Is FL Studio good for Orchestral Music production?

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by GetWrekt1, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. GetWrekt1

    GetWrekt1 Member

    Feb 20, 2019
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    Hah, damn straight. Most communities on discord in general kinda suck ass unless they're moderated properly. And in the case of this server, even the mods jump in the FL bad bandwagon. I do plan to leave them but I'm thinking of an in your face way of saying y'all are trash before I do

    Mate... impeccable argument. I don't think there's a better way to put it there than what you just said!
  2. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Sampled Orchestration vs Real Orchestration?
    Pretty much any DAW can do it with sampled Orchestration.
    To do it with a 128 channel desk and anywhere from a microphone on every instrument to only on sections, requires a grunty system and a DAW geared towards doing that. As many good orchestrators and scorers who have shown it is possible to create realistic scores, often they have hired a lead trumpet and string quartet to double the samples.... there are many options. I do not know of many full Orchestra recordings (real orchestra) where Fruity Loops, Reaper, Studio One or Ableton have been used so you'd have to ask someone who has or knows someone who has.
    As far as I know the full Orchestral recordings are done on ProTools, Logic or Cubase, though I do not see any reason why any DAW could not do it with the right hardware and outboard gear.
    As for simulated Orchestra, to repeat, any DAW suffices as long as the latency and RAM is good because if you hand score,or write and then play in, or dump from your scoring program, the more vst's and instruments, the bigger the load.

    EDIT: When I say 'the right hardware and outboard gear,' it means a setup capable of recording a 128 piece orchestra with at least 64 microphone channels simultaneously in real-time with next to no latency.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2020
  3. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    theres absolutely no issues making orchestral music in fl studio .

    i make experimental hybrid chiptune , and futuristic thematic music as a hobbyist ,and the only issues ive ran into is not caring about mixing and mastering cause i convinced myself to make wall of sound everything , or my pc not being able to run more than 4 kontakt instances

    this one i figured out the patcher and all the automation .
    Tweak bench triforce,peach.
    Edirol orchestral.
    Papalmedia strings, ira brochen soundfonts.
    Like all the nes vst I could find back in 2004.
    Dsk strings and horns.
    Yamaha final master ...because fuck it , let’s do ac/dc style mastering.
    I think the old speakerphone vst by audioease?.

    all made in one pattern block

    more recent is another soundcloud and facebook but....the world is small
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
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  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    OT, but I always thought that meant "Help!" in a childish pronounciation?
    I think there is even an emoji for Welp, just not here.
    Just as :woot: =Wut/Woot if you hover over it.
    Yet some people say "Woot" as "Hooray" type of thing; not "What?".
    Confuses me. As if I'm not confused by things anyway.

    My 2¢ is that any daw is capable of doing what the op wants to do.
    Yet, as a Logic user, even though it started to change re. artics from 10.4 onwards and is now better, I really like how Cubase deals with articulations.
    Although all daws can do orchestration work, I'd say that Cubase is best equipped for it.
  5. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
  6. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    That's not really true at all. Some daws have absolutely tools that are correcting your mistakes or helping you during the composition process. I quess you want daws that could make music for you fast and automatically. No, please, hahaha. If that happens, then most people will be even more lazy, whereby music is going to sound even more simple, not original and boring.
  7. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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  8. Billy Boils

    Billy Boils Kapellmeister

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I don't know if what I'm about to say will answer your query, but I'll say it anyway. I have been using FL Studio for a long, long time, yet producer, client, and EDM are not even in my lexicon. I do use FL to record strings and brass though, and the end result is always great. I use some strings and brass as backing tracks for my live shows, in both epic numbers and quiet and low tempo ballads. I have a Roland-A88 connected to my home-studio, and I just record Kontakt strings (following a click-track), as MIDI into FL. Sometimes I want to change some parts of my MIDI recording, so I just jump into the piano-roll and quickly and easily edit the notes that I want to change.

    After I am happy with the recording I EQ the track and apply basic VST FX. I then render it to a WAV file and run it through my PA to finally judge it. Turns out great and very realistic every time. Just remember, Tchaikovsky didn't use FL or S1 or Reaper to arrange and 'produce' his songs... I think he just used an Atari 1040-ST with a quill pen.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  9. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    So everything you hear on my playlists is made in Fl except the track Enter The Darkness which is made in Cubase, yeah I have both DAWs.

    Here is a quick version of my backstory too so you know where I'm coming from, I don't play any instruments, I can probably strum some chords now on piano and guitar now but I don't own any instruments at all.

    So basically I click in my notes with the mouse mostly, sometimes I record them if I can.

    Fl Studio for a guy like me is a godsend, that piano roll is honestly that great!

    I get down ideas quickly and it doesn't become too cumbersome.

    Honestly I bought cubase before getting FL Studio because well it was recommended and people told me somehow that Fl Studio is shit, maybe on discord, from a community etc, I don't remember.

    So I opened cubase and couldn't get anything done, it was too complicated. I constantly messed something up, like mispressing a button, routing everything wrong etc.

    The beauty with FL is that it's simple to use and understand.

    So now since I have both and I have reached a level where I can use cubase fairly decent, Fl is my main DAW still. I'll list down some things I have experienced with Cubase.

    Midi automation, no joke the midi automation is really great and easy to do. There is also a lot of tools to use if your after a specifik automation. Like a crescendo type automation.

    Copying stuff in cubase is way quicker, say you want to layer a melody with another instrument. Just drag it to the new instrument with the alt button.

    Adding kontakt instruments in cubase is a breeze compared to FL studio, which also means it's easier to create template and it is easier to add new instruments you feel your track needs as you go.

    Piano roll is decent but worse than Fl, no note names on the piano roll etc, no scale highlights etc. It's a good piano roll though.

    Less clicking around, since everything is pretty accessible from the piano roll in cubase this means you have to click around less to get access to the things you want. You can have both dynamics, expression etc open at the same time.

    These a probably the few things that comes to mind, also I think Brsco articulate is easier than expression maps.

    In the end for me it comes to this, both DAWs has its strenght and weaknesses, for example maybe if I was good at piano cubase would have been much better but FLs piano roll is just that handy and special to me.
  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    It's rather this, in your case:
    Because Cubase and Logic, with different names, were amongst the first to do all this over 20 years ago.
    Fruity Loops is a newer being, and was aimed at having a simpler workflow.
    Even us players will do that after a live take! We all do it, which is why the piano roll and event list are good tools in any daw.
    It sounds like you are just used to FL, because all daws can do the things you have been comparing.

    Regards the thread title, Cubase has long been the winner when working with articulations generally, regardless of orchestral.
    But FL is definitely catching up, if not already in the same ballpark of functionality.
  11. peshti

    peshti Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    You definitely have your points and like you mentioned I'm probably more used to FL . Love it!
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You ought to see me when/if I have to go from Logic to Live, or Reaper, or anything else! It's embarassing!
    Such a long time Logic user that I can do pretty much all I want.
    But in another daw? No chance! hehe.
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