I have just been disgusted by Apple!!!!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Bunford, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I have literally just had a few comments off Apple Support that has left me disgusted and feel their philosophy should be made public, if it is what the support guy just told me.

    I contacted them to discuss an issue with Apple Music app constantly crashing on Android 7 on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. He claimed it was Android's fault for breaking the code in the update to version 7 and the onus was on them to fix the fault with the Apple Music app crashing.

    I asked why that was, highlighting that when Apple upgrade their OS on an annual basis, music production software like Cubase, Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Ableton, virtually all plugin developers etc advise users not to update because the new Apple OS "broke the code" and they need to fix it to allow their apps to run reliably on the new Apple OS. I pointed out was this not the same in reverse, i.e. Android update their OS and therefore onus on Apple to make sure their app runs reliably on it, especially as it's an ongoing paid service app that they advertise as compatible with Android. His initial suggestion was:

    Roll back your Android to version 6 then.

    To which I replied, that's kind of like presenting an iPhone 7 user with the solution of rolling back to iOS 9 to get Gmail to work and I asked whether that sounded like a reasonable solution, especially for a flagship device. I then asked how come it's not Apple's responsibility to make sure their app works on latest Android, that was released on 22 August 2016, so 7 months ago, just the same as the music software develops do for each new Apple OS? His reply was what first disgusted me. It was 4 words. It was:

    Who's the big fish?

    When i picked him up on how disgusting that sounded as it sounded like he was saying screw what the consumer expects, Apple do what they want and it's up to other software developers to fix any problems we create. I pointed out that if music software developers and digital art software developers took that approach, Apple would quickly become defunct and obsolete. He then gave more glib responses, such as:

    It's music software companies that rely on us, not us on them. They need computers.

    I then pointed out some are already Windows only, such as Samplitude and Sonar and all, apart from Apple products, are available on Microsoft's platform, so there is no 'need' for Apple computers as he put it. His reply was:

    Well, FL Studio is currently being ported over so we'll see who rely on who in the future of music production software.

    I then highlighted to him that the majority of the music production community views FL Studio (and GarageBand for that matter) as toys and not 'real' DAWs. Again, i pointed out his attitude was not what you'd expect off a support advisor to a paying customer. To which his reply was:

    By the way, there is Apple only software too, Logic Pro X and GarageBand.

    I pointed out to him they were Apple products, so not surprising, whereas third party companies had consciously opted out of Apple's ecosystem. I then asked if he realised that Apple were only so big (yet minute compared to Microsoft) in computing market because of consumers paying for Apple products and services, which he was quickly putting me off doing with his attitude. His reply was:

    There's plenty more fish in the sea. Losing one customer won't have much effect on us. Do you want me to cancel your Apple Music subscription for you now?

    There was more to it, but this was the gist of the conversation. Totally put me off Apple if this is their philosophy and approach to how they treat paying customers!
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  3. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    they shouldved also to give you a 5 songs credit. bitches!
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    and You still use Apple products ?!?

    Make this public all over the net and stop using apple if they don`t cover Your needs :dunno:
    I don`t see any other solution.

    Btw. the guy was just honest with You, would You prefer that he told You ferry tales ?
  5. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I can't be mad at all... Android, PC's, Sony, IBM etc...Since the beginning of iTunes when "Non" Apple products wanted to use that service I have seen countless complaints when the simple solution is use apple products that are built for their apps. Period. There! All is solved and wonderful again. LOL!

    Now...Let the PC flood gate open! :bleh::rofl:
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  6. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I would kind of agree with this....if Apple sold it for money and said it was only compatible on Apple products instead of charging same price for a half baked piece of software/app on another format. However, the "big fish" are obviously wanting to capture other formats as Apple's own platforms clearly wasn't a big enough market to sustain it or they got greedy. You shouldn't sell something if you are too egotistical to think you don't then have a duty to actually provide the thing you sell.
  7. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Your first mistake was having anything to do with procuring music via Apple Music... I don't understand why anyone would use that trash, Twatify, buying from iTunes, etc.

    Also, beatport can literally go to hell... what a TOTAL ripoff.

    Why?.. just to get the music a month early?.. doesn't matter... if you are not getting your dj music from actual dj's yourself, than whether or not one gets it "a month early" through Beatport, matters nothing... those tracks have been rinsed for two years already. The clubs have heard 'em a zillion times.

    Though vinyl is best... I personally buy from Juno... used to get stuff from Digital-Tunes (cuz cheapest, /.99$ for .wav/.flac), but they're "inventory" was too limited.

    Boycott Beatport (and Apple)

    P.S. I AM a Mac user though : ( ... they're shit is just to kickass looking... may be strong enough to avoid buying their devices in the future (since I have already sunk costs for 2 laptops and an iMac), but at least have nothing to do with their services.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  8. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Predicting alot of dislikes BUT... GOD.. I MUST.. Who if not me... Sorry for the offtop.

    WHO THE HELL NEEDS FL GOD DAMN STUDIO ON MAC? FFS I don't need it even on windows. And i'm not the only one. Image Line really thinking that people will switch Logic for "MAKE UNIQUE" bs?

    Made my day.

    Aaand NOPE. Logic was delevoped by Emagic. Not by Apple. Apple bought them same as they (Apple) bought Camel Audio.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Android has smthn like 66% of the (phone/tab) market, iOS smthn liek 30%. Just sayin.

    Testify brother! But, y'know, u are right!
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  10. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    welcome, my friend.
    one phrase "screw what the consumer expects" stood out to me and it seems to be apples main motive imo.
    apple users are apple users because they fell in love with something exclusive to apple once and have worshiped them ever since (even if it wasnt an apple product). most of them dont seem to see what apple is all about. they have such a grand end user base that they dont need to care about individuals like you and me.
    i am just happy for you that it came to your attention.

    next step, linux. although dont expect too much compatibility with linux when it comes to audio software, windows is the happiest of happy mediums imo
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  11. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Am I wrong in saying you may be a little naive in expecting Apple to fix your Samsung issues? If I had trouble with my BMW, would I call Renault and complain.
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  12. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    as a side note, i think apple products are quickly become monster cables
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  13. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    if all the other apps work fine then how would that not point you towards the app being the problem?
  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Man, i admit to have been a Mac fanboy in my younger years. I remember like now how we laughed at the Windows world and mock pc users. We thought ourselves elite. In reality all we were was young pricks with an attitude. So partially i understand how this asshole is thinking but things have come a long way since 30 years ago. Or not as it seems... Steve Jobs' bones should shake,rattle and roll in their grave hearing this clerk's response. Report this moron please. Sheesh...
    There is demand for it by many Mac users. It is only logical for them to make the transition and offer it to them. The way i look at it, it should probably fit in a gap between Reason and Live in terms of target user group. And if you take in mind that Apple fanboys spend 80$ for what seems as a useless mouse ( MagicMouse2 although should read Magic Mike 2 , as it is a straight up "taking your clothes off") , not to mention the iWatches etc, i can see fanboys buying FL Studio for Mac without having the slightest musical knowledge whatsoever. You gotta admit vector gfx will look awesome in the 5k Retinas lol
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
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  15. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I think you ran into the wrong service guy. He had no answers so he made some up. The API of an OS changes, the people who produce software for that OS and use that API are the ones who have to adapt.

    Apple Music will release an update at some point, though there is a bit of a pissing contest between the two PNW rivals. Google and Apple are not playing nice with each other, and haven't been a for a while. Sometimes the people who work at companies we use and speak for them are not the best people and say the wrong things... it happens... but common sense tell you they are full of shit, and they are.

    Choose who you want, use who you want, that's all we can do in life.

    Just be lucky this wasn't your new BMW X5...... [​IMG]
    * source Jalopnik

    I am pretty certain nobody in Munich told the idiot who put that black seat in white trimmer car that it was a new policy.

    It happened though and it reflects poorly on BMW AG, just like the douche bag you dealt with reflects poorly on Apple, the only thing to do now is to make a choice and live with it.
  16. beemmeupscotty2012

    beemmeupscotty2012 Newbie

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Lets make somethings clear cause overreacting is not the way to move forward in any scenario:
    1) You are not disgusted,you're inconvenienced...From what I can see you were given alternatives regardless of you not liking them. If you try them and it still fails and you're not getting any functionality, cancel subscription and ask for refund...

    2) Don't call Apple Support before googling.....if this is a known issue with Android 7 why are you calling them

    3) Don't compare consumer apps with audio software manufacturers....apples and oranges

    4) Andoid 7 is not developed by Apple...so technically more than one party is to blame
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  17. Spacely

    Spacely Producer

    Jan 4, 2015
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    Thanks to Wikileaks Vault 7 we know that Android has over 80% of the phone market share global and Apple only has 13%.
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  18. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    This arrogance is hardly surprising but what is indeed surprising is that we finally got one of their employees to tell it like it is.

    If only this would be an eye opener for their customers but I doubt that unfortunately.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
  19. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    True, But they would have to have a Zillion employees follow suit to catch up to the BS that Microsoft and it's other PC manufacturers have already put out there! :bleh::rofl:
  20. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    lol at "not real DAWS". So if someone produces songs that are melodically, and sonically better than yours in FL Studio. Is it safe to call your DAW "a toy" or can we just use logical thinking and conclude that you're an inferior producer, and that tools don't make carpenters good at their trade?
  21. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I feel that a customer support peasant is the wrong adressee for a debate on principle...
    Although it makes me wonder it took you so long to feel disgusted by apple. I mean what apple music and Itunes did with the music libraries of millions of users... And they are still around! Go figure...