Is this RAM some kind of ¨Super RAM¨?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Mixtic, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. TW

    TW Guest

    The numbers of 10% and 60 % performance are real-world numbers from sites like Had to do some statistics about consumer builts for my work (research). No theoretical numbers. The percentages are an average of users that built or bought a pc system with these CPUs and made a CPU benchmark test to compare it with others.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That is what I was talking about. Physical cores, not Hyperthreading (logical ones). You still need multithreading (software) for multi-core CPUs, among other things.

    I'm not saying real-time stuff isn't best suited for multi-core CPUs versus, for instance, data-crunching like rendering and stuff. But still the perfomance is not bad.
  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Err ... i don't mean to make a fuss here but how exactly you came up to the conclusion that the 1800x is 60% faster than an i5 8600k. Here:
    And i mean, sadly for us, we 're DAW users and single core speed is still crucial. When DAWs mature enough that you can throw them a 32core/64 thread Threadripper 2 and get all cores running at the same speed within the DAW, then i will be the first to put aside my Intel machines and go all the way AMD. I hate Intel's former reign anyway lol. Till then though there is still some way to go.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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  5. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    not necessarily, it depends,
    if i have to choose between 8700 and 8600k i get multithreading on the i7, at the cost of base-clock speed and i cannot oc.
    and costs more.
    on the other side you need a pricier mainboard for overclocking the i5 + aftermarket cooler.

    for a daw I'm not really a big fan of overclocking like gamers do, but a healthy increase, lets say 4,6 Ghz is a phenomenal performance gain.
    because what really matters is the headroom you have left on your most taxed core, if you overload only one core for any reason you get crackles.

    a daw with all its connections, plugins and stuff running is a delicate situation for real time performance, its not necessary bad to have multithreading, its just another spot that can create issues, this varies a lot with hardware setup, plugins, and daw.
    while reaper has issues to use the full potential of such cpus, S1 is exceptionally good at this.

    generally high clocked real cores give a reliable stable overall experience around all software.
  6. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    Ableton is focused on real time performance, not good at multithreading like reaper,S1,Cubase, not efficient, but reliable in a live situation.
  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    My last year's tests on a 7900X (10core/20 thread,SkylakeX,3.3ghz) Intel (both stock clock and all cores turbo to 4.3ghz) showed the exact opposite. Reaper exhibited the best multi-core performance and S1 was one of the worst a lil better than Ableton Live. Especially when we 're talking realtime performance, S1 was the one to crash more frequently when overloaded with huge projects, more than any other DAW.
    To S1's defense perhaps the cracked version i used to do my tests wasn't ideally cracked or my version was problematic ?... I have Reaper, Cubase, Sonar, Live and Acid Pro all original editions. I would loved it, if it isn't much fuss for you, if you can post a print screen of a heavily threaded project in S1 and cpu all core performance monitor. I really like S1 and if it works the way you say i'd be happy to re-give it a shot.
  8. TW

    TW Guest

    yap multicore mixed speed.
    And for the 10 %, you have be aware of that the core turbo from Intel is always single core speed. All DAWs are multithreading, so the real CPU speed is lower in turbo mode. For the I5 8600k the turbo speed is, I think 4300 MHz 1 core. All daws activate all cores from the start. The all core turbo is I am not sure, would have to check it, but usually it is 200 - 400 MHz lower so let's say 4100 MHz. True single core benchmarks are useless for Intel and daws and nearly every modern piece of software.

    But that is a completely other topic. All I wanted to say at the beginning is check out the ryzen cpus they are dropping in price at the moment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  9. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    for all my years with computers , computer processor talk still makes my eyes cross and brain go all blank
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  10. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Do not buy AMD Ryzen, it has serious problems with audio! Mentioned all over the internet, unless you pay 2000$ to get a 1000$ Intel performance!
    See here for customisizng the originpc M-class
    AMD.png intel core.png intel Xeon.png
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  11. TW

    TW Guest

    Really mate? source please? Would be an interesting read.

    A ryzen TR1920x is ~ half the price of a comparable intel like the i9 7900x at the moment if I am not totally mistaken.

    And I don't think we are talking about a Xeon or an epyc here. But nevermind ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  12. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I have already added the the reference.
    For further reading look at here:
    Just in case compare the purple one on the left with others
    2018-08-20 21_25_26-Pro Audio Workstation and the Correct CPU Processors - 3XS.png
    2018-08-20 21_26_19-Pro Audio Workstation and the Correct CPU Processors - 3XS.png
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    No you are not mistaken, it is almost half the price, 7900x costs about 950 dlrs, 1920X is about 530 dlrs. The 1920x wins in heavily threaded apps as well. Thing is, the worse problem with Ryzen/Threadripper cpus arises when latency has to be low, ie. realtime audio recording with a full heavy project underneath running. As correctly explained by the techs at scan uk, those seeking to work at low latencies will/should go for an Intel cpu. Especially Threadripper cpus are plagued by the exact same latency problems dual Xeon server grade machines exhibit when used for DAW purposes. Personally 2 years ago, i was hoping to get rid of Intel in my lil domain, but it looks they 're going nowhere anytime soon.
    Users with video rendering, scientific multi-threaded loads will have np using a Threadripper or even Ryzen cpu, more over for them going AMD is a much smarter choice, although the Intel ecosystem is more mature, Intel will have to do a lot of work to match or even get close the new Threadripper 2's multi-threaded performance in those and other similar workloads, especially once they iron out the kinks of the new chip and bring more a mature chipset/mobo series in the market... For DAW usage though, sigh, i still have -as many others- my reservations.
  14. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    And none are mentioning the audio interface - usb interface could never have really low latency - if this is the primary aspect (kontakt instruments actually played) then a pci interface is necessary. but there is a huge problem because there is nothing cheap - either used and old or expensive RME sound cards. For low latency performance hyperthreading doesn't help much - although most daw software companies will not admit it!
  15. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    It all depends on the DAW, so technically both TW and taskforce are right. Most of the DAW's aren't that great with multi-core processors, so I wouldn't buy eight-core CPU if you are using, let's say, Pro Tools. Four-core processors are a golden standard now.

    However, I personally bought 1800x, because I use Reaper and this beast handles eight-cores really well. That's probably, because the author uses eight-core Xeon all the time (source:

    You need to verify yourself if your DAW can utilize that many cores. If not, go for faster single-core.
  16. TW

    TW Guest

    No offense but in this article is a lot of technical false Information.
    A ryzen is not a epyc. Different substrate, differet dice...
    Nevermind i ignore that superficial knowledge ... but I can't take the article serious now.

    The ryzen first gen is capable of low latency. In any way you need it. Yes, a intel can handle low latency a bit better but for the double of the price ...
    The statement that a ryzen even a 1st gen has serious problems with audio is still absolute nonsense.

    I would say the main reason why a ryzen lack a bit in audio performance compared to a intel are the floating point pipelines which are 128 bits wide compared to intels 256 bit floating point pipelines. This makes the zen use another clock cycle because the instructions have to be split into 2 instructions. Floating point and AVX calculation are a big part of VST effects and vstis.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2018
  17. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    check this:
    Same price (if you consider motherboard, nearly double price!) , and lower performance of Ryzen 7 2700X :
    At 48Khz / 64 smpl: i7 8700K is ahead of 2700X by almost 46%

    and check this:
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2018
  18. Mixtic

    Mixtic Guest

    Yah, I am kinda gettin´ now. I am planning on using a lot of serum instances alongside Kontakt, so I am for sure trying to find a balance between CPU and RAM. But when it comes to Kontakt I always purge my midi, and it saves me so much RAM it´s insane. But knowing how things are today, I am gonna want more than I think I need, especially when it comes to upcoming libraries. If I get the 8700k, I know that my homie has full capability of overclocking it, but I guess I am just more curious now if I should just wait or get either i7 8700k or the i5 8600k. It just seems it would make more sense to get the i7, but maybe the i5 overclocked has more capability than the i7 8700k overclocked when it comes to overcoming latency issues, and running as many instruments as I can. I am just really contemplating to wait like you said, but I also just want to get to work already. I also know that with windows 10 there are a lot of things that takes up storage, and RAM such as Cortana, and and other things that Windows caches. But my homie says he can get that taken off during installation. My friend sounds really elusive here, but he´s just one of my close friends who is really into tech XD
  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    How is this relevant to this topic i dunno but anyway,
    It's been sometime since i 've wrote these again, but USB 3 and Thunderbolt cards are all over the market. You must have missed the past 2-3 years showdown? A USB 3.0 device-to-device connection has something like 0.003 ms latency before the driver. Now driver soft is very important but that is up to the tech skills of the engineers who write driver code for each company and has nothing to do with the protocol itself which is several times more efficient and bares very little resemblance in terms of performance to its older gen brother known as USB2.
    If RME cards seem expensive to you, perhaps you should re-evaluate what you consider pro gear my friend. I mean something like a Lexicon Alpha or Focusrite Scarlett Solo is NOT pro gear and you 'd be a fool trying to squeeze performance out of such an interface. Still, for what they 're worth they are ok i guess...
    RMEs are at the same price range as any other high end card with similar features. At the end of the day the top RME models have the best latency performance in the market which makes them a popular choice for a huge bunch of different individuals (or should i say pros here?), despite the seemingly high price.
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well, there are various free softies that you can install and do away with Cortana and most of the Windows 10 spyware, even if you are a noob in computing.
    Now seriously. There is no way you can yield more performance out of the i5 vs the i7 lol. Latency issues ? With what, the i7 ? Which part of what was written gave you this idea ? If your homie can oc an unlocked i5 he can oc an unlocked i7 too lol. Faster is better as long as he doesn't try to reach record frequencies with your cpu heheh. This is a DAW machine we 're talking about and system stability should be the target you should aim for first and foremost. The most typical - as i wrote earlier- would be for you to get a nice cpu cooler, Air or liquid AIO, and try turning all cores to turbo from the bios and let the mobo do the work by itself. This will automatically switch an 8700k from a 3.7ghz stock clock freq to a constant 4.7 ghz. Depending on the cpu and mobo this may or may not be stable. Many other motherboard variables factor in as well and it would take about 2 pages to explain them in detail. An experienced overclocker would know how to get a stable system even if it means aiming for lower freqs. If you don't trust your bud to be a serious oc'er, just let the system at stock clocks, and that is my advice and opinion.
    Oh and since you want both Serums and Kontakts get the unlocked i7 with 32gb of ram. But not the 8700k lol but the upcoming i7 9700k (8 core-8 thread) or the i9 9900k (8core/16 thread). Hold your horses :guru:
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
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