Is Adam Szabo's Viper worth a purchase?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Bunford, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. joeysaleri

    joeysaleri Member

    Dec 4, 2018
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    I have a TI2, the emulator, and Viper and I love all 3. I agree with this. ArcticStorm is right on the money too, sometimes its just nice to have it run like Sylenth. Highly recommend purchasing it and his other plugins.
  2. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I do already own his Roland JP-8000 cloned synth as it sounds pretty good and love the simplified UI of it.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    So then what is the question to you? You know it is well coded and light on cpu/resources, but you also have the 2 dsp56300 Virus emulators.

    Have you really tested OsTIrus yet? It seems low on cpu use for me, for very limited amount of testing so far. Sometimes you want a very light option, but for $100? What has been updated on it since the leaked version you guys had before, when you did not buy it? It loads Virus patches. But so does the emulator. It can import wavetables, but did you need a Virus to do that?
  4. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    Quick question: have you or anyone else noticed that the GUI of D16's Phoscyon 2 up to current version becomes sporadically unresponsive if the input mode is changed to external sequencing and then back to internal? I mean the big dial on the left ;). Rack controls still work.
  5. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    This 100%

    I own a VirusTI and comparatively speaking, both Viper and OsTirus deliver the quintessential Virus sound. What little difference in sound they have is moot to me since you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a mix. My VirusTI was my main synth for over 15 years so I know my way around it pretty well. However, the convenience of loading up multiple instances of Viper and OsTirus is a clear advantage... and with zero latency. The only thing I personally miss from using the hardware is the Virus Control browser which is great for finding, managing and auditioning presets quickly. Other than that, I personally prefer using Viper out of all of them.

    Is OsTirus worth it? Well, it's free and as close to a Virus as you can get so the answer is YES.

    Is Viper worth it? It gets you pretty damn close to the Virus sound, light on cpu, well designed gui and nice workflow for under a 100 bucks, so the answer is also YES.
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  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I am using the most current version of D16 bundle. For Phoscyon it is version 2.1.0. I got it to do this "error" also. I loaded a instance of it with a midi file on that track in Logic. It will stop playback if I switch from EXT to SEQ, but not if I switch it from EXT directly to ARP.

    It stops cycling through the pattern on the GUI when you hit the bugged behavior. It doesn't actually lose position though, so if you switch it back it continues playing and is still on time. If you do not have a pattern drawn in on the GUI, when you switch it that way; playback also ends. And if you do not have a pattern loaded onto the arp pattern area, it will stop playing then also.

    Once it is playing, I am not noticing any other problem about the actual GUI freezing. Do you have other parameters automated in your DAW? But that is definitely a bug. Another interesting thing, about the automation; is that the parameters (and gui components) do not change when using a ramp automation between two points. It will only change when it hits an actual point.

    Did you try to replicate this with a legit demo version of Phoscyon? Before you try to report it to them. This is the sort of minor odd behavior you might see if you are not using a legit copy.
  7. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    Probably I don't remember, but it also happened sometimes right after starting it without anything else going on.
    Not yet, but I will. This plugin is on my bucket list like some other D16 stuff. If it happens, I will report it including some info from your post.
    This is what I thought or the DAW is stealing focus from the plugin GUI and that's why the rack still worked.
    Thanks for clearing that up. That was very comprehensive.

    P.S. You were right about the AAS demo crack. It creates a /Native Instruments/Service Center/Chromaphone3.xml file and I don't have NI plugins.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2024
  8. adamszabo

    adamszabo Kapellmeister

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Just to clarify, Viper has been updated 14 times since its release, the latest update was in February, so it is updated quote often. (See "Version history.txt" in the zip file)

    Yes, that is correct!

    Yes, you can load your own single cycle waveforms or wavetables (even ones from Serum or other wavetable synth) which the Virus cannot do.

    The website is always up for me, am not sure why it doesnt work for you. Maybe try a different browser or use a vpn?

    I do discounts in summer and on christmas every year, so yeah consider a purchase very carefully! With a purchase you are helping an independent developer sustain himself and helping fund new and exciting projects, thats should be the goal of a purchase and not supporting the warez community.

    You must be an expert in this matter, how do you know how R2R feel about Szabo? Did you talk to them, or are you in direct contact with them? Or are you just spreading a whole lot of BS? The licensing stayed the same, but I am not a complete moron and you can bet I blocked any leaked license so it will not work with new versions. I hope no one sends you any version, and instead you decide to support independent developers so they can create new products for you in the future!
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  9. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    I didn't wrote anywhere how R2R feel about it.
    I wrote this about people. Read my post again. You either didn't read it carefully or you don't know the difference between a cracker and a supplier.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
  10. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    Viper is one of the most amazing synths, low on cpu, very easy to use and great price for what you get and the sound is awesome,
    Btw, the biggest plus is that .mid files can be imported, and it emulates the AxVi very good.

    Dan Worrall and Hardware aficionados would not agree of course...
  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    You do presume to speak for a lot of people with this statement, though:
    "...people don't wanna supply the new installer. They feel that Szabo was harmed by the last leak."

    Potential harm to Adam Szabo is not why I have refrained from supplying the installer.
    But for some that might be true.
    I would venture to say that if you know the thoughts of MOST of the usual suppliers you MIGHT be right about WHY they have not supplied, but it's still NOT good to state as fact what is SPECULATION.
    You might say "It seems to me that..." or "Probably" or "I'll bet..."..
    Something to indicate that you realize that you don't know it as a FACT. :cool:

    As is often the case, when I began to criticize due to what is really just MY OWN PERCEPTION, I had to go over all the justifications for my perception. Is it really true, or just how I am seeing it for some reason?
    Well perhaps I am overly sensitive about this topic...
    Yes I think that's true. So, I hope you know I am not picking on YOU..
    So, I went over my thoughts and made a post about it.
  12. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Man, this is not speculation.
    I know because I ask like 30 people who own it and all said almost the same.
    I think I have right to write statement like this after it.
    This is not a speculation, this is fact and statement.
  13. adamszabo

    adamszabo Kapellmeister

    Jan 7, 2018
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    So you are seriously going around begging everyone to send you the latest Viper? Why would you do that and what is your goal? Do you want to leak it yourself and make a scene release like you are some hacker and now you think you will be part of some secret hacking group society and you will be awesome? Why dont you support the developer instead?
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  14. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Begging? I just asked spontanious while talking because I was curious.
    It is normal. Like you ask sometimes is someone will be able to do something.
    I can't? Is it forbidden?
    Why everyone put something in my mouth?
  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Maybe it's the lips?

    Seriously though...
    You say adamszabo might have been a bit off the mark so I will see if I have this right:

    You asked , spontaneously while talking with 30 people you know who own Viper, why they were not supplying the installer to w*r*z groups, and they all said almost the same thing?
    This "same thing" you said was that they felt it hurt adamszabo.

    Do I have that right?
    Last edited: May 1, 2024
  16. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    This was over the last two years. I don't remember exactly. It was a little different each time. Like for example I started now we have free Virus B, do we even need paid Viper. And then someone reply Yeah I have Viper, it has TI inside so you can do different stuff in it than Virus B. I said I am very curious how it sounds compare to Virus. I'd be happy to test it on my presets from Virus. I don't need it for anything else so it will be nice if someone crack the new version. And then he reply that last leak make damage to Szabo and he will never supply the new version to cracking teams to not make further damage.
    Something like this.

    I just born like that. It's not my fault.
    Leave me alone!

  17. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    OK, but still anecdotal and not "the way things are".

    Oh, I was not complaining about those lips.

    I mean ... I'm not saying I like them.
    But I am not saying I DON'T like them.
    Wait, i mean I'm not saying ...
    I'm not saying anything more about it.
  18. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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  19. CMAudioz

    CMAudioz Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Go on then, do a sale now please, and I'll buy it! 33% would be good, thanks! :D

  20. OffshoreBanking

    OffshoreBanking Platinum Record

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Osirus and OsiTIrus are 1:1 and free so you don't need anything else if you want the quintessential Virus sound.

    To me Viper feels like "mini" VA version of Serum that focuses on the virus sound.
    I prefer the GUI, Workflow and CPU performances over DSP56300 and if I was on PC I would use it.

    Either way when you buy Viper you support Adam Szabo, if you buy Serum you Support Steve Duda, if you donate to DSP56300 you support the few devs behind the project that gave it to you for free so you can not do any wrong.

    People who attach their name that strongly to the VST they birthed on their own tends to live up to expectations in term of honesty, updates and customer service.

    So @adamszabo there will never be a mac version of Viper ?
    The free Phazor Chorus is great :wink:
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