Is crack time over?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by frisbi, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Can we expect a movie of this epic fight and if so, who will direct it?
  2. TW

    TW Guest

    I am on windows more than 2 years now and i dont regret it. You can get nearly everything you need as warez. (Only thing i miss is the new audio acustica stuff).
    I own more than half of the stuff i use. Or better lets say everything I use often I purchase. I use waerez more as a unlimited time demo. If the thing rocks i ll purchase it. Everyone should do that.
    And support the developers.
    Soundtoys, Eventide and Arturia ... Nowadays you can get stuff at the same level for cheap. At least the first 2 companies live from their reputation. There is a lot of even free stuff thats on par with the big companies. You just have to check a lot of stuff out. Dont get fooled by big names.
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Edit: actually I don't really have a reason to argue with this guy so I'm gonna delete the bulk of this post. If you started buying some plugins, good for you. ST is a good developer and deserves support.

    However, this...
    Was a stupid insult. You should feel embarrassed
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
  4. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

  5. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I think when someone gets inspired to challenge the locks and then feels generous (for whatever reason) to share, it could resume, but the ungrateful nature of many people can easily kill it right back off. In the past it has come an gone in waves.
  6. That's not Pitbull, it's Rob "The Demo Guy" from B & H Photo on 34th Street in NYC!
  7. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Well read your post again and think about what you wrote. Let's talk about our work, it's much more useful.
  8. eugeneathome

    eugeneathome Noisemaker

    Jan 12, 2017
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    When Steven slate put out the everything bundle, for just $15 a month, that alone probably is really going to have a significant impact on crack plug-ins. His plug-ins are really outstanding, and really covers just about every tool you need, except maybe a good selection of time based effects, a.k.a. sound toys.

    It really is an amazing deal for just $15 a month. Yeah, you don't own them, but he's constantly coming out with new plug-ins, but if you were to buy them, after doing the math, you're still saving money by renting is plug-ins. It really is a game changer!

    At the same time, I really am being a total hypocrite with this. The only reason I even joined this site two days ago, was to have people here help me figure out how to find, download, and finally install the waves 9.6 AAX version of mercury, which today, I finally after pulling all of my hair out over the last two days, finally figured it all out, but couldn't have done it without the help of guys around here.
  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    There still is the iLok though. Slate gave me one for free in an introductory offer. I just paid shipping back when they came out with the 3rd emu for vcc RC-Tube. I paid 99 bucks and they gave me the other 3 emus when they came out. That wouldnt even pay for a year of it, but you get the other plugins too. Maybe these companies should parlay it and break it down even more and let you rent only the plugins you use for 5 bucks?

    Ill tell you how this works, well in my case anyways. I kind of like the monthly rates because when it comes time where you actually get paid for your side work/hobby, you can easily rent the apps you used to complete the job. I have done this with Photoshop, Premiere, and AE. When I had paying clients I would lease the software for a month. If all they had were retail versions I would have never been able to afford them. So everybody wins.

    Now if I was a professional and this was my main source of income I would fucking hate it. Perpetual licensing and annual leasing? What the hell is that crap? I thought you were only supposed to charge for customer support, right?

    Why dont they offer both? That would be the smart thing to do. So the owners could have an upgrade path and us freelancers and hobbyist could rent it when it came time for print. That would be the smart thing to do. Rant over. as you were.
  10. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    The "smart thing to do" for who?

    It is much better for the software company to have us all held hostage to a monthly ransom at what ever price they feel like charging. Every customer, every month for ever.

    It is a true nightmare for the public.

    As soon as they can run their business on rentals only, the option to buy will disappear.

    (It is happening with music already. By this time next year the iTunes store will stop "selling" music, only renting on their streaming service.)

    We will wind up having to rent everything forever and it will SUCK! All software will have time-bombs in it and if you don't pay, bye bye.

    Think of how many different companies you will have to rent from. It will be a nightmare. Think of the constant bill paying, pay-paling, the monthly downloading of encrypted keys....

    Of course it will drive the weaker smaller companies out of business in the mid-term because people will only have so much rental budget per month to work with and we can't have it all so we will have to choose. The giant bundles like Slate and Waves and FabFilter will win that battle and drive all their competition out of business.

    The second they can get away with it they will jack up the price as high as they can once there is no other choice. The quality and quantity of their products will drop off a cliff at that point too, because there will be no where else to go.

    RENTING = EVIL don't do it.

    PS - Slate sucks. Their plugins sound like glass being ground up in your ear canals. That's what happens when deaf ex-drummers become software designers. I don't think he can hear anything above a snare drum anymore.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
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  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    This has already happened with video, music, literature and interactive entertainment. Those groups are far too large for such a cut and dry switch (no own/only rent) but if you look at the services that are being provided, it's clear where the industries are taking their products. Purely virtual and on a rent-to-use basis. Made to look attractive with their "economical" Netflix/Gamefly arguments.
    This whole thing seems unfathomable to a lot of us because we're the generations in the middle who can actually remember growing up holding and cherishing physical media. Hard copies were the norm. Not so much now.

    And never mind the deductibility, it all still gets taxed. Last I heard Netflix was setting up a 9.4% tax for streaming video calling it a "utility".

    Objective 2) Abolition of private property.
    Circa 1776
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  12. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Remember when Netflix used to mail you the DVDs. And they were actually offering something that was worth your time? Now it seems like they have about 15 movies and a bunch of "original content" that is worthless and the whole thing is a waste of money and time. Give me my DVD collection any day. Remember when you could go to a store and choose from 1000s of movies? Now you get the same short list of crap presented as "trending", "recommended for you", "new releases" but they are all the same movies and they all suck. There are 115 years of movies to choose from and this is the best you can come up with?????!!!!???

    It is literally erasing movie history for the next generation. They will have no idea it ever happened. They will think movies were just always garbage. What a crime. (Same thing they are doing to music)


    PS - How much longer before netflix, hulu, amazon start inserting commercials into movies like on TV? Youtube style, randomly with no consideration for the narrative or timing... I bet within a year.
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  13. Ted

    Ted Ultrasonic

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Sorry to ask but I search an answer for weeks: Are AudioUtopia PC release uncrackble for OSX ? That's not "ilok state of the Art" saying, it's says protections like cubase cannot be broken.
    We can hope having AudioUtopia for OS X in the future, aren't we ? Thank you
  14. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    I will never buy ilok or elicenser protected software just because of it's bastard politics to users, not only buyers. Things come to internet for what in their opinion? For people or for money making? I guess second.. Perpetual licensing, annual leasing and renting are fucking shit. Same shit like ilok and elicenser. So fuck it and their software. They thing not about me, not about my wishes, but about my money. They will never get 'em. Do you know what? I haven't used no one plugs of latest AU and R2R realeses protected by ilok. Why? Just because I don't care anymore.
  15. Is crack time over? No and it never will be. But I think it's over for me.

    It's a personal choice that's got more to do with having some skin in the game, than any concern with right and wrong. What I have noticed in the last twenty years of using warez (Cubase 3.70 was the first time for me) is that there is always something just over the horizon that you just can't get. Always a greener field that if only you could get that certain something, you'd be on it, using the good stuff, and it would change things.

    Whatever you get from a crack, there are thirty bazillion other people getting it. You never get off the shifting sands of continual change. You never actually acquire any worthwhile experience. You just get a few months of not needing something new. I currently have: 12 Gb of VST/VSTis, 203 Gb of Libraries & soundware, 75Gb of Spectrasonics libraries, 114 Gb of archived installes going back to 2004. I use barely a fraction of any of it.

    That's why you have to have some skin in the game. When you mean it and put your money where dreams are, you work in a different way. That's my choice. So I salute the crack teams from Radium to R2R. You guys are truly very special and you changed my life. But it's time I moved on, and started meaning what I do. Never thought it would take this long to realise that.
  16. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    For sure, 110 GB (HZP) is abusive (I agree).
    IMO acoustic pianos must be sampled (physical modelling algos must be enhanced). But, they can have compromises about sampled piano - 5~10 GB range is fine, such "1969 Steinway Legacy (8Dio)", "Piano in Blue (Cinesamples)", "The Giant" (NI) etc. One exception is "The Hammersmith Pro" (Soniccouture), I love it, okay ~50 GB, but why? tons of mics positions, velocitt layers, RR and so on... you have nothing without nothing (French expression, translated "as-is")
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  17. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    Well, just to say, all the best releases haven't been cracked these last months, expecially for Mac.
    Eventide, Soundtoys, even Psp Fetpressor.
    I see new posts on audioz and they are all kind of useless stuff, except for fabfilter and some synths.
    They pretend they want to help new independent software producers which it doesn't mean much to me, I guess it's better to let them make their money with cheap plugins and I would rather focus on giving people the chance to try expensive plugins in order to understand if it's worth buying them.
    But that's my private opinion.
    Anyway Mac crack situation right now is quite sad and meanwhile a lot of very interesting stuff is coming out day by day.
    So make your conclusions.
  18. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    You must buy/win extra-lives to test/use all of audio warez.

    My philosophy: it's useless: by the way, it's needed (French expression: c'est inutile, donc indispensable).

    In fact, for experimentations, using warez is sometimes the only way.
    For published productions, in particular commercial, everyone have their moods... (it's not my business)

    About Mac vs. PC warez, like the real life, Mac is more expensive than PC (x2), btw OSX world is reserved for elitist class (=rich). Except Apple proprietary technologies such AU plugins, Logic, Camel Audio... you can find every Mac software ported to Windows, such Adobe (Photoshop is the perfect example), AVID, Steinberg, UAD, Eventide, Slate, Fabs etc... pro for MacOS X is its native sound system (Core Audio) regardling PC/Windows "WDM-based" architecture, con for OSX is iTunes dependency.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  19. TW

    TW Guest

    Thats the way it goes. Take what you get and be happy. If you want something special or you use something regulary - buy it.
    I dont get this post.
  20. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    If that matters Macs were a total joke even in the 90s but because of their hammering propaganda and marketing tricks they managed to become a "cult" and they're still polluting the market with their overpriced gear.
    Mac users have been fooled into thinking that macs have no viruses and macs never crash and everything running on macs is just smoother and faster and smelling good.
    Problem is, reality is now punching their faces ... mac zealots are nothing but a bunch of users with too much money in their pockets and i think the few cracking groups operating on OSX finally realized it too : why should they crack stuff for free when anyone using a mac has money $$$ and can't even understand how to install a crack ?
    Let them buy original software and to hell with it.
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