(image-line.com) FL Studio 12.2 BETA -> 12.2 RC1

Discussion in 'Software News' started by thantrax, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please stop!

    No one can describe his or her own experiences with his or her favorite DAW that has acquired in years with just 3 or 4 posts. All of the DAW developers are learning from each other without condemning. There are near 7,000,000,000 humans in our lovely planet with 100,000,000,000 neural cells in their brains. Do you know the meaning of permutation in the mathematics? Of course you do!

    Btw, FL seems simple at the first look (because its developers want it to look simple) but after digging into it, you'd discover that it's the most complicated DAW in the market. After some years of working with it, I can say courageously that I don't know more than 50 percent of it.

    If you'd be a real real sound designer, its own stack plugins are more than enough. There would not any idea in your mind that can not be applicable by utilizing it unless you have been distracted by other vendors instead of raising your sound knowledge. For example if you'd be a real real sound engineer you would never prefer Izotope Ozone to FL ones because e.g. by using its EQ+Wave shaper you can emulate most of the Analog behaviors that most vendors implement them with large GUIs just for selling their products.

    Don't believe me OK just dig in or choose another one because the goal is sound destining and having control in every aspect of the sounds.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2015
  2. music_inc

    music_inc Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    Right here

    Dude, relax: don't get so emotional, okay? It's just a DAW :)

    You like it - Fine. You don't like it - that's fine, too!

    Now let's all go make some music instead, ok? :)
  3. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I'm not emotional, I'm saying it's not professional, other insist it is, I'm asking what it can do so professional, because it's still regarded as a toy in professional environment and looks like a toy, others are the ones who're emotional about it being a toy and want to portray it as professional, so I'm comparing it against professional features a person would expect to find in a DAW labelled as professional...
    Value readouts in the corner is not professional... how about peak read outs?

    Can you go back and tweak markers again and not do all from the beginning? I truly don't know, regardless that loading your audio in some other app within a daw to warp is "unprofessional".
    Phase aligned quantisation?
    Mute/solo buttons?
    Real time bounce...
    Multi-track recording?
    Is automation delay compensated, automation trimming, previewing, punching in out?

    Any of that with no workarounds, straight forward editing as in professional application one would do?

    Prove to me it's professional, you happy with it, ok, but for others it's a toy and will never be anything else, where are mute/solo buttons? so it is a toy to me, get over it, I'm not emotional, others are who try to prove something to me about a sequencer without solo mute buttons. Move on people....
    Oh it has a green pixel dot instead, good for you...
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Of course all of them are possible!
    Russians like its chicks and not like its leader Putin are so easy going. Why don't you try to install it and answer all of these questions and many more by yourself just by reading its manual? I learned it in this way and utilized it by looking at its projects and "how to make" videos.

    FL is so lovely even better that your gf that I am sure you'd never uninstall it and would provide anything that you need. Just install it.
  5. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Ok, I'm tired, whatever you use, it doesn't matter at all, what matters is what you create, so fuck me for engaging into such a dumbass needless argument... as a matter of fact it's all full of shit
  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    First please stop talking in a dirty manner. This forum is for helping each other not spreading shit at each other.

    Second I posted you some good tutorials for better understanding FL and I'm sure you didn't care about them. Fortunately all of them are for drum and bass and similar genres. The tutor is and advanced one. You can not find anyone like him tutoring these genres using FL! First look at them then try to show your anger. I am posting them here again. Even the Harmor that you don't know much about it needs an advanced tutorial and then you can you use it in all of your sound designing process like D&B producing. Simply download them from Audioz and look at them in the order that I have written:

    In any of them you'll discover some power of it (maybe just 10 or 20%) and also composing music that is the hardest thing.

    I'll see you just in the new year not before that because you're learning just FL not even posting here new questions or requests.

    Bye! Happy your new year!:winker:
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