IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

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  1. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    right now Tonex have a great discount,i have Ik points so the price for me is around $100

  2. EdgerFriendly

    EdgerFriendly Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    PifPafPif said: Find me ANY aggressive metal chug on ToneX I just need a single one.

    Gnosisrausch said: I really absolutely don't understand how you can not get an aggressive metal chug with ToneX.

    So I loaded up Tonex with the AF3 Mesa Dual rectifier 3ch that Gnosisrausch mentioned to determine which of the two comments above was most accurate. I would have to side with PifPafPif with this debate. Yes the ToneX can chug but doesn't come close to being called aggressive. For comparison I loaded the Overloud TH-U Rig Player with the LRS Triple G library. I selected the LRS Triple EL34 folder and was blown away by how much it put ToneX to shame in the metal chug department. The guitar I tested with is a USA made 1995 Hamer Californian Elite with the stock Seymour Duncan Trembucker pickup in the bridge position.
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  3. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    That's why i said : POST an example of aggressive chug metal on ToneX
    NO ONE posted something

    Whereas on my side i posted SEVERAL videos examples

    You want another one ?
    Take that !

  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    cocked wah?
    The cocked wah sound is the sound Mark Knopfler had on Money For Nothing and NO amp in Tonex or any other ampsim sound like that and no real amp either.
  5. Gnosisrausch

    Gnosisrausch Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Chucks adequately, in my opinion

    Attached Files:

  6. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Not mate ... it is flabby as hell.
    No attack, no punch definition.
    And it is NOT related to your playing.

    I listen AND play metal for 30 years.

    THIS is chug : ear the attack, definition, pick sound ...
    As a reminder, GE200 is around 200 bucks

    PS : i'm bored by this useless discussion now.
    So play all like you want, all you want ... i return to my GE200 and THU Rig Player
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
  7. Kyunghee

    Kyunghee Member

    Jul 16, 2021
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    Yes, just run the app, works fine, it overwrites your library file though, and I think it deletes your favourites as well (I haven't checked that one so maybe someone can confirm).
  8. ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ

    ᑕ⊕ֆᗰIᑢ Rock Star

    Jan 23, 2022
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    The good old POD HD500 could be handy for this,
    as it allows to adjust the Sag/Bias/Excursion factor and make the amps be as Tight/loose as you may need..

    Not the most refined sound ofc, (and external cabs are obligatory..)
    but I'd say more than good enough for recording a proper high gain chugg :yes:

    Modern modellers could be better ofc,
    probably something like Axe-Fx which goes pretty in depth with the emulation.. :wink:
  9. Syn1666

    Syn1666 Noisemaker

    Oct 25, 2022
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    What @PifPafPif is saying about tonex and dynamics is right. At least I also agree with that,but then again I find that to be a problem with most of not all modelers and profilers,they tend to be too smooth and
    "Digital " ,like helix which also could drive me nuts chasing "the tone" .For me personally NDSP fortin nameless is the best when it comes to high gain stuff,I think that plugin reacts the closest to the real thing, and I have tried almost all the plugin,modeler market has to offer.
    Now tonex it's not bad ,far from that it's actually very very accurate especially when you add to it an EQ pedal,but still it has room to be improved which I'm sure it will.
  10. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Take a listen:

    I had the GE200, 250, 300 and, as we discussed in the GE200 topic, in my opinion, Mooer lacks high end definition. It smooths out high frequencies in a way that you always need an smiley EQ curve applied to it. Even with amp only captures it boosts the midrange so, in a lot of captures that sounds good it's for sure an EQ was used to correct the sound.

    ToneX gives better accuracy and better out of the box results than, say, Kemper (without messing with advanced params), and the captures having no punch has nothing to do with the capture but with the tone being captured. This is also true for TH-U, if you compare captures of the same amp by LRS and Choptones you will see the latter always sound midrangey and flat/dark while LRS offers captures with a lot more definition, closer to the real mic'ed amps.

    Anyway, there's a lot of cool tones and value in profiling but, all it gives you is one snapshot of an amp capable of a lot more. In this scenario, high quality modeling gives you a broader range of captured tones and better modelled controls of the amp, IMO.

  11. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    First vid is really convincing :wink:
    Still lacking more gain to be chugging, isolate the guitars (by mid side processing) and you get the usual ToneX high gain sound.
    Drums are doing all the work.

    Second vid ? like any high gain ToneX demo from IK : flabby

    The two last with modellers are WAY better.

    I disagree about the "no punch" being from tone capture only.
    Because NO ONE gave me any high gain chug example with ToneX yet, from ANY profiler guy (even pro ones).

    And very good ppl tried their best since day one to release their best captures on ToneNet.
    I tested them ALL : they ALL s*cks

    ToneX sound engine is too SLOW to react to high gain metal chug.
    "Hammer on sponge" effect.

    I agree with you about Mooer, it is FAR from perfect ... but at least it is FAST reacting.
    Whatever you do on ToneX, SOUND ENGINE is slow. Nothing gonna fix it before or after.
    Only a MASSIVE dose of VIR speaker resonance will give crunch attack AFTER the fact.
    Kind of "elastic on sponge" effect :rofl:

    Even badly mic ed, GE300 rips ToneX on high gain metal :
  12. hot rats

    hot rats Member

    Oct 7, 2022
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    Not a metal player, but the slow response, sponge effect remains even for fast blues rock or fusion licks. What I do for home recording, I play with TH-U at 32 or 64 DAW buffer. It needs a stereo printed mix of the song only and TH-U. I find TH-U to have the fastest response and lowest latency of most amp simulations. Later you can assign ToneX to the recorded audio track - do not record / print with the TH-U plugin obviously. This technique works for any other combination of sims or guitar cabs. You can try this even at 96 32 with a reasonably fast computer. You can also “clean” the recorded audio better before applying the guitar plugin. Well, you can try at least, sometimes it’s a lifesaver YMMV
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  13. NethBT

    NethBT Member

    Dec 3, 2022
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    This is why I still struggle with the TONEX and AMPLITUBE in general, finding organic 80's Glam and Rock tones that would react to the pickups tonal characteristics...with TH-U, its a breeze to find several good tones that's up your alley, I mean, no tweaking, you can easily find a good Rig Player preset that can sit well in the mix and sound like almost indistinguishable from the real thing...with TONEX, you got to put in a really good IR then do some endless tweaking ..I mean ...endless... just to end up a half decent tone. The other day I way trying some Dumble tones but IK couldn't quite nail it the way ML Sound does [AMPED] with their Dumble Amp...Even with the Friedmans, ML sounds way more organic than TONEX
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  14. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I used to have Mesa Boogie mark iii simul-class 100 watt combo and If I hadn't already sold it at a time of dire need. Then there is no way in a million years that I would have given it up or replaced it in favour of that Tonex version. Having to sell that amp is one of my biggest ever regrets. But the money I got from it gave me the money that I needed to pay my mortgage for one more month that stopped my home from being reprocessed and give me the time that I needed to sell. Another of my stupid mistakes was not replacing it with some top end amps after I had received the money from my house sale. That Boogie was a great amp, but I'm never going to miss carrying it up a flight of stairs. I think that amp is part of the reason why I've had so many back issues. To sum things up my real Mesa MK III would blow that Tonex version out of the water. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but people who own the real amp are not going to be selling their Boogies and rushing out to buy Tonex as a replacement any time soon. I hope that day comes, preferably before I save up my money to buy a MK V.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2022
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  15. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Maybe you are talking about the effect of low cutting low end?

    By using modellers or profilers that push mid range, like Mooer and some TH-U captures you're essentialy getting the low cut provided by pedals like TS or Precision Drive, so, maybe that's why you're getting tones that "chugs" by default.

    I mean, try a pedal that creates this effect at the front of a toneX capture (don't need extreme settings, something like drive: 0, tone: 6-7 and level: 6-7) and it will essentialy boost the signal and cut the flubby low end making it chugg. This works with real amps too.

  16. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I'm wondering if anyone who has bought Tonex has tested this out yet? I say bought as this seems recent so has not yet been shared here.
    I must admit that I could not tell the difference which I think has given me greater hope for those of us who like a heavier tone.

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  17. Artem Bankin

    Artem Bankin Member

    Dec 16, 2018
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  18. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Jeez.....this place is starting to sound like KVR....LOL!!:rofl:

    All the complaints I've heard thus far are regarding how TONEX responds to LIVE playing. Tho I haven't tried it with TONEX yet, I've found that recording two tracks simultaneously....one clean DI....one a small mic'd amp and then using ampsims/modelers/captures etc.....after the fact by re-amping gives me more realistic results. It also eliminates the problem of "feel factor" that usually isn't quite right with digital and software ampsims. But hey....that's just me. YMMV.
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  19. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    Once again, SDS amaze me : his capture is VERY good.
    One of the best for now.
    I will test it soon with pleasure.

    Another nail in the coffin : i just got a SMALL Nano Vypyr (10 years old tech) ... and it chugs better than ToneX :rofl:
    Something like this :

    About pedals, that's not the point
    A good amp like 5150/6505 don't need any pedal to chug

    Find me a "chuggy" 5150/6505 on ToneX, as i said, i filtered on "high gain" and tested them ALL
    Yes, it is a FEEL problem. Not sound.
    Because at the end, the mix will be so processed that there will be no obvious difference between the REAL amp and any good modeler.

    But as METAL ROCK guitarist, i would not buy a ToneX hardware for now
    Kemper, QC ... or Mooer GE200+ like i've already done
  20. Rodger

    Rodger Rock Star

    Oct 29, 2022
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