I Need a "Read" on my Current Piano Playing Level

Discussion in 'Education' started by jeffglobal, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Attached is about my current level of playing piano. I've been practicing alot for about 2 1/2 months. Idk what level of crappy that is, such that I can continue misteaching myself further. I slow down to a crawl when I see chords until I have position memory of them, cause I'm like spelling out the word instead of seeing C7 or something, but otherwise I can sight read both treble and base clef faster than I can play (my fingers are like retards learning to walk).

    I want to eventually learn to play improvisationaly [I made that word up?] but I think that requires memorizing all the scales, chords, into chord progressions, harmony, melody...deep into music theory which I'll eventually get...

    My short term goal is to play current popular tunes, without necessarily the flourishes some pianists provide to keep themselves from being bored (I guess). For example, Miley Cyrus can actually play the piano (I thought she just wiggles her behind) and she used flourishes in her piano version of

    My read on her playing, is more than 5 years of practice.

    That's "nice" but I find it unnecessary. I also don't need to play chopin or other stuff that becomes an upper body aerobic workout either. I don't want to display mastery over the instrument necessarily, I just want to get good enough to sound pleasant to myself, everything else is an afterthought.

    So, now given that I'm about the pdf's skill level, (I chose classical because their rhythms tend not to be independent for each hand, making it easier for me) how do I start reading words (chords directly) and develop hand independence...by giving me example songs, or idk cause idk what idk...

    Thnx for any help.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016

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