is there a way to have Two Waves versions that are shared plugins from sister site?

Discussion in 'Software' started by arthez, Mar 14, 2024.

  1. arthez

    arthez Newbie

    Jul 6, 2023
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    FL Studio uses .fsts and you can't edit the locations it saves. They use things called waveshells, and when you install a r2r version, which the version I have installed: WC 27.05.20 W11, These waveshells are under different version numbers, and the installs require to delete all of the previous locations of your previous install. I have tried to update in the past, and ended up going through the hassle twice as the plugins wouldn't open or work anymore in old sessions.
    I am not sure what to do. There's no plugins like vocal bender with the flat pitch that my friend uses. it was a very good way to get different sounds out of the vocal and have it still crisp and prominent in the mix. and a bunch of other plugins I would like to try, but I have the same version I listed still as I kind of need to use all the projects I have with them.

    Any suggestions? is there a no-install version? can I setup 2 different install locations? having one on my main drive and another on a seperate drive? yea. not sure what to do.
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