i5 or i7? Main DAW = Studio One

Discussion in 'PC' started by jack, May 7, 2012.

  1. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hi Dan,What Brand carries the Amd Opteron with 32 cores X86...?

    I like to look Into this..

  2. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    I would compare it another way.. mostly you have to pay high amount to get latest (mostly small) bonus/feature.

    No worry, as you have written i don't know about a 32 bit OS that could handle more than 4 gb for one task, too. But what i'm not sure about is, that if i have a 64 Bit OS but the DAW is only 32 Bit how about the RAM limitation?

    Still not sure if it should be a i5 or i7 and socket 1155 or 2011! Maybe buying a socket 2011 motherboard would be to much for being (further) upgradeable. I guess on socket 2011 there will come another generation of CPU and i could you use up to 64 GB of RAM - but i could not imagine how fast these much RAM could be a usefull (and not overpowered) - same with the CPU.

    @Kid Stretch: May you could please make a small test. If it possible just load one of your projects in your i5 and then in your i7 system and write down some data - as CPU and RAM power that is used!? Would be very cool.

  3. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Well I am not bias to Intel or anything like that.

    Whatever you get remember we did not need to be in this mess if companies support windows xp 64 bit, as I think we would of never seen Vista or even windows 7.

    Remember any 32 bit application in a 64 bit OS will still be limited to 2 gig instances due to the nature of math rules.
    So the key as I DID MYSELF since I run both windows xp and Windows 7 64 bit is to dualboot period end of story

    I don't actually even run windows as my OS as I run Puppylinux off a thumbdrive.

    So since puppylinux is my main OS and it runs off a 512 meg usb jump drive, since puppy linux runs off ram when it boots I never have any issues.

    I switched to this way of running my computer about 3 years ago. Yes I had ubuntu actually installed on the first drive but I didnt like it that much.

    Puppy linux for the win!!!

    RemixOS is also installed on the first drive ( backup OS)

    Linux has always had a PAE kernel AVAILABE since it's inception. The problem is for microsoft how are they going to handle 98% of the computer world when they come knocking down on their door because they system crashed due to shitty video card drivers that mapped into the PAE space!!! lol

    PAE is only 50% of the limitation answer
    We need application developers to code for PAE support, in fact microsoft explains how to code apps and drivers for it!!!

    Straight from the horses mouth