Indonesia - Collaborate and perform in Gili T?

Discussion in 'Collaborations' started by frumpiemonkey, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. frumpiemonkey

    frumpiemonkey Newbie

    Oct 21, 2014
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    The Dirt: I live in Indonesia and my favorite hangout spot is the Gili Islands (near Bali). There is lots of music, a constant international community of travelers and other things. The place is almost all parties and music one but old style DJ's and local cover bands are there. I'm interested in trying a venture that starts with collaboration. When I was there last all the Europeans were loving the party atmosphere but not enjoying the music so much. They kept asking why the music sucked. I realized an opportunity. The DJ's there and the bars are willing to let me perform my music...for free.

    The deal: If you have plans to go to Bali during Christmas (2014) then we should collaborate. As I'm American I would like to work with Europeans. I have a plan to turn the place into a music haven, specifically for indie music (the island is home to rock, regae, trance, EDM, pop, just about everything) that benefits the locals, and provides the music community with a much needed alternative. I want to include as much "live" elements as possible (even if it's as simple as launching clips from a launchpad, though live vocals are must [which I am keen on doing]). I want to experiment with mixed genre music of high quality and complexity. If this sounds fun to you then let's get on it. I make roughly 3 finished tracks a week, if you are capable of working at that level then we are a good match.

    p.s. Sorry that no one knows me, I just joined. I'll post my music and stuff soon. I also hope this is the correct place to post this.