn't know about that Infected Mushroom album, will def look for that one. Thanks for the tip