i think it's time to some serious changes.

Discussion in 'Software' started by 2poor2, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    will cubase have a scalable UI??
  3. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    Yep, vectors would be nice. I don't use Cubase anymore. I use Reaper. Although not vector-made, it has THOUSANDS of UIs to choose from and you can change them on the fly.
  4. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    cool then.
    i think a new standard is really needed.

    honestly, when people are using, say, a vst instrument, tweaking buttons and faders, etc, why working on a tiny window, instead of something big and visible?
    if you take the synthmaster vsti, not only the colors schemes are a joke and hurt my eyes, but their editor is a true shit. how can they advertise it as having a gui editor, when you can't even do a ctrl+z on it, to undo the last move/resize/operation,change.. ? if you just click on the bad panel and move it some pixels, you can't undo it, on that stupid editor. you have to try guessing where it was, and move it, randomly. a true joke.
    this synthmaster plugin has so many buttons, layers, parameters, graphical envelopes, graphical arpeggiators, etc, and it's all on a small window, that truly hurts the eyes.
    why, FFS, can't he just copy/paste all the controls, buttons, etc, on a bigger panel/window, and voila? does it require 30 MIT engineers and 3 months, for copying&pasting the components and code on a bigger window, and give the user the choice between the different sizes ? IS IT that difficult ? shit, really !!
    the worst, is that the dev is convinced that his GUI is the perfect one, the best in the world, and doesn't need any changes. ARGGGGHHHH :)
  5. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    and that's one of the biggest differences between small and huge companies : the small ones will do anything to please their customers, will listen to them, and will adapt their app so it can fit people's tastes, by giving them the possibility of changing/tweaking deeply the whole app.

    whereas, a big company, they think the rule the world, what they do IS what must be done, they think what is the best for the customers, and they won't listen to anybody. we should pay for the right of being able to use THEIR soft, the time they want (if steinberg or ilok want, they can do a mass broadcast of "delete xx apps" on the ilok/e-licenser keys, and people will stop having this or that app. they control everything. Can we breath, at least ??
    and often, small companies will strive to offer great support to their clients base, so they come back again and keep buying the soft, while big companies, they already have our cash, they couldn't care less about our bugs or our lost token or whatever issue we may have. anyway, if we leave them and move to a different daw, they know others will come and buy their stuff, so, basically, we have no value, as customers. 0. that's why many devs, even those who already many employes working for them, couldn't care less about a tiny price cut. they are so so sure people will come and buy...

    never used reaper. i wonder if it has all the common features of the bigger ones, like automations, freeze, plugin delay compensation, multi threading support, multi cpu, etc etc.
  6. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I use 2 full HD monitors, 26 and 42, with Logic x in my main computer.
    Since Logic x the fonts because greater, and You see less then Logic 9, but for greater resolution monitors is good.
    Last month I saw that polaroid release a 4k of 50 for Just 999 (when this price will appears in Brazil? :dunno: )
    Theres a lot of people that changes the daw color, I dont care, I only have a system of track colors...
    The next step must be optical cables linked to the brain or maybe some hi resolution glasses :bleh:
  7. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    the X for closing window is cool
  8. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Yep simple Put Logic X or Sonar X4 on the Horizon :wink:
  9. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Yah, and sometimes you don't even need to clic on it: the app does it, after a bug or two :)
  10. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    You will see, now with the xperia 2 and many other smart phones doing 4k videos, it's a matter of on year or so before dozens/hundreds millions of people start shooting 4k videos with their phones, and start flooding YouTube with 4k shit.
    And what will they do for watching that 4k crap? They will buy a 4k capable TV. And prices will just melt.

    I was already surprised by the ultra quick adoption of the bluray standard and full HD TVs, videos, players, etc.
    But I think 4k is going even faster. There are already 46-50 inches 4k tvs for less than 1000 euros. And that format is ultra recent.I don't even imagine how the prices will fall, next Christmas.
  11. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I feel ya. I have gripes about a few DAW's too. Like FL Studio. Since version 10 you've had to map the mod wheel and it doesn't work automatically.
    So no big deal,after awhile,learn a way around it,actually hipped me to assigning knobs to functions! :thumbsup:

    But they keep making advancements so I try to use newest version.But...I still use 32 bit 10 because it's only one that seems to record PB CC while playing.Maybe I'm not doing something right with the way they changed whatever.11.04 PB worked fine... Now they changed the pitch bend mapping in 11.10 R2 to how the mod wheel went to in previous versions..Smh...

    Now the good thing is now they have a 32 and 64 bit version,the 64 runs great!! But now I have to learn how to assign pitch bend.But 11 is awesome with the Launchpad,but I'm getting deep in the LP and m4l and Ableton. :wink: And I'm not really feeing the 11.5 alpha preview of FL,they changed the vst instrument and fx loading,dont like that *no* But it's prettier,and that new mixer on 12 looks nice.

    But I was/am a long time Cubase/Nuendo user.Since Sx 1.0 I've always liked it,and I will say that 7 has been best one yet as far as loading all my plugins and being dead on as far as quantize. I had issues with Cubase 5 and Nuendo 4 being a 64th note behind the midi clock. But I've been using Cubase 7 elements for awhile works great,I mess with strange timings in Cubase 7,it's so rock solid..Got all my 32 & 64 bit plugs working in it. Only gripe is Reason 5 wont rewire.Even with 32-64 bridge. :dunno:

    Yeah I'm just sayin I feel ya.I'm bouncing from one Daw to another just because the have dif tools and functions and I can use em all at the same time :rofl:. Messin with Ableton alot lately,learnin.And been toyin with Pro Tools a lil too.Glad I aint buy into that whole thing.It has some decent plugins though.(Especially now since I got all the Avid virtual instruments working in 10.And yeah I'm running 1920x1200 resolution all the time,yeah these DAW's could stand to have better graphic design.With real high res HD or HDR designs and layouts at least.And some sort of stretch or zoom function just on an individual VST,have like a stretch & zoom & aspect ratio and font size.And on any given window or object. But at same time if I had to I'd go back to where I started with Acid 3.Back when it was Sonic Foundry. :wow:

    Kinda fascinated by 4K though it's pretty,can't wait for video games in 4k!!! :dancing:

    But yeah wow I got to chattin,get carried away sometimes... :rofl: But was inspired by your griping,I do it too from time to time. :wink:

    Hope all is doing well... *yes* Have a good night/day everyone! :grooves: :keys:
  12. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    I think reading the Vst3 specs will shed some light, it's up to the developers of plugins to access that screen resizing ability.
  13. AKMusic

    AKMusic Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)
    I'm on Logic and re-size my windows all the time. No issues... I can make them as large or small as I need. :dunno:
  14. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    there are some oversized gui outthere and i hate this :( for example nemesis by tone2.
  15. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    yes, the vst3 specs talk about resizing windows...
    ...but why making something ultra complex, for the sake of using the standard, when, if you are a dev, all you have to do is creating 2 dlls, or rather , 2 .vst3 plugins, one with X resolution, and the second one, with twice the resolution, or any other multiplying factor.

    it's not just a plugin that should be resizable. the whole interface, the whole app should be resizable. why couldn't we have the option of, say, creating a panel, or a window, with all the faders of the mixer, and make it like 5 cm height, and dock it on the bottom of the DAW. or why not on the right, vertically ?
    why couldn't we be able to create a view, or a panel, or a window, with the tracks on the first half, and have the sample editor on the second half, so when we click on an event, the sample is displayed.
    etc etc.

    why, on cubase, can't i create a toolbar, vertically, put it on the right, with 50% transparency, with a light yellow background, or a texture, and have some custom icons, like undo/redo, recycle bin, create an instrument track with X vsti, etc.

    Cubase is the daw i use, and it has tons and tons of features and functions, and we can even create countless tools, via macros. i really wish i could customize its layout, font sizes, windows, etc etc. and more important, i would like to be able to grab any element, window, caption, plugin, etc, and make it smaller, or much bigger. for example, it's almost impossible to use the little arrows on cubase windows, the little arrows to browse presets. in the preset window. i'm around 40cm from my 24" monitor at full hd, and it's almost impossible to aim and clic on those tiny icons. i was forced to create a macro and assign a shortcut to it, to do a "load previous/next preset", in the browser presets.

    of course, we are all different, and for many among us, maybe the current layout, fonts and windows sizes, etc, on the DAW, are just perfect and don't need any changes. like they say... tastes... :)
  16. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Totally agree with you. I don't know what is the technical solution but they really need to do something about legibility. Not only Cubase, not only every DAW, but there are a lot of expansive plugins that are not clearly legible even under good circumstances. I have a 27 inch screen using 1920 x 1080 and still there are a lot of plugins interface that are difficult to read.
    The question is how is it possible that some developers do legible interfaces, and others don't? It does not seem so complicated.

    BTW, in Soun On Sound magazine june's issue the edito from Paul White (Editor in Chief) is exactly about that, he says:
    And his conclusion is:
  17. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    exactly. 10000%

    devs will spend weeks trying to choose the best colors and textures for their plugin, so it looks really cool. but do they stop at least 5 minutes to think "hey, the plugin interface on a 27" monitor at 2560x1440 pixels will look really really small". absolutely ridiculous.