Ink, scratches, dirt (no-wave)

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Rolma, May 19, 2013.

  1. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Hi There,
    Some draft I´ve been working on … a bit arty...I think, not really technical, kinda of dirty...
    For inspiration I´ve followed few threads from this site. The conversations series (highly recommended)

    Pls, tell me about what you think …I´m in the tech processing of the sound… IF you find it´s really unacceptable, the issues are worst than the music etc, let me know.
    I find the levels and so on very challenging
    I would appreciate it a lot
  3. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Cool weather. Summer of anarchy.
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    nothing wrong with being artistic :wink: , but definately needs some lower freqs adding in there to make it feel even darker :break: nice work
  5. Mental Exchange Department

    Mental Exchange Department Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
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    :wink: Nico velvet underground springs to mind. Would be nice to hear the barking dog chewing on someones leg at the end.
  6. Feridan

    Feridan Newbie

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I like the song, but it should be a bit faster; but just a bit. I like your mastering better on Taxi, Orphan music, or Dogs Phasing.

    I like that candy-horror vibe in your music it keeps me interested.
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi Rolma, this song is very climatic, I like it a lot.

    Now on constructive critic side:

    I like the dissonant harmony

    I like very much how sounds the voices @ 2:34

    May be a bit more low end, you have a bassynth there, why not try to push little more its low frequencies.

    The chaotic rhythmic placement is interesting and part of the feeling,
    but may be some parts, like the dry distorted guitar that comes with 2 notes (@ 1:23 and 1:31), could be in time.

    @ 3:29 the toy piano is a bit too high.

    Of course all this is only my opinion, and without trying it, I can't be sure these are good ideas.
  8. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Thanks to all for passing by, listening & drop an opinion : )
    Very constructive. :mates:

    What a pair of ears! :grooves:
    I been placing those notes as if I were playing some chess and to be honest I´ve never been satisfied how they break into…
    The toy piano has been a problem too it has a channel animation for the volume and by the accumulation feels loud (the melody might share freqs)

    I´ve got few presets with variations for the master …I spent too much time with the mids …because the voices.. forgetting about other stuff.
    Also everyone warns about how awfull things sound when you get too loud bottoms

    @ SirSillySausage
    The shallow bottom might be because in the last minute I made cut by 30 hz on the master .
    Also I didn´t saturate the band at all …I was getting this sort of fuzzy thing on the speakers, and thought better clear it all.

    I know the dog sounds like a puppy, the sampler is so queer. I should get some library real world sounds :rofl:
    How are things going where I used to live?

    @ Feridan
    thanks for finding me a style. I never know how define what I do…
    I think my mastering skills started to be a bit more aware about what it was going on from Taxi.
    The approach on this track has been very conservative.
    Maybe too conservative, I pushed it shyly in ranges of 3 -1.5 when usually I was maximizing in ranges of 9-13.
    I never had such range on the meters, previous everything was severely squeezed and limited …
    Still I have to find the right skill…which might take a looooooooooooooong & loooooong while!
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Romina About the bass synth, I suggest to try EQ pushing 115 hz + 3.5 Db 0.25 octave more or less on this track, and you can keep your 30hz cut on the mix. The bass synth will be slightly more substantial but this wont unbalance the piece.
    Bass can be more audible without being louder, this is all the trick.
    of course you don't need to get the 30hz loud, this is not house music heard on ear buds)

    About the tiny piano just try to get it down beginning at 3khz then cut everything lower than 500hz or even 600hz on it's track, this should help.

    You can Use voxengo gliss EQ or DC retro Equalizer from Don´t crack if you want to keep the warmy sound.

    May be this time you have more space for dynamic. this is not bad.
  10. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    This is a piece of advice!!! :wink:
    100% usuable
    I´m into voxengo a lot I understand how they work
    less into don´t crack
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You are welcome Romina, your composition well worth it, I like it a lot. It is not so easy to transmit such a feeling.

    If you decide to change something in it, I ´d be happy to listen to its evolution.

    About the tiny piano, may be the result of what I wrote before can make it become too tiny, so you will need to try where exactly belongs the frequency cut.
    If you are used to voxengo, this should be easy, these plugins are very clear and "readable".
    I forgot to mention Fabfilter, that can do this same job too.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I love it Rolma! It's very creative and I love the inner turmoil it conjures up. Thanks for sharing. Really. :bow:
  13. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Guys Thank you so much for all these comments!
    Makes really happy!
    Olymoon, I ´ll try till I get a sort of compromise...
    I don´t want change it alot because for me this project is finished in terms of going to the arrangement

    I´m starting with another one...I get the first draft.
    Why Romina (now!)?
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Sorry, I put your name wrong...

    Ok I understand that you will not change because it is finish.

    Good luck for next one
  15. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Don´t worry your kind words fully usefull tips) well deserve a name change

    Not yet...1 day more: )
    But just tech stuff
  16. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I don't understand what you mean
  17. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I say that because when I´m into a project I tend to change all the time things (my friends ask me why I change so much)...
    I find new sounds and I change the structure(I don´t want to do that- on this side for me the project is finished)

    This time I´ll fix the lil-piano (just freq-volumes- maybe the decay(maybe))
    and I´ll sit with Ozone (maximising a bit more and have and go with the lows)and I mute those notes.
    I´ll let you know the result. :mates:
  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Ok Rolma I am very interested to hear the result.
  19. Burg

    Burg Newbie

    Aug 16, 2011
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    This track is fucking dope.

    Low freq bass as mentioned is cool.

    I would love to hear the distorted guitar sample combined/mixed with an actual gtr playing the same thing (same overdriven sound). I think the mix of the two would really broaden the track out.

    Your vocals are sick.
  20. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    @Burg thanks for the kind words (I really take into account the productive advices)
    Once applied the fixes that I´m about to do
    yes,it would be great to find someone for a collab with the GTRs
    I might post something on the forum...let´s see
  21. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    sorry it took so long to post here!

    i really enjoyed listening to this! it's old and new and dark but still accessible

    as usual, your voice sounds amazing! i really enjoyed the reverb/delay you placed on it at some points-

    the "guitar" sound that is stretched and manipulated that drives the atmosphere is perfect

    the synth melody at the later part of the song (2:28) was well done, it fit in just right and the song needed that boost of energy there

    i think the tempo is perfect

    for some reason i wanted to hear a bit of reverb tail on a few of the percussion elements (every now and then) it seemed kinda dry at times (no big deal though)

    also the very high pitch sound that resembled a kids toy was very effective

    a bit more subbass drone throughout would add to the drama i suppose, but maybe you wanted it more clean and synthetic?

    such is the nature of dealing with a genius like ROLMA!!!
