Is Rap Criminogenic?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by black.afrika.zulu.x, Sep 23, 2018.

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  1. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Just writing to inform those who are not aware that Oduwole's conviction for attempting to make a terrorist threat was overturned. Since Oduwole did not appeal his conviction and sentence for possession of a weapon in a public building that conviction was affirmed. See attached copy of the appellate decision.

    Just on a side note, even though the professor in the video emphasizes that the jury was not heterogeneous and representative of the citizenry at large that issue was not raised by Oduwole on his appellate brief. See attached brief.

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  2. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    what a stupìd post.
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  3. I shot the Sheriff, but I swear it was in self defense. He came into my house without a warrent and without announcing who he was. I was in my studio working on some beats, my cans on one ear, the other off so I could try out some lines I been writting, that's how I do it...when I heard my kitchen door open, and hard enough that one of the French pain windows cracked and shattered onto the floor from hitting the edge of the refrigerator. I stepped out real quiet, low, with the small Louisville Slugger baseball bat in my right hand that I keep next to the desk, the one that I used to use when I was a little kid in little league. I heard him say, "Boy, I know you here, I heard that shit you call music playing when I walked in". As he started moving to where I was crouched down behind the easy chair in the living room I heard him pull out his gun from his holster. He took a step on that loose board between the kitchen and living room and and so I knew exactly that he was only two steps from where I was hiding. My intention was only to knock the gun away from him if I could and run away out of the house, put some distance between me and him and then call 911, but he moved so quick for an old man, that fucker. The creaky old floor must have given me away because as I pivoted around just before I was to swing down on his arm, that loud crunk sound did it's thing. He grabbed my arm and I put my other hand over the gun and all my weight on it to aim it away from me, kicking at his shins, fighting for my life. Just before the shot went off he yelled at me, "You stupid fucking nigger" and then bang...I think that it was the loudest noise that I ever heard. He made a sound like the wind got knocked out of him. We both at the same time stepped back from each other and then I saw the red spot at his collar start spreading out like a maroon shadow. The gun had fallen to the ground and I kicked it away so he couldn't try to pick it up again and try to shoot me, but he just kind of squatted down on the ground then fell foward, blood running out onto the brown plank floor, the pool spreading out and getting bigger by the second . For a few minutes I guess that I just stood there in shock, shaking, and I guess that I peed myself. I never saw a dead person before.Then I called 911. You'all came down and now I'm under arrest? And now you want to charge me with murder and serve 35 years to life? #Fuckthat!
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  4. "Crime" is a notion tossed about by coercive pre-civilized people in attempts to reify their status games and squabbling over territory. Voluntary citizenship is the only kind that isn't based upon violent subjugation. Every other kind knowingly alienates and disenfranchises a large portion of the population, who an elite minority effectively sacrifice for the stability, comfort, (and thus acquiescence) of the majority.

    Music, at its most political, questions and attacks oppressive power dynamics. But not all agree as to what those are, or if they are justified. Defensive people will often interpret depiction of scary realities as being endorsements, because it confirms their biases and helps them to not feel responsible for the suffering and exploitation of others.

    tl;dr - Music can be revolutionary, but one person's revolution is another person's crime.
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  5. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    *She didn't scream therefore she wasn't raped; and why was she wearing such a short dress anyway.* :woot::snuffy::dont:
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  6. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    I wonder what ever happened to this case:

    Putting aside this woman's assumptive opinions and SJW cause, I don't think anyone should go to jail unless it's plain as day they already made a threat. Past tense. Regardless of this dudes intentions, thinking of making a threat, jotting it down in your private notes, should not be a crime.

    Is Rap Criminogenic? Couldn't tell you due to the assumptive nature of the logic no matter which you take. What I can say is that often Rap is descriptive of crimes already committed or going to take place. Rap lyrics have even been used to solve murder cases. While a lot of it, perhaps most, is just hot air, some of it is basically a journal.

    Anyways, it's BS this guy went through all that over some crap he wrote down in private.
  7. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    What is SJW?
    Pre-crime? Thought crime?

    Which ones?

    Doesn't that make you wonder about the ratio: the amount of rap lyrics ("though crimes") admitted as evidence--placing the burden of proof on the accused, as well as expensive legal fees, including bail, and a lengthy trial that interferes with your life--that in the end amount to just a waste of time; to the amount of lyrics that do describe real crimes. Is it fair to impose such a burden? And honestly, if a detective has to rely on rap lyrics that means he's got nothing and is fishing for anything that might stick. COME ON!

    You say that so begrudgingly, and as an afterthought.:no:
  8. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    pretty obvious...that a lot of info get passed by you...
    guys you will wonder who get polarized by media in future...didnt you kno xavier naidoo is a russian nazi lol...
    but the rap and crime talk i so old...since day one of rap this dumb discussion of little horizon humans is on...
    but rap creates an Independence state of mind and independen society,attitutde bla....thats why it get pushed...rap is politic...thats why they push it in wrong direction
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
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  9. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    Who is Xavier Naidoo? And what did he do?
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  10. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    herr durr you been lied bout herr wife mother is jewish , guess in what she not believin...
    and when people would kno enough bout history they would see the lies....
    if herr h was like this you say...i had kill the island in 2 weeks more airstrikes but he didnt want to fck civils...and he never would had let the 300000 tomys flee over the canal...
    but you give comment on stuff you even didnt watch and think you kno it all lol...brainwashed
    go to the lands ask the old people there...poland, nowadays ukraine war the people told that even the germans didnt fire on civil towns like elite does nowaydays...but im just a terrorist on i not ..herr weak
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
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  11. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    its so hard to understand that aristocrats never were gone und rule hidden...
    rothshild did insider trade on waterloo..that was the start...and adam weishaupt in wilhelmsbad did the rest.....and in french revulotion only the good aristotrcates were killed...
    you guys would say also terrorsit to an jewish rabi who burn israel flag in front of london embassy....
    and american KZ are all over the world....look to america its a capital fascist nazi state where the all the folks get polarized hard by media against each other...
    ----and we here checken gar nix bis es wieder los geht...10 jahre vlt noch....die fangen doch schon mord und totschlag an wenn se nix zu essen haben wenn supermarkte 3 tage zu sind...weil keiner mehr nachhaltig lebt......
  12. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    so ruf die cops lass mich einsperren....die machen das wenn de die drauf stummts...demokratie pur-
    hast du uberhaupt eine ahnung wie deine rechte beschnitten wurden in letzten 2 jahren...ddr2

    und klar der klimawandel löst gewitter auf, klar....
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
  13. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Xavier Naidoo i a german musician , famous....he is brown skinned and has india roots i think...but he is now also a nazi cause he can use his brain and opened his mouth...
  14. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    and the best is most muslims who scream nazi to a german cause it comes always handy....are for the most erdogan fascist nazis and what so ever...for sure not left wing ..ok ,except for the great kurds .Peshmerga..
    you can see the amount of brainwash when a artist like herr dur has attitude as he were magheret thatcher..artist were always able to see thing clear...not nowaydays...
    and herr dur im not from west...grown up with kanacks..and i feel like a german kanack...most germans are pffff
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    "Putting aside this woman's assumptive opinions and SJW cause, I don't think anyone should go to jail unless it's plain as day they already made a threat. Past tense. Regardless of this dudes intentions, thinking of making a threat, jotting it down in your private notes, should not be a crime." - me

    If it's such an after thought then why did I address it first? You likely read it because you asked what an SJW is. You can not read minds and you have zero evidence as to what I'm feeling when I wrote any of that so just shove that assumption up your *********.

    As to your questions, do a search. It takes little effort and one would think someone who actually wanted to know would have done so until they found an example, negating the need to ask the questions in the first place.

    Look,if a person, of any color, describes a crime that person committed in lyrics, words, ect, of any music, poem, ect, and the police detectives are tipped off to it, said police can use that to find evidence and or corroborate other evidence of a crime depending on the details. That's reasonable.

    I was raised in the hood, crime was a way of life for me and many people I ran with. Putting those crimes, or crimes yet to be, into lyrics is nothing new to me. Not the brightest idea but when you don't gaf, you don't gaf. Street cred goes a long way in the crime game.
  16. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I'm learning about the one sided perspective of some peoples more now actually. Surely the police found more evidence then a note with scribbles. 5 years is too long...... For what? Unauthorized weapons charge? Was the weapon justified? Did he pose a previous threat? Hopefully someone is taking care of his commissary.... Heartbreaking if these were the only facts. Sure glad my ears were always too sensitive to play with any guns.... :(:(:sad::sad:
  17. alex921

    alex921 Producer

    Jan 27, 2016
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    To answer your question: No, Rap is not Criminogenic, Rap is in fact Rap. Criminogenic is Criminogenic.

    No my question from me to you, is God Jesus?
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I have no idea what you are trying to say .. but again I love the spelling...
    And despite your many threats to leave.. gosh.. you're still here.. you're the kind of cat we need around the house
    don ever change.. and don never leave :yes:

    keep working on it though, someday you can achieve what this guy has

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2018
  19. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Your analogy is misplaced. The statements of the professor regarding the jury composition are misleading. As a professor or Criminology she should know that juries composed solely of one racial group are not prohibited in the United States. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the right of a criminal defendant to a jury selection process that is free from racial, ethnic, or gender discrimination. The requirement of a jury from a representative cross section of the community applies only to jury panels or venires from which petite juries are chosen and not to the composition of the petite juries themselves. A defendant is not entitled to a petite jury containing or lacking members of any particular race. A defendant is only entitled to a jury selection free of discrimination. I only made the observation because regardless of what the professor said, Owudele's attorneys did not feel that such a violation (known as a Batson violation) occurred at his trial. Had a Batson violation taken place, Owodule's attorneys would have raised it on appeal. A Batson violation entitles a defendant to a new trial.:guru:
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  20. black.afrika.zulu.x

    black.afrika.zulu.x Platinum Record

    Oct 23, 2017
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    What is an SJW?

    Onus probandi "He who asserts must prove"--you said rap lyrics have been used to solve murders; furthermore, that rap lyrics have been used to stop crimes before they took place. This is science fiction, bro. You can't just make these claims and then ask me to prove them for you. What murders?!?

    Colour? Sounds like you have an agenda here...hmmm...Also, stop with the hypotheticals and counterfactuals. Talk about something that actually happened.

    I'm sorry you grew up in a crime-ridden neighbourhood, I didn't, and I don't feel that the type of wild lyrics I used to jot in my scrapbook in high school should be used to criminalise me and put me in jail. Even if my neighbourhood had criminals in it.

    This is exhausting!
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