Image Line Plugins Crash Ableton Live on Windows - Anyone Else?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Cav Emp, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I just want to get a feel for the prevalence of this issue. Whenever I use Harmor, Gross Beat, Vocodex, etc., which are all fantastic plug-ins, they seem to crash ableton Live whenever you breathe too close to the mouse. It's such a shame - I had plans to get several more of their plug-ins -- at the very least Sytrus, Maximus and Edison -- but I don't want to spend money on something I can only use in a limited capacity.

    I reported on the IL support forums that Harmor crashes Live whenever I group to instrument rack with the Harmor UI open, or try to move it to a different track with the UI open. In my post I basically said, look I don't really need help, I know how to avoid it, but I want to report this as a bug. Didn't get response. Hopefully they're looking into it.

    All of their plugins that I have installed (which to be fair, is only 5 or 6) crash if I try to group to a rack or move to another track with the plugin UI open. This happens on two different computers, and when I used Windows 10 it happens there too. Edison crashes if you record a long file and try to save the set... or even switch from Session to Arrange view. Gross beat consistently stutters the wrong bit of audio if triggered by midi more than once per bar. I could go on.

    My point is - these plugins have been around a while, have they not? Why has this not been addressed and why are people who bought IL VSTs not carrying on about it? Is it only happening to me?

    Edited out certain remarks. I want to be careful not to smear IL here. I love their plugins and want to be careful not to smear them. I'm just a little discouraged.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
  3. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Well I never heard of Imagine Line, for starters. But I have heard of Image Line. Lol.
    On a serious note, in my 9 years of working with pro audio, that is one of the strangest plugin issue I have ever heard of. Breathing near the mouse causes a plugin to crash? Maybe get a new mouse?
    Not sure if you've tried this yet as it's the most basic of solutions but have you tried rebooting? Some folks need to be reminded of that. Myself being one of them. What about removing the plugins & rescanning them in Ableton?
    Now I could be a troll & tell you to stop breathing, but that's not cool.
  4. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Imagine Image line working in Ableton Live

    lol AS doesn't let you edit thread titles
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Add one more to the list... I was just working on a project with gross beat in it and - surprise - it crashed. When it reloaded it told me it could not find IL Gross Beat in my plugin folder (obviously I hadn't moved it)

    What a bummer. Great plugins. Great pain in the ass.

    Edit: I also got a 'QuickFontCache.dll not found' error message, which a quick search reveals is an IL related problem.
  6. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    There's a Thread Tools button up there just below the AS search field. you can rename title.

    And regarding crashes, short answer is Be patient there's a fix coming!
    you should know they are working on rewriting their whole range of products (including VST collection) with Delphi 10.

    In detail: Originally FL Studio was written with Delphi to be compatible and super fast on Windows machines.

    Older versions of Delphi couldn't be ported to another platform and it was too much for IL guys to rewrite every single line of code in another language. So Reflex and Maxx Claster began using C++ for VST versions as a starting point to rewrite plugins with FL Studio to come later.

    But surprisingly in 2012 Embarcadero, which is Delphi developer, released a new version supporting Mac-iOS-Android, even cloud platforms.
    And the reason Image Line never had a native Mac version until recently was that.

    Apologies if any part of my explanation is not understandable.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2016

    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    I'm not sure what your platform looks like but I have none of the problems you just described. Looking at your post I assume most of those copies are pirated? I know (?) you bought Harmor but don't know about the rest. Are there any functional differences between the legit and pirated plug-ins you have installed? Like, do both of them crash when you undertake said actions or just the legit or pirated stuff? Also, did you update the pirated plug-ins to the latest updates released by R2R back in May this year? A lot of people mention the possibility of updating said plug-ins by just getting the installers from Image-Line themselves, but I usually just wait for official scene releases for whatever I'm using illegally.

    Anyways, I've just opened my default Ableton template to check out the different things you mentioned having issues with since I couldn't really recall said problems happening to me. Just to make sure I opened some default instances of Harmor, Sytrus and Vocodex and both grouped them and moved them from one track to another both with the UIs being open and nothing happened for me. Apart from the things getting grouped or moved like they should. Not sure if it would matter but to try and help you the best way possible, I'm on Windows 7 and on the latest version of Ableton. I actually own the Standard version legitimately but am using the Suite version from R2R because of the extras and I'm too paranoid to use legit software in combination with pirated stuff. If there is anything else you'd like to know about my setup that could possibly help you, just let me know and I'll leave you a message either here or through PM. I hope I could be of some help this way.
  8. Pete

    Pete Member

    Jul 6, 2015
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    This took me months of fiddling to solve. Put each IL instrument in an instrument rack and save it. Then ONLY use the rack you created when you want the instrument, they don't like being moved around. Put the IL effects in seperate audio effects racks and save them and you'll be fine. :)
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  9. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    God I hope you're right. Thanks for the info!

    On the contrary, most of them are legit. Only five are installed. Harmor Vocodex and Gross Beat are all bought. And no, no difference whatsoever. I even cleaned out my previous registry key and tried it with just the legit one before cleaning that out and re-entering an R2R key and then overwriting it with legit keys for the three I own. Sytrus and Edison were up there on the "buy next" list but until this is fixed, I'm not so sure. Bazille does FM anyway, just less flexible than Sytrus in certain ways. Edison is particularly touchy.

    I appreciate the offer. I may reach out to you if I can think of some kind of variable that may be the difference maker.

    Yessir. I've done the same thing. I even have gross beat and Vocodex macroed up and everything since they have relatively few parameters. If it were just the grouping and track switching I could live with it. But Edison barely works in any non-FL DAW (crashes Studio One too) and Gross Beat plays back the wrong audio when triggered by midi.

    And now that I think of it... it's three different machines. My main desktop, the one I used before building the current one, and my laptop. I'll have to test the gross beat problem on the laptop.
  10. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    have you tried brushing your teeth?
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i edit it for you.

    well i only had problem with slicex in ableton 9.1x i think, then i stopped using it.
    well you can write a bugreport in the IL forum and tell them you are using a trail/demo version, but it crashes, when do this or that.
    you want to buy it, but you just want to go sure it works in your production flawless.