Initial Project Volume

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by ricbm710, Sep 26, 2022.

  1. ricbm710

    ricbm710 Producer

    Jul 24, 2022
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    This is something I haven't found clearly addressed in tutorials.

    When you start adding tracks to your project, what Master volume do you aim for?
    Let's say I add a couple of nice synths and the Master peak volume reaches 0 db, which sounds fine. But then, when adding some drums, the Master starts to clip which makes me reset all tracks again to find a good balance.

    How do you deal with these constant volume adjustments in order to have a smooth workflow?
    I have heard about the -6 db headroom but I understand it's essentially for mastering when your final mix is ready.
  3. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    i know this is not ideal, but i just turn down all the tracks while in the early stages of the production (or i can just turn down the master), and then make adjustments as i go forward.
    i try to keep the master volume at -3/-6 dB so later on i can do whatever i need.

    i've never understood this obsession (IN DIGITAL, i know it's important in analog).
    hopefully some answers here will make me understand more and reconsider my workflow :)
  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Just less than 0dB FS so it doesn't clip. The question is, to which level do you set the channels' faders right from the start to avoid clipping? That's a matter of count, sounds and mix. Sadly, there's no rule, a guide line could be ~ -10dB but I often end up with some tracks way lower and some higher (the latter mostly when they're routed into a subgroup/folder).

    Nope, it's not, not at all, not with 16 or 24bit, least with 32bit FP. I see no technical, theoretical or practical advantage of -6 over -1, or -10dB.
  5. ricbm710

    ricbm710 Producer

    Jul 24, 2022
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    That's what I meant. Sorry, I didn't phrase it correctly.

    Alrighty. I'm trying to achieve the soundest workflow possible and these little rules of thumb help.
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