I want to write music, but I can not!

Discussion in 'Education' started by EnemyFox, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. EnemyFox

    EnemyFox Newbie

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Sorry guys, maybe I'm writing not there, but please read...
    I've been trying to write music for about five years now, but I have a problem with this. I'm writing EDM. Experience is five years, and the tracks are crappy... Or rather not tracks, and sketches for 30 seconds. :(
    At first: I can not realize the idea from my head, Since there's one thing in the head, and in the sequencer it's completely different...
    Secondly: even if I write a small sketch - After a while it will seem disgusting to me... :wtf: My drums are shit, bass lines are shit and not like the ones I wanted to synthesize! :facepalm:
    After all this I have lost all desire to write, since there are thoughts that none of this will come out...
    But then I sit down again to write and everything repeats again.
    Guys, how can I cope with all this and start working normally? I just can not do without all this. Music is the meaning of my life... :(
    I'll attach a few demos, what would you see, how bad everything is... I want to achieve the same sound like Getter, Tisoki, Must Die!... I'm not trying to be like them, I just like it ...

    Attached Files:

  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    You're at the bottom of a mountain and your idea is the top, what you do - every day try to reach the top fail and try the same thing over and over again? Or every day walk a small segment and reach the top in a month?

    Here's what you have to do: finish your fucking songs the way you CAN. Learn from each song. After 100 or so, you'll be amazed by how far you've gone.

    Edit: It's like going to the gym: you don't take the biggest weights in the rack in your first day, you progress to them. And during your progress you will have to lift smaller weights.
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  4. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    If you haven't finished a track, then you need to start there. The more you finish, the more you will learn, and the better you will get.
    To help people to help you, you will need to give us more to go on. What do you use to make music. Do you use hardware? Do you use software? What DAW do you use? VST's etc. What do you have to listen to what your doing? so, your setup.
    I must say Dubstep is not my thing, although I did make a Dubstep/Breakbeat track, when I was starting out. Found Seamless R's tutorials rather good, although he does go a bit fast at times.
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  5. TW

    TW Guest

    I am not an "EDM songwriter", but i guess this works allways. Just finish your songs. Don`t care "how it sounds". Take a reference track look at the arrangement. And fill up the reference Song structure with your ideas (30 seconds sketches). The most imporatant thing is finish your songs. You will learn a lot.
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  6. EnemyFox

    EnemyFox Newbie

    Apr 14, 2017
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    I work in Ableton, I use almost the same as most producers: Serum, Massive, FM8 and others ... Used KRK Rokit5 and MIDI Keyboard Launchkey 49... But there is one more thing: I do not want to use ready-made samples and presets. I want to do everything myself, from scratch...
  7. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Songs are basically stories.A song has the same basic properties as a movie.If you have problems with finishing a song then just write several versions in the same project and then re-edit it, cut and paste it all together.A lot is about editorial skills, where you can make something very basic and make it all interesting with certain arrangements.
    Have fun with it, write something you would like to hear not what people want to hear, dont just immitate, have the courage, the confidence, to experiment.
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  8. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I can confirm what the mammoths of the forum here are saying: finishing tracks, even if you are unhappy with them, is a huge step forward that a lot of people don't realize until they do.
    When I started "releasing" shit (that is, uploading serious music on bandcamp), I learnt way more than I did in the previous years

    good luck
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  9. Michael Sa

    Michael Sa Member

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Try maybe sampling some objects at home, also try to create some space in your music. Have fast and slow changes to mix it up in a bit. If I was doing this kind of music, I would concentrate on a good bass line, try to complete say over 2 min of bass then add drums, synths and lastly vocals. Think of music like building a house, you start with a plan, then you dig the foundations, then start with the wood or the brick, the process is no different in music I think. I hope that helps you a bit and have fun doing it thats main thing to remember.
  10. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Now. How well do you know these VST's? If not very well, the pick just one or two and learn them inside out.
  11. EnemyFox

    EnemyFox Newbie

    Apr 14, 2017
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    I understand, but if there's just no desire to finish it, so it seems to me that this is all real shit. need either willpower, or ... weed :chilling:
  12. Skull

    Skull Producer

    May 13, 2015
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    While i could repeat some previous answers, all i'll say is: don't force yourself too much because this always results in loss of will to finish something.

    Just leave it for a time, you can always get back to it later, maybe with some cool stuff that'll help you complete it.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
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  13. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I think you're trying to go from 0-60mph too quickly. Use presets for now, and use them to aid finishing your songs as finishing tracks is key. Get out of the habit of 30 second clips and make a promise to yourself to finish every track or idea you start. Over time you can slowly learn how the presets are constructed, begin tweaking them, then progress onto making your own sounds from scratch. This will mean you will be in a position where you are used to finish graces and have an understanding of how to edit sounds.
  14. EnemyFox

    EnemyFox Newbie

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Okay. But there is one more thing: I just need to experiment with VST and keep good sounds, or synthesize a certain sound throughout the day?
  15. EnemyFox

    EnemyFox Newbie

    Apr 14, 2017
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    Yes, but as I already wrote - I've been doing music for five years now and it's time to start making my sound... "my style of sound"...
  16. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Can also be that you actually dont even like EDM. Try writing something and let it lead you and tell a story like Von_ said. I mean your idea in your head May have more layer than what you can Come up with looking yourself to that EDM stuff. Pick a priset you like and let it lead you.. try..
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  17. EnemyFox

    EnemyFox Newbie

    Apr 14, 2017
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    It turns out, you need to try to finish the track, even if all desire is gone? :)
  18. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I don't think you understood what we meant then.
    Finish a track, stop questioning if it's worth or not
  19. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I would pick a simple VST to learn synthesis on first and learn the basics. You'll be suprised about how you think of sound that way.
    I think you need to find your music by finishing tracks first. Then you can start to experiment with your sound.
    If you spend too much time trying to make sounds, then the desire will be lost.
    Also mybe try srarting with a genre that is less technical in it's sound design. Surely you can't only like Dubstep.
  20. DoveEye

    DoveEye Member

    Sep 1, 2016
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    i think u're very hard to yourself. your stuff is good.

    u can be proud of yourself. 5 years working and learning has paid off.

    this is a absolutely normal level of quality for 5 years, everybody has a different way. u may come out as someone very special. u dont need to be the fastest. u need to be complete and feel good in the studio. thats the goal. and your thread shows that this is, what u want to achieve.

    i think the tutorials of dj vespers are the right for you now. it is kind of advanced https://www.youtube.com/user/DJVespers
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  21. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Try taking a walk in the Arizona wilderness, that should inspire your mind :wink:
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