Integrals Posts Poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lukehh, Dec 28, 2016.


Do you want Integral's posts at AudioZ?

Poll closed Jan 4, 2017.
  1. Yes

    29 vote(s)
  2. No

    58 vote(s)
  3. Yes, but with some changes in AudioZ structure

    39 vote(s)
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  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    wow ..long time indeed.. @rico888 nice to see you again... greets.. and Happy New Year.. :wink:
  2. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    There is a place for free stuff. But maybe not at the most prevalent spot at Audioz.

    The audioz stream now is like viewing a beautiful river pass by while someone constantly is ***** in it.
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  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    1 million times NO

    - unlike many 'fellows' from the same country will claim, and say it's about 30-50 bucks per month, let me tell you you can AT LEAST multiply that by 100x. Once, I had a friend showing me his upload gains, for only a few dozen dumb useless files, like pdfs, etc, in just a few days, and a few downloads, he was already well above 50 bucks. Well above. Now, just try to imagine when you have thousands of files, in a website with dozens, if not hundreds millions visits per month, with several links for each file, several hosts per file..
    Once, i posted a few files on Az, because some people were asking for them, my first and last uploaded files ever. Well, over several months, the dl counter was still active, with several thousands downloads, and one year later, the counter was still alive, with several dls a week.
    All this to say "don't underestimate the power of uploaded and other file hosts". Just look at what google makes, by earning a few cts here and there, with ads: when there are billions of them, that makes a lot of 'people'. The same with thesw file hosts. They pay a lot, because they make tons of cash. Do you realize uploaded will pay a guy 65% of a new subscription? If a new guy uses your referral code, and you buy a 100$ 1year sub, uploaded will pay the guy 65 bucks ! If they pay that much, just imagine how much they make.
    Again, when you have several thousands active links, and several thousands downloads per file... no, that doesn't make 'a few pennies a month' . No, that makes between 3000 and 10'000 euros A MONTH, at least. A few pennies, some said... ? LoL

    - some guys say 'ohh, that way, the website will get some coverage, bla bla'. What, you want to make me laugh hard ?
    most people will simply copy-paste the uploaded links on jdownloader, and get it from there. Why would someone with an uploaded account bother with some zippyshare links? Also, 90% of people will download EVERYTHING that gets released on audioz.
    even by putting a direct link to the website, 98% of people won't care about the devs website. He will download it, because they might one day need that 1468th trap samples library, or that 865th free compressor. We never know...
    the problem is, for many small devs, having a guy visit his website is a big part of his business model. Because he offers that free version, hoping the guy will like it, and will purchase the 12$ full version. Also, having a visitor might mean some minor ads revenue.
    by offering the devs content as an uploaded link, that dev will forever stay in the dark, with 0 traffic, 0 downloads, 0 sales. While a guy will be making money with paid links out of his job, and probably thousands of hours of coding, website costs, etc.

    - like R2R say, don't make money and support the devs. Well, with these free stuff served as paid uploaded links, the only guys these uploaders are supporting are.. themselves. And with all the cash they're making, by 2017, I'm still waiting for a release nfo, that says 'this app was bought for the community with the cash that i/we made with uploaded links'. Zero. Nada. Nic. No matter if they make 100, 1000, 20'000... these greedy #@#÷# will never spend 1 damn cts on anything. They only care about making money. And never think about all the small devs they will kill over time.

    - warez used to be some cool dudes who loved cracking apps, so everybody could test them. Irc, ftps, torrents, kazzas, direct downloads. (Fozi, calvi from corse), and by other sharing methods. All, free, with 0 money involved. But with these file hosts, a new generation of greed mofos was born. A true cancer. Without those cancers, by today, we would be getting HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of R2R releases, instead of a few dozens. And i truly thank them for sharing everything they shared this Christmas. But once again, money destroyed everything. If you only get one or two releases a week, from r2r, don't blame them instead, blame the guys who stole them, + the guys who desperately make money. Many of these uploaders, they would even uploaded some photos of their mother having sex with their father... if that could make them a few extra downloads on uploaded. This is as low as they can go, to make money.

    - for the guys uploading free stuff, i have this question: if you love these free devs so much, and care so much about them, what if you were ONLY ALLOWED to post that free stuff via zippyshare links, with ZERO paid links as uploaded? Will you continue 'serving the community ' with those amazing free shares, for free ?
    because if you are only making 'a few pennies ' each month, as some claim, 50 bucks... or zero bucks, that wouldn't really change your life, right..? So, what about only zippyshare links, and no paid links ? Are you truly that devoted to the az community?

    - a few months/year ago, audioz became a nightmare, with some uploaders posting links only a few seconds after the main release. Many people were upset, until they learned guys like moji20 or the webmaster/owner were from the same place, israel, and moji was clearly a friend or someone close, that was allowed to post links, 24h a day. There were permanent fights between the 4-10 clone uploaders, because each one wanted to be the first reply, for a max/best coverage. Those fights made countless discussions, with tons of people unhappy. Again, it was a story about money. Big money. Huge amountsof money. We can easily talk about multi-dozens thousands $ per month. When guys fight over a few pennies, just imagine what it will be, when it's about 10 to 50'000$ . Yes, many would start a war because of it.
    it was about money. Now, these free links, again, it's about money. Big money. And if nothing is done, soon, there will be 20 guys sharing free stuff.
    Since 3 days, i visit audioz, and all i see is countless integral posts for free stuff. That is not normal.
    it is vital, to remove all those free links, so uploaders and releases like r2r, v.r., audioutopia, etc, get max coverage on the main page.
    it is vital to create a sub menu, like 'requests', and put all that free crap there, until the free stuff poll is over.
    it is vital to stop another post outbreak, and stop all those free posts. Like i said
    -create a sub category on audioz
    - allow only posts WITHOUT paid links, with zippy links/free links only.

    -this is another proof some people only care about themselves, even if that means doing bad things to small devs.
    most small devs rely on people downloading their free stuff, and hopefully paying 10 bucks for the full version. Having a guy sign in with an email, to download some free stuff, is the only way they might contact people whenever a full version gets released. For those idiots who will say 'ohh, i don't want them to have my email, because later, they might come after me, bla bla',
    - who hasn't created at least 2 or 3 email addresses ?
    - what to expect 'bad' from a simple dev who sells a few plugs at 10$, ? A ddos attack ? A lawyer calling home, because of that 10$ app ?

    What a shame, really. Worse than making money out of paid software, is making money with these small devs effort, time and own money.

    so please, vote NO,
    And don't believe the BS from some members.

    did i forget to ask you to vote 'NO' ?
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  4. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Without a doubt, the best post on this 10+ pages thread.
    This is a perfect summary of the situation and also a very informative one (except for the fact that some dude is from Israel, this doesn't matter).
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
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  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm glad you're back man.
    Now btw I'm voting yes definitly. You really didn't convince me with your point about people being from Israel and wanting money.
    Your claims against the uploaders, even integral doesn't only post free contents, aren't to my taste either. Your speculations about the cancer keeping us from getting releases while we just got dozens of them are also not to my taste. And people defend what they believe. I haven't heard of any devs who distrbute free stuffs complain that their products gets promoted and distributed for free. The "I snatch your email and bomb you with spam" business model is a crappy one, I'de rather grab things from integral posts. Devs who make good products that are free like Chris Johnson from AirWindows, do not rely on those tactics. R2R doesn't want anyone to make money with their releases, but you're okay with getting them through premium dl links that get money to people, much more than what Integral gets, and you have no idea where this money goes, but it's fine with you. You close your eyes on the money making schemes for the latest waves bundle. Ha, ha. And you talk about BS from other members.
    Oh yeah I'm voting yes.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
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  6. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Can I present the different perspective on this.

    I have written a little plugin that generates chords like the Ableton chord device. I did it because I use Bitwig a lot these days and there is no chord device, and I'm a programmer by trade (retired none the less) so I spent quite a bit of time and effort putting it together. Now I have advertised it for peoples use if they want it, but it's pretty basic, it's a humble app but it works.

    Now if I learned Some parasite was earning money from my plugin, after the effort I put in I would be furious. Sure I made for myself, and I make it available for free, but that's my ethical choice.

    Now if I made money off my plugin and someone cracked it and gave it away for free, well that wouldn't make me as angry, because I believe wholeheartedly that most people who decide to get truly serious about music will start to pay for the stuff they use. If I happened to make software that users find invaluable in time my sales would actually increase. Yes I do believe this. I don't like the idea of someone else making money off of cracked software either. I hope and believe R2R/AudioTopia/R2E etc etc all crack software to show that they can, and not to make money like these bottom feeders do. I could be wrong, even if I am I still think there are legit sales to be made.

    I've done this myself, I've extended demoed software then bought it. I own everything I use now as I went legit. I've bought software I NEVER would have if I haven't used a not so legal version in the past. I also have a wish list, all from stuff I've once used illegally.

    As an adjunct The only time I've ever been warned for bad behaviour on AZ was a time I called Integral a Cancer, I was wrong to do so it's not the forum for that talk. In my defence I did so after the 10th post of free stuff and I was frustrated this guy is making money off stuff people want to give away for free. It's just a whole different ball game, it's bullshit and it needs to stop.
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  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Not very logical to be angry because a free plug gets distibuted for free and not angry if a paid plugin gets distributed for free, well unless you like to have your paid plugins for free, but you say you don't so...
    Promotion works the same for freebies or for paid plugs, if you think people who use warez and enjoy the product will buy it eventually, why wouldn't people who use a free product check on the dev site what else he does if they like what they are being offered ?
    People do what they can, some buy their stuffs like you and I because they can afford it, others don't because they can't, some because they won't. it's the reason a place like AZ exists.
    Frankly people getting angry and calling each other cancer and such things because of links to free stuff goes way over my head. There has been much worst done and written here or on AZ without anyone reacting. But this thing give way to theatrical proclamations and anger. It's pretty strange.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2017
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  8. kjfarrell

    kjfarrell Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2014
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    But fake anger is what I do best :)
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  9. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I'll say it again, Free posts should have "free" style links mandatory. Solves many issues right there.
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  10. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    This sums up Integral and alikes. Vile little things of the warez world.

    Sunny, awake, magnetrixx, copylefter and co. already fucked things up with R2R, and now we have this Integral fiasco going at full force. Saint should open his eyes and prevent AudioZ from becoming another ****** and ******* (yeah, those who shall remain unnamed lol).
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  11. StUtOpi4

    StUtOpi4 Kapellmeister

    Apr 9, 2016
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    So.. integral demoted and prohibited to post freeware on main page..

    Not sure what the demotion means in practice but it sounds like saint has landed this in the right zone. Keeps the majority happy.

    Good job saint
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  12. korniceman3000

    korniceman3000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I guess maybe there should be a portion on the bottom right side of the page reserved particularly for freeware posts so people won't get newly made freeware confused with archived content. I personally don't mind the freeware posts as long as it didn't come in huge flooded amounts because I never new any of them existed until it appeared on Audioz. I think much of the anger stemmed from its rapid appearance alongside the new software posts. Also, because it was freeware, many expected the links provided to be the same and not from a source such as uploaded and rapidgator. That being said, I still appreciate the awareness to these freeware plugins and for his free link uploads to posts that allow mirrors.
  13. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Saint is the best antispam filter ever
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  14. KingzDubStep

    KingzDubStep Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Your constant whining is becoming very tedious, why dont you try and bring something positive to the table instead of this cry baby entitled attitude you have and you can disagree all you want with your fake accounts hahahah
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  15. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    When you have a place like this, set up outside the current system, imposing rules will only force it back into the system it was once free of.

    a little too proud of being born.
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    hey man.. Udemy should pay you to give a course on one liners.. :lmao:
    until then I'll just try to soak up what I can for free here..

    @SAiNT listened.. and then acted...
    thanks to all for keeping this discussion mostly civil and to the point... :shalom:
  17. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I'll be honest. I took the Masterclass.
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  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Aaah! the good ol’ Audioz is back!
    elegance, noblesse, style
    From now on, finally every post will have a full meaning
    the Integral “garage sale” is over

    AZ returned to be our jewellery of warez
  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Thanks to those who voted to stop this.
    Also thanks to Saint for doing the right thing.

    This is hopefully the end of all this crap and a great way to start the year.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
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