Internal Sharing!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by remix, Oct 4, 2015.


Should the MODS be removed and new ones appointed?

  1. Yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
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  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Not necessarily, possibly they got frustrated by the (bad) reactions of people.
    However R2R sometimes did unnecessary hard work to reverse software which can be patched
    much easier! In the LVC-Audio Plug-Ins for instance they have replaced huge amounts - entire blocks of code
    - only to make them accept the codes of their Keygens. That was really unnecessary!!

    Of course some of the Plug-Ins cannot simply be *fooled* with code jumps as they have paid version options.
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  2. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    essentially these are equivalent statements, it's axiomatic and reflexive, if you exclude some people, then there is an "included" group, if you include some chosen ones, then there is an "excluded" group...

    about the software, couldn't really care less about it.. as it would eventually surface "somewhere" even if it was being used
    as cake and candy for a select few on the Z, for the selfish motivations and power consolidation of the ONE

    I'm really not a big conspiracy theorist and try to see the good in things if I can, but I have yet to be convinced there
    were any really "good" motives on behalf of the former "mod", other than good for himself..

    he's defending himself with silence I suppose, and I haven't seen any really strong argument from anyone about what
    was "good" about what he was doing, when for all the time I have been here, SAiNT has been exactly anti - elitism,
    and never intended this site to have a pool of elites, thus the clash..

    personally I don't need to hear any explanation from him, as I made up my mind a long time ago, and just stopped interacting
    with him at all, and went on enjoying the site in my own way..

    people have light to see, and brains to form an opinion, I think the conclusion is pretty clear already,

    and I'm just ready to leave the antagonism and cross examination behind !

    thanks for listening.. :cool:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2015
  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    filtersweep "...if it's a hobby get yourself some 'dj'ing apps and leave the rest of us to the business of making real music."

    I can't believe what I'm seeing.

    Strange, you look and sound like the other german developer , who thinks only people with tons of money that can easily buy a 200 euros plugin, only those should make music. The others, go play football in the street, like kids do in Africa, with a ball made of some socks.

    so, according to you, only people, 'pros' like yourself, really serious about music, who could even compose the next lady Gaga hit while taking a dump, only those people should be interested by the professional plug-ins and stuff. The others, they can grab a free dj app and only do that.

    wow, tell me where you are from, so in case you become the president, I have enough time to run away with my family, before we start starving, or end up in a camp.

    by your logic,
    if I'm a beginner webmaster, and do 2 or 3 websites for some friends, I shouldn't be using Dreamweaver or other pro app, and should only use notepad.
    if I take some photos and edit them, for fun, I should only use Paint and the windows picture viewer.
    or, if I have little open corsa 1.2, I shouldn't go beyond 80kmh, should only drive by night, to not bother the Porsche, Audi or ferrari who drive by day.

    you know what? Music is a hobby, and also a passion. I use the word hobby, to differentiate from a producer who has a studio and has produced several CDS or tracks, to other clients.
    and even if we are pro, whatever we do, should still be , in the first place, a hobby and passion. Because if someone makes music or spends weeks mastering and mixing tracks and CDS for other people, but he doesn't love what he does.. I feel bad for him.

    and even if music is ONLY a hobby and passion, that didn't stop me from having several thousands vinyls, several synths from virus b,c,ti to Waldorfs microwaves, XT, Q, novation, Yamaha, Roland, Casio, etc etc , you name it.

    Shit, dude, I'm not a pro! I should only have played with a bontempi, a triangle, and a can of beans (to all the percussion stuff).

    but tell us. Because you are pro, and make music all the time, I, and many members here, would love to hear one of the tons of tracks you have already composed throughout your pro career. I am sure they will inspire us, and will teach us many useful tricks and tips.
    Dude, I can't wait.
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  4. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    Yeah I'm sure that's why this evil developer has released excellent synths like Zebralette and Tyrell for free... I really don't get the hate man.
    Sorry for the off-topic, carry on!
  5. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    It's about him being pretty vocal and having an attitude towards piracy and crackers which makes him an asshole in my view. When the plugs timebombed for me once, I almost decided to grab Diva and Zebra but stumbled upon a KVR thread of his... After reading it... He ain't getting my money... Other guys who just work and make great plug-ins are well-respected by me. It seems that he doesn't realize that 200$ is a big sum in countries which are much worse off than U.S. and Germany. Something the guys at COCKOS realize perfectly. That's why I own a REAPER license.

    Derailing, sorry for the OT. I'll shut up now.
  6. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Wonder how many have contributed now that it's back it's no more or no less!:yes:
  7. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    hard day at the office dear?
    you obviously did not read what i wrote. at least, you did not understand it. ( you didn't 'dig' it to borrow your vernacular).. where did i say that he was in any way 'part of 95%'? i was reponding to the point he made, not indulging in ad hominem insult at the poster. my point was pretty much in agreement with the tenner of his post.
  8. DFox

    DFox Noisemaker

    Jul 5, 2015
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    Just wanna say that I've been looking for a private community for a very long time, a community much more private than the ones I'm already apart of. Sadly I've not found one yet... You see because a private community (internal sharing) would make things a bit easier. Especially with sharing of kontakt libraries and what not. It would also mean that ungrateful assholes would be a thing of the past.

    But internal sharing is still very hard since you can't trust anybody on the Internet. Someone will probably leak the releases and then the ones sharing would be in a bad spot.
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    1) keygening is sexier and more forward thinking as stupid patching(some air keygens still work today and need no further patching around every time ...). when will you understand that?
    hex comparing btw is level newbie or some reversers also call this noob.

    2) so you decide what is necessary and what is unnecessary now?

    so i guess R2R decided its unnecessary to pre stuff to public? :D

    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    I can't help but wonder your stance. You still seem active on AudioZ and uploading certain things over there for the public to access. Yet, at the same time, you seem to like to gloat people over here for not having access to a lot of things nowadays because the biggest group went pretty much all internal.

    Hope people won't just read my post as being salty because there are very few things I'd like trying out that aren't already or still available through AudioZ. Just wondering this particular thing because, to me, your actions and whatever you say on both here and AudioZ in certain topics seem very contradictory.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    the point was that Kooka was acting again like he can tell R2R how and what to reverse.
  12. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    For the best, Thread Closed:bow:
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