injecting ahci drivers on xp without reinstalling

Discussion in 'PC' started by Nostalgia_Rocks, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    Ok here's another XP topic of mine unfortunately [lol], I wasn't sure if I should start a new topic or not or just post in the old one..but who cares here I go..

    I have an issue, an issue is an understatement.. following all kinds of guides and reg hacks etc from places like etc..etc..etc..

    DOES NOT least for me. those methods/tricks/tips don't work for my AMD system. My motherboard is F1A75-M LE. This is something that i really need to get working on this xp system, then i can enjoy the ahci benefits on xp.

    The driver I need possibly modded to be recognized in the device manager is found here on the ASUS site

    So the problem I'm having is every time I try and install this driver [supposedly made for my motherboard] in device manager under Primary IDE controllers I get the error ''the specified location does not include information about your hardware''. This is a little piss-off since other custom modded amd ahci drivers found elsewhere on a forum are recognized by my system and install without the certificate but they both blue screen on reboot.. then I have to press F8 and ''use last configuration that worked''. I should also point out that YES I've switched between IDE mode and AHCI mode many times in the bios. I always get a blue screen when trying to use the ahci mode when booting into windows xp no matter what I did. Strange because these drivers where made for my motherboard.

    I need to figure out how to install these drivers without reinstalling my entire os. So this is kind of an advanced problem I'm hoping someone knowledgeable here at audiosex can help me out ;] any suggestion at this point is more than welcome. i've been pulling teeth here basicly all day.

  3. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    You need the original driver from your pc model. If it doesn't accept it, it means it's not the expected one.
    Try automated search first.

    If you have a backup image of a previous working system with included driver you can use Double Driver to save it and then restore it to the new installed system.
    I can't help with registry hack for drivers.
  4. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    Thanks but I never had ahci installed on my xp system..ever. I'm trying to install it now with the ''new'' motherboard..the problem is that the only official driver on my motherboard's website doesn't work. It may work with a complete reinstall of windows slippstreamed [i haven't tested that] but many people have successfully installed AHCI from an IDE install without reinstalling so i'm trying to figure out why im having such a hard time. its pretty bonkers lol. xd
  5. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    The last thing you can try is to use Win To USB.
    Basically you install a fresh system that eventually will boot from USB leaving untouched the original system.

    You can test drivers, and install everything you want as it was internal HDD.

    If you decide that's good enough, you can change it from wintogo to local and copy the partition(s) over the old system with any sw like Paragon ar Acronis and the like.

    It worked for me, it took a month or so to prepare a new system with all my software installed and nuts and bolts before I decided to copy it over the old.

    If you want detailed instructions, let me know.

    I'm afraid I can't go further this.
  6. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    Cool software but xp is too old for it. I did a little research, even if i got ahci working the difference would be marginal if anything on xp over ide. So for now I'm content with ide until i install xp to another partition and try to slipstream the driver. I highly doubt it will work though even slipstreamed. The motherboard does for sure support it using win10 since i did get it working using a win10 install. Seems like the xp driver isn't fully compatible with my mb. xp system flys as is and is very fast especially now that i oc'd the processor and the ssd's.
  7. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Driver Issues go to You can download a driverpack that will scan and install the drivers you need it is totally free has been around for about 15 years, the pack is quite large 23 Gb you will need a 32 Gb USB drive or use the online version to find and install your drivers. In the package it will have drivers from Windows XP on up for every device and computer you may have. The USB version is handier because you don't need an internet connection to set up a new installation of windows. It up dates when newer drivers are available and is a well known secret of many computer repair shops. The page that has the full version download is It will offer 3 choices to download " torrent file turbobit and a gigabase links, but use the torrent link it is much better
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
  8. Nostalgia_Rocks

    Nostalgia_Rocks Kapellmeister

    Nov 19, 2018
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    i downloaded the whole thing hope it works with xp.