I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives – The Ultrainteractive KungFu-Remixer

Discussion in 'Software' started by BEAT16, May 29, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives – The Ultrainteractive KungFu-Remixer

    Created and designed by skop: Tim Büsing, Gundula Markeffsky, Peter Mühlfriedel
    Additional programming by Downlo.de/Mike Kelly and VoxAngelica.net/Gabrie

    Short Description
    "I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives" is an audiovisual Onlineremixer using samples of BruceLee-movies. It portrays the legend of BruceLee, the invincible Asian warrior, who in his popularity has become a cultural icon. The piece utilizes different visual and accoustical elements of KungFu-movies and allows the user to playfully deconstruct the narratives and myths surrounding the MartialArts-legend Bruce Lee.

    Different scenes of the KungFu-master and his film-opponents can be triggered, scratched and remixed via mouse and keyboard. Several music-tracks can be chosen as an audio-background while typographic animations support the frantic fight sequences. These animations are actual transcriptions of the various sounds into equivalent chinese characters.

    The iconography of these characters fuses with the crude charm of MartialArts-movies and their dodgy gangstertalk-dialogues. Users can interact thereby with movie-elements in an experimental way, become a Flash-movie director and create their own KungFu-Clip!

    Technical Requirements:
    PC/Macintosh Computer,Pentium/G3-Processor with at least 333 MHz Clockspeed,
    IE / Netscape Version 4 and up, Flash5-PlugIn, Soundcard and speakers


    If remixing Bruce tickled your fancy, maybe you want to jam with him offline as well.
    Hit the keys whenever you feel like it and create frantic fighting soundtracks.

    Free Download PC.exe (1.84 MB) - Free Download MAC-Projector (1.50 MB)
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
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