Is it Chance Luck or Synchronicity in Life ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Spyfxmk2, Apr 1, 2018.

  1. Richard A Ruiz

    Richard A Ruiz Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2017
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    I do think that we are born mostly with our future written but have a great deal of choice as to how to maximize or minimize our paths. I don't believe in scientific naturalism so I believe in absolute free will which is kind of scary when you think about it.
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  2. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    word up doc

    You can choose a ready guide
    In some celestial voice
    If you choose not to decide
    You still have made a choice
    You can choose from phantom fears
    And kindness that can kill
    I will choose a path that’s clear
    I will choose free will.
  3. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    If chance = statistical probability, then chance it is. Although synchronicity might be seen to exist if you're speaking in terms of the concept of "zeitgeist". People arrive at the same or similar activities, thought patterns, and conclusions based upon the influence of their current environment; look at the invention of radio and calculus for good examples.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    what is the explanation for children's cancer ward in each city?

    (in terms of some type deepak chopra world view that our consciousness is fundamental and using the imagination creates reality)
    is disease just evil spirits basically?

    (my view is a human being exists no place as one object a soul could attach to we are trillions of living cells governed by chemistry)
    also how can one differentiate between fantasy and fiction if you think your thoughts create reality?

    for example superman and spiderman are fiction but a actual person is real.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    sorry that was duplicate
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    my position is none of the 3.
    instead the laws of physics emergent from quantum mechanics, up to level of physics up to level of chemistry up to level of biology.

    each human is a community of trillions of living cells, and since that combination is so complex we get a huge variety.

    we have 2 levels to deal with
    1 what our experience feels like.
    2. reality itself

    1. it comes across to us in our experience as ability to make choices and shape every aspect of our life. but our experience is virtual there is no 1 object or 1 personality but instead billions of streams of signals that we experience as unified even though is not unified.
    2. reality itself the way things actually work no reason to think we can make choices even though it "feels" that way through experience. we are pushed and pulled by trillions of facts of reality

    we are slaves never to be free from reality
    (except in our experience of imagination)

    there is such thing as "misunderstanding" meaning any sentence thought or proposition either matches the way things work or it does not.
    how do you purpose we differentiate?

    my purposal is that we evaluate each proposition against the way things actually work we know of to see if it matches or not best we can( getting information form reality instead our head)

    if we take the historical concepts of gods souls and afterlives

    these concepts say death is not real , yet data of reality shows death is the most real thing haha.

    all gods purposed are super hero type beings we never seen exist anywhere

    by the way nice to speak with you fine folks
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  7. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    @MMJ2017 thank you for sharing the above ^ :bow: :wink:
    I would like to ask you this in the most kind & respectful way :bow: :
    in everything you wrote & especially on your questions did you consider your insight/s & intuition first ? :wink::bow:
    Thank you for your time :bow:
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    hello friend,

    yes I give all considerations.
    what we have found through science is that human intuition is wrong. what i mean is that there is no connection between intuition and reality itself. for example for 10's thousands of years it was intuitive that "evil spirits" were the cause of illness and disease. once we developed a way to test reality itself to see what that answer was it turned out our intuition was wrong.

    we are capable of "misunderstanding".

    so how do we know if in some specific instance whether we are "understanding" or "misunderstanding"?

    I think the only way to find out is find a way to "step outside" our tiny sliver of human experience to see what the answer actually is, meaning get information about reality itself to find out the answer.

    my question is why did 10s thousands of years of meditating in caves and praying NEVER revealed that human beings are made of trillions of living cells? no religion no spirituality (thousands of them for more than centuries) ever got right what we could find out with a microscope. what does that tell us about intuition?

    how does intuition explain E=MC2 ?
    how does intuition explain that heavier objects fall at the same rate off a skyscraper?
    ( that a bowling ball which weighs 10 pounds and a tennis ball weighs a couple ounces both fall same rate)
    another example the quantum level of atoms and electrons, our intuition has zero understanding of that tiny of a scale. what about black holes which weight the mass of 10 billion suns( you can fit 1 million earths in 1 sun) what does our intuition have to say about that scale?

    don't get me wrong our intuition is great to study when it comes to psychology and sociology . but millions of individual instances of demonstrations have indicated that we cannot trust our intuition in terms of connecting to the way things actually work .

    there are actually people in this world in 2018 who think the earth is flat because they trust their intuition.
    (we have hundreds of millions of individual pieces of demonstrable evidence that the earth cannot possibly, probably or plausibly be flat ever. period.)

    here is another one.

    when a person has a 106 degree temperature, their intuition is that they are "freezing" . in actuality they are burning up.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  9. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Something to think about: if the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is true (and I think these days the majority of physicists subscribe to it) then in a certain sense consciousness - whatever it is - is immortal. It simply cannot be extinguished. There will always be a an "alternative" path where the subjective experience of consciousness survives. Your consciousness will travel along those roads forever.
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  10. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    reality is a illusion:guru:
  11. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    I agree with your sentiment. However, it should be realized that people are very often semantically imprecise and then apply their contextually correct conclusions to an overly broad range of situations.

    In other words, luck can be seen as some superstitious quality you're endowed with (or not!), being a pawn of God/Satan (insert your cast of deities here), or any other mechanism that leaves your fate at the whimsy of the universe. Yet some people may use the term luck to simply mean fortuitous opportunities which are difficult or impossible to predict with any accuracy. If you're looking at it that way, then you certainly can make your own luck by continuously placing yourself in statistically beneficial situations. Although you can't directly control nor accurately predict if/when any random stranger will decide to drop a suitcase full of cash at your feet, moving to the city instead of living in the country will certainly boost the odds.

    There are things we can do with absolute or near certainty of success, like changing a flat car tire. There are other things we have limited control over, things where we are subject to a degree of statistical chance. Changing any of the variables that determine that chance (even if not all variables can be altered) to be to your benefit could be termed as "making your own luck."

    In the context of everyday living, people can't build complex statistical models to gauge their chances in any meaningful way, so it's much easier to talk about things like luck and fate. Only mathematicians get off on studying such things and even then, a lot of things are too intensive to model currently -- and even then computing is required, so that makes it really difficult to "internalize" those notions or perceptions and integrate them into your worldview. So we might be stuck with behaving as if luck exists for quite some time as a race.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  12. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    You would have to mean that your perception of reality is an illusion, insofar as it doesn't mirror actual objective reality to a fully accurate degree.

    If reality is simply an illusion--in the sense that reality has little substance or is a mirage of some type--then the phenomenon you're calling "illusion" actually is what's real. But if you perceive that an illusion is an illusion, then it's no longer an illusion. So what is it then?

    A silly, boring former trick which has been accurately explained away.

    In other words, it's not that reality isn't somehow "real", but rather we don't fully understand it. But that should be a given. I think it's dangerous to label reality as an "illusion" as that has a connotation of being non-important and lacking substance. But if you don't understand what reality is, how can you declare it lacking in substance?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  13. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Hellen Keller was a remarkable human and her writings about fear and danger are spot on.

    Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. God Himself is not secure, having given man dominion over his works! Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. Faith alone defends. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.”
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  14. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    @MMJ2017 thank you so much man ^ :bow: :wink:,i really appreciate everything you write.
    at this point & just for the friendly conversation that we all good folks have here,
    i will say that for me i feel you're confusing intuition with the human senses,beliefs,thoughts,ideas that someone can have....
    ....but i 'll explain what i mean a bit later in detail when i have some "quality time" & i will answer all your questions that you asked....
    i promise :wink::bow:
    have a great day !:wink:
  15. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I have accepted that existence, was, is and ever shall be. The only quality of existence is to exist. Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, everything that has ever happened, is happening now and will happen in the future, already happened at Big-Bang. It has all happened and will always be happening. Every moment just exists. Every moment continues to exist. The 'you' of yesterday is still there, and the 'you' of tomorrow is already doing wheatever he is doing, you just haven't experienced him yet. This is how time-travel is obviously possible. I have accepted that since God IS the creation, with us as part of it; pixels on the same creation-screen if you will, that time is a tool we use to experience the creation, and that the whole point of the creation is for creation to understand itself. So then, what about free-will, fate, chance, luck and synchronicity? In the paradigm I have accepted they are concepts that may help people in their learning journey. They are only concepts, with no validity at all. We probably created these ideas for our entertainment a long time ago. In fact, it is actually embarrassing to still be seriously believing in fate and fortune (luck), because history reveals that there were Roman, Greek and Celtic moon goddesses of fate and fortune, from which our ideas of these concepts derive. Worlds of beliefs, created by our very ancient ancestors. Yet, in our present-day paradigm we see that these ancient beliefs still concern us.
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  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I def find interesting and I am open to anything. I would rather have a soul and afterlife be real than not, it is just that there is nothing to them to suggest any validity, and a lot against them.
    as far as many worlds , I myself have a hard time taking it serious. the reason being that we use specific 2nd order nonlinear differential equations to calculate, however there is a big difference between equations which are prepared and to actually believe that many worlds of that description are actual.
    when dealing with quantum mechanics , we must exercise caution in what "storytelling" we add of our own invention .
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    No reality is real and fantasy is illusion.
    for instance
    the sentence " a human being has 45 legs" does not match reality.
    compared to
    "a human being has 2 legs" matches reality.

    IF your sentence was factual instead of fiction.
    than it would have to be true that a human has 45 legs.
    more importantly it would be false that a human has legs.
    we have demonstrated that a human has 2 legs.
    therefore this sentence....
    is false. ( illusion)
    it is your sentence that is illusion NOT reality.

    the use and meaning of the word "reality" is that which is not fiction, fantasy,imagination and illusion.

    there is no other way to use the word reality.
    you might ask
    "why have the word reality to begin with at all?"

    the answer is because it is demonstrable that fiction, and misunderstandings exist.
    the word "reality" simply means NOT one of those instances of fiction.

    I guess to really prove your sentence is factual, just go to your local cancer children's ward and explain to them they are not REALLY dying. because their cancer is just an illusion right? the pain and suffering they are feeling is not reality right just an illusion?

    IF reality was an illusion than you the person i am speaking with is identical to the fictional character spider-man right? If reality and fiction are equal than any invented superhero in thought is identical to a a real person?
    There are people that are real that actually exist for real, and there are fictional characters that are written down on paper and drawn with pencil. those are differentiated by saying the real ones are part of reality called real people. and fictional characters like rick grimes character in walking dead, that is called fiction.
    This is a mundane demonstration that destroys the view that reality is an illusion .
    this is because ALL that IS ever meant by that word "reality", is that differentiation as I have described.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Honestly I think it's up to God. What I mean is I have noticed that when I do a good thing for somebody it comes back two fold.
  19. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Once again thank you all for sharing :bow:

    Dear @MMJ2017 :bow:,

    I finally have some time to answer some of your questions in a respectful, proper & kind way :bow:
    All i'm about to say comes from a deep & sincere place from me :wink: :

    That is exclusion of things ^ :bow:
    This is unity ^ :bow:
    Yes that is true, you've said this ^ in another conversation we had in the past, but i ask you this : those trillions of cells do they do what they want or is there a purpose & a consciousness orchestrating everything behind them ? :bow:
    When someone that was perceived as wise was asked if there is something after death....he simply said : how would i know i'm not there yet :bow: so don't come to conclusions easily :wink:
    This is an easy one to answer ^ :bow: :
    I don't know that i said this let me explain :
    it is so unfair for children to suffer & have disease
    but Life is a mystery.....
    everything has its purpose, even the above
    Be in ease with the UNKNOWN
    Disease is there yes,it has a purpose too
    As for evil spirits or good spirits.....i will say this to you ;
    Consciousness is a very powerful thing, in can create a lot, some things appear in reality, some are illusions :bow:

    About Reality herself :bow: :
    there is reality that is real : that is the I AM :bow: we all are, exist...: even if someone argues with this, there is proof that someone is, because he is there arguing with himself & his existence :bow:

    Please don't perceive me as spiritual in any way :bow:.....a lot of people do even in my personal life.
    Let me explain :wink::bow: :
    Spirituality is good.
    But there is a trap ; that is if you go deep in it the wrong/false way, then there is the danger that we become just "Spiritual" & nothing more :bow:
    I love science,i truly admire it & it is so useful in our lives more than people think :bow:
    But there is a trap here too :bow:: Science without soul is dead science,
    You said
    Albert Einstein discovered this only with insight & his intuition, do some research & you will see :wink::bow:

    Remember that Life was no opposite :bow: there is birth & death, life before in the now & after :bow:

    Got to go now as i have to do some mastering :keys:,if i forgot to answer something let me know

    i'm still waiting for someone to answer this if they may :bow: :

    are we all here random people having random conversations ? is it pure chance that we all met here ?

    Thank you all for your time :wink::bow:
  20. Pagurida

    Pagurida Platinum Record

    Nov 30, 2012
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    Each life appears to us as a source swelling to a broad river, which eventually seeps away and disappears. In such an imaginary river we swim, driven by our consciousness, unable to control direction and speed. Almost everything happens to us and we can do very little to influence our situation or our destiny. Yes, we have so-called free will, and if we try, we may be able to change our position in that miles-wide stream by a few meters. We are completely trapped in our four-dimensional perception, our true existence as a whole however is indelibly embedded within the fifth dimension. It contains the infinite number of phenomena that we call our life.
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