If you have headphones and aren't using an EQ curve to "flatten" them- maybe check this out!

Discussion in 'Studio' started by macros, Jun 17, 2022.

  1. macros

    macros Guest

    Hello! I'm deliriously tired and this will be the last time i'm here for at least a few months SO i wanted to leave THIS with you guys in case it is helpful. It is an extensive list of EQ presets a dude on reddit has made, oratory1990. its very possibly been mentioned here, i only searched for oratory and now i've written all this and i'm like... maybe i should have searched for eq preset too or something. oh well!

    long story short= EQ preset for headphone=flatter response= better translations to other systems.

    Links to oratory's FAQ's and Preset Lists at bottom. Long winded narrative with unnecessary personal commentary and terribly poor explanations of science in between.

    basically he's taken measurements from different headphones and made eq's based off the harmen curves for like neutral listening or something that requires more intelligence than i possess in this state. Its what sonorworks charges money to do for headphones. so if you ever bought/got sonorworks but didn't use it on your actual monitor speakers it seems like just a pro q3 would have done the same thing.

    I can't go back now, i've got proq3 set at the end of my master (with capital "TURN OFF BEFORE EXPORT") and i use the peace program so all windows audio is filtered through it. This subject is something i am NOT an expert on, but I KNOW there are people who will 99.999% see this thread who are. for all i know oratory is lurking here (or his nemisis u/jaakkopasanen who ALSO has a list of presets but made with a different method... it's mentioned at the bottom of the oratory's faq. also i'm pretty sure they're buds haha) so if there is a comment below this saying "uhhh NO" MIGHT wanna check that out.

    to be completely transparent this oratory 1990 fellow has won me over. he has spent a LOT of time making a enormous list of EQ curves for headphones, he has an open offer as far as can tell that if you ship your headphones to him (he's an audio engineer i think in italy) he will test them with his equipment and make a custom curve for those specific phones (as all are slightly different)... and he asks for a cup of coffee in return. I've messaged him a few times about random headphone shit and he's always gotten back to me with a thorough answer. SO- say what you will but this guy is clearly in it because he loves to do it, and that's something i KNOW EVERYONE on this forum appreciates.

    Now that i'm saying this i realize i never stalked his reddit profile... so hopefully he isn't like off the walls bonkers because it'd reflect poorly on me now. "Hi I'm Oratory, I'm into making EQ presets for headphones and raising dalmatians for fur coats!" ....goddamn it.

    ok links below, if this is at all helpful to anyone who has spare change to get oratory a coffee please consider it. Not to cover me- if i ever have money i will be poor the next day from paying back the list of people who i want to thank. I think he's doing anyone with ears and headphones a genuine service and we all win. if it's accurate. seems accurate. DEFINITELY more neutral on my ancient DT770's, I was brand spanking new to making music that wasn't a rusty guitar found behind a dumpster or a trumpet that only played the Jurassic park theme song for some reason when i got into music on the computer and needed headphones.

    So after i saved my money up (that i didn't need to because the guitard center employee rang up the wrong price then applied the labor sale so i got them for under 50 bucks. that was like 15+ years ago, so damn these have definitely proven their value) i got the 770's because everyone says they're great studio headphones. which they are... if you're in the studio monitoring like vocals or whatever. for MONITORING or LISTENING its great because as you can see below there is a big ass bump on the lows and highs... but when you mix without taking that into account now you're bass is too quiet in the car... so you go back but you're just kinda fucking guessing trial and error now, between the fucked up headphone response and the fucked up car response.

    Yes yes yes.... you can learn your headphones, your untreated room, you can overcome it!!! You can. But why? if i was in the tour de france for some fucking reason (I would have loved to been able to travel to europe. would have hidden in some castle sipping stolen sancerre on the loire until they sent me back.) and some guy next to me was on a unicycle and i told him," hey dude this is a long race... you sure you don't want a bike with two wheels?" he COULD correctly respond, " I'll be fine i'll just compensate for only having one wheel, whats the big deal?" That's what I hear when people respond to things like room treatment or bonker headphones with "just learn it." if that's all the resources you have, trust me I get it...

    but right below is all this free info. they're from reddit sorry.

    this is oratory's faq on flattening curves

    and his thoughts on what a headphone or speaker "should" sound like

    a giant list of headphones with EQ settings to flatten them out based off the harmen thingy sorta

    this is just an example of what the preset looks like, for my headphones.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/npqrz9dqdda292x/Beyerdynamic DT770 (new earpads).pdf?dl=0

    I'm OUT!

    Sorry I write so much. Take care everyone see ya on the flip side in a while if i figure things out- at which point i think i want some sonnheiser hd 600's perhaps along with the shit i need to make sure they're powered correctly, i never looked into whether i would benefit from an amp with 80ohm 770's, but whatever they're fine. i've learned them lol. and i want monitors again, and sub. i can't stop thinking about how headphones blast the left channel directly into your ear and the left speaker goes into both your ears. it's been close to a decade since i've been able to afford even KRK's but yeah i miss being able to reference back and forth. and sub's fuck if i know if i can even hear that proper. i hate WORKING on music KNOWING there are just parts I have zero confidence on. i'd say it doesn't matter because i'm the only one who listens to them, but THAT'S WHY IT MATTERS TO ME!! 49ef3b3a259ad867278501f39e466518.jpg
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