IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

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  1. Lizard

    Lizard Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Yes, I really think it doesn't make a significant sound difference.

    Also I believe they will release the big brother unit sooner than later with all the bells and whistles.
    The question is only at what price point.
  2. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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  3. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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    You are correct if you use the new database library.db it will overwrite the previous larger Library.db
    and all the amps from the previous will not be available
    As Both Librarys are provided for use the idea would be choose the library for use that you seek to use the amp you seek

    Hope this helps to clear the confusion:mates:
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  4. zib

    zib Platinum Record

    Mar 27, 2013
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    If I understood well, dansere said that a library just needs to have Black Angus Tonemodel to work properly.
    So you can load various libraries like Rodger's precious ones, or "blues", "high gain"... you built.

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  5. Soori

    Soori Newbie

    Mar 19, 2023
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    This thread is great & full of good info.
    I have learned a lot.
    Will it be too blunt to ask for a version of the library file with just the AMP and CAB & Complex Rigs items ?
    No stomps, No Amps only, No Stomp&Amp, No bass rigs.
    My attempts to do this with an SQL editor did not work.
    Got a few none working outputs.
    I went thru thru most of the 46 pages of this thread and tried to apply the tips but no go.
    This should reduce the number of items by about 35% to 40% & improve the lunch speed.
    Many thanks in advance for the wizards of good will who can pull this one
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  6. Lizard

    Lizard Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Just select and delete everything that you don't need and write changes to the library you are editing and use that one. Or delete everything and copy-paste just small selection of captures you want to use from larger libraries and use that one. Open 2 windows at the same time and it takes really short time to do it.

    If you are having problems when pasting models ,one of them can be caused if you select the order number. You have to select all the columns starting from GUID on the left leaving the first number untouched. Same thing when you are pasting, select all the columns from the GUID all the way to the right and paste there. You can easily create your own custom library and as new ones are released you just add stuff you want to your custom library from there.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
  7. Soori

    Soori Newbie

    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thanks for the tips Lizard.
    Glad to say I was able to delete items I did not want, update the db & it will load.
    Way faster as well !

    Pasting is not possible for some reason as the fields order is not not matching.
    The order of the last 3 items of the db ( based on the up to March 6th file ) I edited is:


    The order of the fields in the db ( March 7th & onward ) I want to paste from is:

    This ( I suspect ) creates an error & will not let me paste the info.
    Any ideas?

    Many Thanks.
  8. Lizard

    Lizard Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    I strongly suspect you have ordinal number also selected when copying and then when you paste it puts it in first left ( GUID ) column. Or not all columns selected so the number is not matching and wrong things go in wrong columns when pasting.

    Try this:

    1. Select everything in line for one capture, from GUID on the left to VisibleInCS, at the end and copy that. ( keep in mind ordinal number on the left should not be in blue as selected )

    2.Go to insert new record button and add a new one.

    3.Select everything from GUID to VisibleInCS again in that new one so its blued out ( once again keep in mind ordinal number on the left should not be in blue as selected )

    4.Than Paste

    5.Go to File/Write Changes

    This should work for sure and you shouldn't get not matching column errors if you do it like this.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  9. Soori

    Soori Newbie

    Mar 19, 2023
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    Thank you for the reply Lizard,
    Tried your method above.
    Got the same error.
    However, this time one entry was copied but the data fields are mismatched.
    Meaning to say that the date field for example is "1" instead of the correct info for the date.
    Using DB Browser for SQlite.
    Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
    Many Thanks again :thanks:
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  10. EdgerFriendly

    EdgerFriendly Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    Unfortunately the older Library.db file from Rodger has the DateAdded column in a different location than in his newer files (the newer files do match the original IK Multimedia Library.db now at least). So to move data from the old Library.db to the new one requires 3 steps.

    1. Select from GUID to Tag_CabModelComment in old style Library.db and paste in new style library.db.
    2. Select both Favorite and VisibleInCS in old and paste in new.
    3. Select DateAdded in old and paste in new.
  11. Lizard

    Lizard Member

    Mar 10, 2023
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    Thanks for this, I dint even noticed it because when I just pasted all it still worked just the dates were not there.
    Do you know what VisibleInCS is ? Also maybe there is a way to rearrange columns ?
    I'm really not good at this
  12. EdgerFriendly

    EdgerFriendly Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    I'm guessing that VisibleInCS would indicate that the Tone Model would show up in the free CS version of the software. Inasmuch as the sister site provides us with TONEX MAX, that column is most likely irrelevant.

    To my knowledge rearranging the column position in a table is not permitted within DB Browser for SQLite.
  13. Soori

    Soori Newbie

    Mar 19, 2023
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    First many thanks for all the comments & suggestions.
    I think the problem is different now.
    If I create 20 new entries, it will paste the first 20 items of information.
    Not copying the last 3 items as suggested.
    Since we are adding the old db to the new, which after it's filtered at about 5481 entries
    and as the time it will take to create all of these new entries on my own clicking a mouse
    ( can be spent playing with a real amp ! :metal:) and as it gets rather technical for guitar player
    ( myself included :beg:)
    does any one knows what it syntax to use the program's execute command
    & have the program add the new entries ?

    Many thanks again & in advance for all the information so far.
    I guess you do learn something new every day.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2023
  14. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    It's correct.
    I'm using the CS version and when the plugin loads, it sets all models above 20 visibleInCS field to 0, if there are any.

    If you set it to 1 with:
    update ToneModels set visibleInCS = 1 where VisibleInCs = 0
    while the plugin is open and enable/disable the filter of owned models, all models reappear. So, it's possible to use the library files with CS too, you just need to:
    1. Make the file not writable by the current user after having the models you want, or,
    2. Execute the SQL above everytime you open the plugin.

    In my case, I made the file not writable by the user that loads the plugin and just import some models I like with SQL.
  15. PryKiller

    PryKiller Member

    Sep 3, 2019
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    Question about the tonex pedal, can you add any delay o any pedal to the tonex pedal? The video of sonic drive studio says that you can, like export a pedal from tonex vst to the tonex pedal or from the cloud. Is this right?
  16. PryKiller

    PryKiller Member

    Sep 3, 2019
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    digging into tonex there's no delay pedal, well but what about amplitube, to export a preset to the pedal or this is imposible too
  17. Buhdurkachomp

    Buhdurkachomp Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2021
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    This isn't about ToneX exactly, but there is a new free profiler. I say "new" but it has been around for quite some time but has consistently gotten better. Right now, with a relatively small capture library, I have tones that are every bit as good or better than ToneX. It's called Neural Amp Modeler or NAM. Its a tad cpu hungry but has some absolutely killer tones. I've seen some comparisons of different modelers like tonex, quad cortex, kemper, etc and the original tube amp sound file and NAM had less error than any of them. I highly recommend checking it out
  18. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    I don't think it's possible to use any Amplitube FX into TONEX plugin or pedal. They probably mean you can use Pedal ToneModels in TONEX but these are OD/DS pedals.
  19. Rock2112

    Rock2112 Member

    May 25, 2019
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    I am finding the whole ToneNet and library management thing to be a scheme that "looked good on paper" but needs major revision to be usable long term. Even if IK figures out how to speed the software launch from large saved libraries, there are still problems with the learning curve on capturing. Example: I uploaded my first captures to ToneNet, just basically jazzed that I pulled it off, only to later realize they were too muddy and boomy. I re-captured the same amp and channels with some revisions to the approach and the new captures were much better. I uploaded those too, but now my older captures are sitting on ToneNet and I can't remove them. Now multiply me by many users. The current ToneNet offerings are filled with "learning curve" captures. Finding the best ones is now like looking for a needle in a haystack. Top 10 lists and recommendations are purely a function of marketing and exposure, not quality. And that problem is growing every day.
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  20. huckleberry finn

    huckleberry finn Member

    May 20, 2022
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    They need to limit the presets created for ToneNet that blow out ears. It's ridiculous.
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