Isotonik Studios - Modulat (Signal) Introduction Guide

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Gyro Gearloose, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    THIS PRODUCT WAS FORMERLY KNOWN AS SIGNAL Modulat is a MaxforLive Toolkit of prebuilt modules that you can use to effect parameters, output audio and generally be awesome. Spawn a module from the menu and connect it up using patch cords, this is MaxforLive without the coding!
    PDATED: MODULAT – 1.221 – Phase IV
    Introducing the Note Out module:
    • Outputs MIDI Notes with a trigger, pitch value and velocity value signals.
    • Similar to the Note In module, pitch and velocity values can be scaled (-1 to 1) or raw (0 to 127). Because of rounding errors when dealing with floating point values, it is advised to use raw values for the pitch.
    • This module is able to prevent any incoming MIDI notes from being send out by default. This way you can mix the Note Out notes with the already existing notes or not.

    Introducing the Route module:
    • Up to 8 inputs and outputs can be routed in any way imaginable doing a drag and drop on the input and output names within very similar to how inputs and outputs of modules can be connected. Click on a connection to delete it and click on an input or output to delete all of its connections.
    • You can switch between different setups or routing combinations with the setup number at the top making it possible to change the routing of other modules dynamically. The maximum amount of setup numbers can be set as well. It is advised to not use high values unless actually needed as high values will increase the loading time for Modulat slightly.
    • The DSP part of the module is being compiled on the fly to ensure efficiency. If an input, output or a setup number isn’t used, the CPU usage will not increase. You can use this module for very simple tasks such as a gate without having to worry about wasting CPU usage on all of the other things the module could do.
    • Copy and paste works as usual across different Modulat instances and even carries over to other Livesets.
    Formerly known as Signal, Modulat is a toolbox of modules that can be connected together to create or modify signals from Ableton Live, transform and output them as Audio or control for parameters. Begin by spawning modules from the menu and then connect them with patch cords by clicking on each modules inputs (left) and outputs (right). You can click on any output to monitor its signal within the scope and all modules run at audio rate. Use the Audio In & Out Modules to exchange signals between devices or to send & receive control voltage.

    Modulat is a node based / modular playground for control signals such as LFOs, envelopes and automations. Most Max for Live control devices have a lot of issues and limit the possibilities by completely taking over the control of a parameter in Live. Signal uses audio signals for all its calculations and lets you route them however you want giving you a lot more options while keeping the highest quality possible along with staying sample accurate.

    Additionally it eliminates chain mapping, where you would use an LFO on another one. Since every mapping in Live introduces a delay as well as CPU usage, chain mapping is not useful at all. With Modulat you only need one mapping to make everything possible. You can always add another signal and keep expanding the setup. Especially by using multiple instances you can use Lives own routing to mix control signals, record them and play them back in any way using the session view, the Looper device or simply by triggering them using Simpler/Sampler.

    Additionally Modulat is the only device on the market that provides a workaround to control parameters in sync with Live by compensating for the delay. You can find out more about this workaround on page 10 of the user guide linked below.

    The modules in Modulat are versatile, you don’t need a lot of them to create something useful. With a lot of additional features that haven’t been done before, bypassing mapped parameters for example, Signal is the ultimate control device.

    With the flexibility Modulat becomes a meta language, you can basically create your own control devices exactly how you like it without actually having to program them in Max. Signal takes away all the work of getting the basics to work and leaves you only with the decision making.


    Audio In / Out – Receive and send audio using the device inputs and outputs.

    Dial – This module simply outputs the dial value, which can be automated.

    MIDI In / Out – Receives and sends MIDI data.

    Note In – Receives MIDI notes and outputs a trigger, pitch and velocity signal.

    Observer – This module outputs the value of any parameter in Live.

    Remote – Controls parameters in Live with the incoming signal.


    Envelope – Generates an AHDSR curve controlled by a trigger signal input with an output range of 0 to 1.

    Follower – This module expects an audio signal input and generates a signal that follows the incoming amplitudes.

    LFO – The curve is customizable and the presets in the list above can be used as a starting point.

    Noise – This module outputs random values within the range specified (including the low and high values themselves).

    Step – This module is basically a step sequencer. It allows the use of curves and all kind of shapes, but with the dials at the bottom it is designed to be used as a step sequencer.


    Function – This module translates an incoming signal using a customizable curve.

    Spread – This module will take multiple inputs and adds a value to it speci#ed with the number directly next to the input.


    Jitter – This module creates a jitter signal with a customizable frequency, which you can then mix together with other signals.

    Smooth – This module takes a signal and smoothes it out to avoid quick movements.


    Clock – This module generates a clock signal that loops after a set amount of bars.

    Counter – Whenever this module receives a trigger ON value it will count the Milliseconds, samples or beats (quarter notes / clock signal) that have passed.

    Delay – This module can delay a signal with positive values as well as negative, which will add latency.

    Swing – With this module you can apply swing onto any signal.

    Static Delay – An incoming signal can be delayed without the ability to automate the delay time. This has the advantage of using a more efficient method for delaying and is suggested to use when no automation is needed. These two controls for milliseconds and samples are already included in most input and output modules. This module simply allows you to use them anywhere in the signal flow.

    Trigger Delay – Trigger signals can be delayed with any delay module, but by using this module the three trigger states are separated and delayed individually.

    Trigger Duration – This module can limit the duration of trigger signals with a minimum and maximum length that can be speci+ed in milliseconds or samples. Both the minimum and maximum values can be controlled in audio rate by connecting signals into the module inputs. To deactivate the maximum limitation entirely with a signal, make sure the signal is 0 since a value of 0 will deactivate the limitation just as the activation buttons would.


    Math – You can perform basic math operations by selecting a method in the drop down.

    Movement – This module analyses an incoming signal and reports its movement.

    Range – The incoming signal will be kept within a customizable range.

    Scale – This module allows you to scale a signal by using 4 reference points. If the module receives the value speci#ed in the top left, it will result in the value shown in the top right. The same goes for the bottom two values.


    Mix – This module simply mixes multiple signals together.

    Trigger Merge – This simple module will analyse multiple trigger signals and create a single.

    PLEASE NOTE: Users of Live 10.0.5 and below (also Live 9) need to manually connect Live to the latest version of Max 8, details Are in the installation section towards the bottom of this page.
  3. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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  4. CharlieCrizzle

    CharlieCrizzle Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2019
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    This is the only software /plug-in esque thing that I actually spent my hard earned money on in the last year. I was optimistic about the price initially, but Modulat quickly proves to be worth SO MUCH more. It opens up possibilities in the DAW that just weren't capable before. It makes ableton and everything in it better. If modulation tickles your interest, if you are passionate about sound design, or if you just flat out like getting weird in ableton, I could go as far as saying Modulat is a must have.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  5. CharlieCrizzle

    CharlieCrizzle Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2019
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    Oh, and besides being awesome, its fucking fun, which is kinda the goal right?
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019
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