is this graphic design or what its called? how much would it cost to do something like that

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by samsome, Jan 4, 2021.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    from 18:32:19:00

    is this something i can do easily? i guess it takes someone who knows how to draw with years of experience right? I don't have any

    but anyway, who's job is to do things like that? graphic designer? animator? what its called? thanks
  3. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    It’s animation really I would say, as in something any animator could do, but then in the likes of after effects it’s quite easy if you have the source material from an illustrator.

    Edit: someone that can caricature or stylise an image with layers could output it for simple animation in AE, but it would take time to learn. For a pro illustrator or animator, it’s really straightforward.



    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
  4. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    I think yes .
    With a bit of dedication of course
    Learning how to create Cartoon Figures is easy.(Nothing have to be perfect )
    Learning how to draw also. (Just do it )
    Learning how to use an animation tool too. (Maybe the simplest of this 3)

    Blender is the Tool for everything in animation (Freeware)

    How long do it take to learn .... . 2-3 Weeks to learn the basics . Animations like the ones in the Video 1-3 Months . Specially since most of it are simple animations paths ... Not step by step animation which is a lot harder.

    Fans of Queens Bee call them PowerPoint animations (really this is low budget stuff still would take for this short clip in the Video 1-3 Days to make for a Beginner ) A Semi Pro would take 1-3 Hours or less.

    A Normal Episode of a series like the Simpsons or Family Guy (25min =45000 pictures with 30FPS (Frames per Second)) took 1-2 Years in Production (MacFarlane has explained that normally it takes 10 months to produce an episode because the show uses hand-drawn animation)

    South Park with it's simpler Still 1-2 weeks for a Big Team

    Naming one of the biggest Guy´s in the Business
    MacFarlane went on to study film, video, and animation at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), where he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2021

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Animators do things like that. The real cost with something like this is the actual development and creation of the puppets. Once that is done bringing them into a scene and manipulating them as long as you have the right views isn't that bad. You can also use custom heads on pre-made puppets which is what they did in your video above.

    Though you could do this in After Effects it's not ideal. Adobe has Character Animator and Animate (used to be Flash) for the actual art and sometimes After Effects is used for compositing, non drawn effects and specular effects which is what it is good for. It depends if you are looking to become an animator working for someone else you should probably see what is most in demand regionally.

    Like everything else if you put the time into it, it's not so bad. If you are going to be working by yourself and not in a large team and are a beginner I would recommend Moho Debut it's around 60 dollars and you could make a movie with it if you really wanted to but the meta data and asset management would get taxing. If you are planning to work for someone else then you probably should learn ToonBoom and take classes. Studios like scenes and assets arranged and story boarded in very specific ways. it's more like professional screen writing than it is like audio form matters so much nobody will even look at your work if the format is wrong.
  6. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I would call that pretty bare bones animation... nothing overly complicated about what theyre doing and can be done fairly quickly even with basic animation software. You can definitely do this in After Effects using a few script libraries. If you're looking for something ab bit more robust to create and rig characters, something like Cartoon Animator would be my choice:
  7. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    Blender is too much for this. It is a simple 2D animation which was probably made in Adobe animate ( or an older version of Flash).
    I do this stuff occasionally. It's not hard when you know the workflow. It helps a lot if you can draw. Learning to use any animation package from scratch will take at least a few weeks to familiarize yourself with the program. Truth is there are many ways you can achieve a simple animation like this. I've even done old school hand-drawn animation using photoshop on a few occasions.
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    if you mean instant easy, then i think there are premade cartoon-animations where you just drag and drop and animate preset-figures. cant remember though what program or service it is.

    if you mean easy as in "doable" after just some time , then sure! blender has 2d drawing animation that you could work out something simple with after some intensive days

    that animation you demoed is luckily very "stiff" cartoonish in its style and therefor not as labor intensive as it can get with more 3d looking animations and with realistic shadings etc.
  9. AudioTee

    AudioTee Kapellmeister

    Oct 19, 2018
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    It's animation without too many frames.
  10. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    adobe flash (pro)? now called adobe animate???
  11. Chaindog

    Chaindog Platinum Record

    Dec 12, 2016
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    This is probably made in an 2D Animation software.
    I personally like Cartoon Animator by Reallusion, and also MOHO Pro 13.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
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  12. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    blender may be too much for that kind of animation but its the only thing thats free thatll do it, but for others yeah after effects or character animator adobe is pretty much it. after effects is more mograph and complex character animations i've seen people use it for.
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