Is it Me or?

Discussion in 'Software' started by jefft, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Is it me or does anyone else find Native Instruments Maschine software horendous to work with. Ive had Maschine Mk3 for over a year, and still cant come to terms with using the unit. I dont regard myself a newbie, as Ive been using music software since the Eighties, when Cubase was on a couple of floppy discs, and have kept uptodate with the current software scene. Theres loads of you tube stuff regarding Maschine, but nothing thats really intuitive... or is it just me?
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  3. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    It's me, too. And I've started with music software in the 80s, too. Probably we've developed a workflow that's completly different from a Maschine-based one.
    I think I just don't like to have an additional layer between my MIDI tracks and my sounds. Why should I use a cumbersome sequencer within the great sequencer my DAW provides?
    And it's not about me being stuck with the tape paradigm: I'm absolutely fine with Ableton/Bitwig style.
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  4. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I've been using Maschine for almost 10 years now. Been usink a MPC 1000 before that.

    I use Maschine inside Logic to program drums and create melodies/chords. The drums stay insde maschine with routed sound outputs while I drag and drop the MIDI for melodies out of Maschine into Logic for arrangging, MIDI operations, automation capabilities and a better signal flow and overall mixing startegy.

    I changed a setting in Maschine so that when duplicating scenes it also duplicates the patterns. If you don't enable this option and change something in patter xyz it changes it everywhere you used this pattern. So by setting it to Duplicate "Scene and Pattern" it saves you a lot of headaches.
  5. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Just spent three days trying to emulate a project on Maschine that I did in Studio One (just Drums and Bass) I thought everything was fine, and went off to try to create some drum sets from an aray of samples that I have amassed, after trying and failling to organise the library ( i was using a download expansion from the sister site), using a different PC I managed to extract a bunch of samples save to a USB drive, and load them into my library on the studio PC, and failing misrably as the samples put themselves into a NI categry within the library, which is not where I wanted them so I gave up. swearing in German, I then went back to my original attempt at creating the Studio One project, only to find that all the tracks had moved in time all over the place, I decided at that point that I have wasted far too much time with this half baked software, and are selling it.Any Offers?