I love compressing but kinda meh about EQ?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by rosko, May 17, 2024.

  1. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    So, basically just multiband compression.
  2. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    for me, it depends on audio source,
    (heavy-handed) EQ can do wonders on basically every musical instrument,
    compressors are mostly useful on uneven performances and inconsistent sources like human voice,
    as I mostly do drums, I'd say EQ and comp is equally important for proper modern sound
  3. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    thanks stevie

    you mean that CLA has his PULTECs before the RED7 compressor on his stereo buss?
    I was pretty sure his stereo buss chain is
    -SSL bus compressor (1dB of compression or less)
    -RED7 2-3 dBs
    -then PULTECs with that 5-6dB boost on low end

    can you confirm or maybe I am wrong?
  4. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Near Nyquist
    The Pultec is after the compressor and you're correct with the order and low end boost. He choose between the SSL Bus & Focusrite Red depends on the song. The Pultec is on from the beginning of the mix, that low end boost, if you gain match it, you'll endup with darker sounding mix, then the 8kHz boost fiesta begins on individual channels on the console to get a good balance. So technically the Bus compressor didn't "hear" the Pultec low end boost because it is placed after compressor, same goes to every compressor in his mix that mostly placed after the EQ where he boost that 8kHz. He'll try to get a good balance like usual, but what's going on during the mix is a overly bright mix which compensated with the Pultec at the end so everything sound balanced and normal on the monitoring. Every compressor (all those 1176s, Distressor, LA2As) will hear the sound that's overly bright and react to it accordingly, so low end play no part in the detection (and not getting compressed because it's only the high end that's been triggering the compressor) if it makes any sense. When he's compressing hard, he's actually compressing the high-end of the track hard. In one of his videos, he said he never like compressed low end sound and it reflects on all of his mix.

    @patatern just want to add that I have tried the Focusrite Red style on the TBTech Cenozoix and quite like it, give it a try and see if you like it. Now you can even mix and match different emulated saturation in the plugin, really like that plugin.

    Also CLA SSL style bus compression is more to compress the "meat" of the track rather than peak. rat 4, att 10, rel Auto push until the low mid feels tight. CLA admits he copied this from Bob Clearmountain when he saw him mix once. The meter usually hit 4db GR or more and the total real gain reduction is 2.5db (for make up) considering it is a FB style. It will feel like a lot of compression if you add the plugin after the mix (not recommended), but when you are mixing with it is on, it's tight af. The setting is tailored for mixing with G Bus ON all the time with 1-2db GR and only push at the end to tighten things up and make everything pop out, so you need to always check on it after you done processing one track and repeat till end. Also if the track has low end sidechain up to 150Hz or else it will pump. Just things to consider.
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
  5. NOTL1234

    NOTL1234 Member

    May 28, 2023
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    Hey Stevie, this is amazing info! I’ve already tried the compressor trick, using a variety of Nebula and AA compressors. I haven’t quite figured out the perfect blend yet, but the results are almost immediately noticeable. It’s quite easy to colour and control the main vocal now, and then add back in to taste. There’s a definite de-resonance to it. The best way I can describe it is intimate. There’s a thickness, smoothness and creaminess, but the high end is like stained glass, letting in light and variety of colours.

    I will definitely try out the SSL and Pultec technique as well. When you say the early MWTM series, do you mean through their subscription service. I was only able to find newer stuff on the sister site.
  6. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Near Nyquist
    Glad you're enjoying it and manage to get good result. :wink:

    About the MWTM & Puremix, you can check the russian tracker, the whole catalog is there, someone just updated it.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Here's the plugin list included with the "evolution" video. It's probably different by now, but still gives a good idea of what is in the template. I wish every video came with this information. It leaves out his Binson hw.

    Michael Brauer Temple Plugin List

    Acustica Pensado EQ2
    Audio Ease Altiverb 7
    A.O.M Plugins Invisible Limiter
    Craddle The God Particle
    DDMF Magic Death Eye Compressor
    Fuse Audio Labs VCL-864U
    Kazrog True Dynamics
    Komeff Audio Pawn Shop Comp 2
    Kush Pusher
    Kush Goldplate
    McDSP EC300
    Pulsar Echorec
    Slate Digital Virtual Mix Rack
    Slate Digital VerbSuite Classics
    Sonnox Oxford Dynamics Comp/Lim
    Avid Trim
    Fabfilter Pro-Q3
    IK Multimedia Sunset Sound Studio Reverb
    PSP Spring Box
    PSP Lexicon PSP42
    PSP Vintage Warmer 2
    Plugin Alliance SPL De-Esser
    Plugin Alliance Black Box Analog Design HG-2
    Plugin Alliance Maag EQ4
    Plugin Alliance Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor
    Plugin Alliance Shadow Hill MAstering Compressor Class A
    Plugin Alliance bx_console SSL 4000E
    Plugin Alliance bx_console SSL 9000J
    Plugin Alliance bx_digital V3
    Process.audio Decibel
    Softube Chandler Limited Curve Bender
    Softube Summit Audio TLA-100A
    Softube Chandler Limited Germanium
    Softube Tube-Tech EQ
    Slate Digital Trigger 2
    UAD Korg SSD-3000
    UAD Manley Variable Mu
    UAD Distressor
    UAD Hitsville EQ Mastering
    UAD EP-34 Tape Echo
    UAD Neve 33609
    UAD AKG BX20
    UAD Struder A800
    UAD EMT 140
    UAD Capital Chambers
    UAD Precision K-Stereo
    UAD Studio D Chorus
    UAD Pultex EQP-1A
    UAD Avalon VT-737sp
    UAD Manley VoxBox
    UAD Ampex ATR-102
    UAD UA 1176 Rev A
    UAD Fairchild 670
    UAD UA 1176LN Rev E
    UAD Fairchild 660
    UAD SSL G Bus Compressor
    UAD Oxford Inflator
    UAD Oxford Envolution
    UAD Zener Limiter
    Waves Kaleidoscopes
    Waves Brauer Motion
    Waves dbx-160
    Waves H-Delay
    Waves NLS Channel
    Waves Manny Marroquin Reverb
    Waves Abby Road Plates
    Waves REDD17
    Waves REDD37-51
    Waves REQ 4
    Waves RD56
    Waves S1 Shuffler
    Waves Smack Attack
  8. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
    Likes Received:
    oh ok now I understand what you meant

    thats what I learned watching his MWTM videos or other tutorials flying around, and I have the same concept on the stereo buss with that Pultec setting from the beginning, obviously. The different chain "EQs into compressor" is on the console channels, with CLA's legendary boosts at 8kHz or 12dbs ad 12kHz lol almost impossible to clone as it is in digital imho, but I copied this concept years ago and I still use it very often.
  9. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Near Nyquist
    * I updated the post above about CLA.

    Yeah that 12db boost seems ridiculous that's why I try to find how and why and after watching I think 5 of his videos repeatedly, I figured it out. LOL. He's gatekeeping that trick hard that guy. :rofl:
  10. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I have few fears on my life and this CLA 12db parallel boost at the high end into a compressor is one of them... :blues:
  11. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    here you go

    he has 2 couples of Pultecs probably because he tries 2 different settings of the 3kHz bost: first couple at around +3 and second couple at +5, the +5 at 70Hz is the same on all the units
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