I have an outdoor gig in 7 hours and I have questions about the setup...

Discussion in 'general discussion' started by Tyler Fingerle, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Well...? How didditgo?
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  2. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Is the gig over yet?
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  3. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    it seems the sound was so bad that he jumped the sound guy but he ko'd him and he is in hospital now
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  4. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    maybe still going strong :woot::rofl::woot:
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  5. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    Damn i miss those nights :unsure:
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  6. Tyler Fingerle

    Tyler Fingerle Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Hey you guys, it's been a week since the show. Sorry that I'm just now letting you know how it went, but it is at least worth the wait lol this is what I posted the next day on my facebook page in response to how my show unfortunately ended...

    I wanted to thank [I took out the names] and the other board members and staff at the event for doing an exceptional job this year with the festival. Keep up the good work. My point for this post is that I wanted to clarify again that me ending my set early last night had nothing to do with any of the festival board members or staff. In fact, despite the fact that I had started late, they were still working with me to make everything happen, and I am grateful.

    The problem last night was the sound guy we had hired for the gig. While I was up on stage, I had been told that I would be cut off at exactly 10:05 pm by the sound technician, why? because the sound technician was paid only up until 10pm, and to finish my set I would have went over that by about 9 mins and 36 seconds. He actually told me in one of our back and forth conversations on the stage that he was actually being nice by giving me 5 mins and letting me go until 10:05, and to find a good point to fade out and end it.

    At the end of the show, after I had done as he asked. I was pretty frustrated because the reason I ended up going over was directly his fault. First I had asked him to run an extension cord to a power strip that I had already set-up to power my equipment before the show. He didn't do it, so when he kept asking me to "play something" so that he could check levels, you can understand why that was a problem lol. However, the biggest issue that I had with him cutting me off was that he was the main reason I had to restart in the first place (after I was already about 4 or 5 mins in). While he was trying to fix the feedback coming from my microphone, he accidentally cut ME off instead lol, which was embarrassing.

    I knew that this kid was going to be a problem about a few hours before the show when I had simply asked him to stack the coupled subwoofers in front of the stage which never happened. He also protested against me using an audio interface and balanced cables... He told me that audio interfaces make laptops sound terrible, and balanced cords cause distortion, his recommendation was that I should hook up using my laptop's headphone jack (If you know anything about audio, you're probably shaking your head right now lol)

    After he had told me he was going to cut me off, he said "you're more than welcome to hook up your own equipment and continue, but i'm disconnecting at 10:05". This was frustrating because it was all of my own equipment we were using lol, I just had no idea how he had run things, and there's no way that I could just stop the show to re-setup....

    So, I apologize for stopping the show, but unfortunately I didn't know what else to do. We were trying our best to get everything running smoothly. We were trying to Dj but also running around like crazy lol, mostly trying to get the fog to stick which I would like to thank all of my family and friends that helped out during the show. It really meant a lot.

    I'll be trying to find a way to have another show soon.
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  7. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    :deep_facepalm: oh noes !12
  8. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Can't decide between :hahaha: and :facepalm:.
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  9. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @Tyler Fingerle sorry to hear all that :(

    i guess you've crossed that guy off your birthday card list huh :)

    Hope your next gig will run a lot more smoothly !
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  10. DrachenFire

    DrachenFire Producer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Lessee...What time is it...YEP that's where I am!
    I feel your pain. Seriously I do. Just keep on keepin' on, cuz sooner or later this shit will happen to everyone. It sure as shit happened to me.

    And not just once.

    I uhm, rather corrected the situation one time in a 'socially inappropriate' manner (lets just say it involved a 'launching party' and a body of water.)

    If you are lucky you got' it' early and there won't be a repeat.

    If you aren't so lucky weeelllll... now you know the warning signs.

    Trust yourself. Trust your ears.

    And above all Don't let it get to you!

    Best of luck.:wink:
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Wait a minute... you hired that guy? And now you're blaming him and not yourselves for not hiring the right guy???
  12. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    you only hire a sound guy when you are a pro.
  13. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    what - a - dick - that 'sound-guy'.
    You'll be able to do a far better job yourself next time, Im sure!! Lesson learned.
    But remember; audio interfaces make laptops sound like shit. :rofl:
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  14. Tyler Fingerle

    Tyler Fingerle Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    I didn't personally hire him. When I met with the festival board about 6 months prior, one of the bands that played before me said that they knew a sound guy that he'd hire for the day. So, while I paid him for my time, I didn't choose him, and I didn't like the idea from the start because my set-up is much different than a live band set-up (as i'm sure the sound guy found out haha), unfortunately I only had about 30 mins to set everything up, I didn't really have time to set it all up myself, because I had to also set-up all of my lights, and run digital xlr cables, and position my laser fixture so that it was in accordance with the variance. The fact that I actually pulled it off on time (with no sleep) was a miracle, unfortunately I was at the mercy of the sound guy and his blunders, but I have gotten a lot of great feedback from the show as well as it has opened up new doors and opportunities.
  15. Tyler Fingerle

    Tyler Fingerle Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    and if you guys are all interested, I recorded a 10 min segment of the performance for people to see (i recorded it at my house, but it is the same performance I used live.) Hopefully you guys enjoy it. I uploaded it onto my google drive, you can stream it or download it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bp24Bx07oeIWaA8usLEPXWVSMJFkNxzm

    I don't recommend downloading it because i had to record it at 60fps to correctly capture the lights and laser (it's like a 1.2gb file lol), but because of it, it is a pretty good representation of what it looks like in person
  16. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Neat ! good share ! :like: Always good to see how people are actually working and creating. :dj:
    thank you :shalom:
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  17. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I just watched the vid. GREAT work! Nice tracks, impressive laser show and (apart from the first minutes) really good light show. Me likes.
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  18. Gah roovy light show, thought I be a trippin'.
  19. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    downloaded and watched. great job on the show. but the camera moved around so much i got seasick. if you decide to reshoot the video for a sales tool, you should lock the camera down in one place or use multiple cameras.
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  20. Tyler Fingerle

    Tyler Fingerle Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    the problem is that I don't have a professional camera (i used too but it got stolen by my ex i'm assuming lol). So I had to use my cellphone. I tried using a cheap $100 dollar camera, but filming flashing lights in a dark room is a photographers worst nightmare. Believe it or not, the majority of the camera moving is actually distortion due to editing and strobe effects in both the lights and laser (the laser actually has moving mirrors within it that cause the laser to pan back and forth extremely fast). I recorded this at 60fps, but the strobes on both the lights and laser strobe at incompatible rates to my 60fps, so at times I can get terrible flickering, but even more bizzare is when the lasers literally bend in the video (because the laser moves over twice the amount of my camera's fps). In order to correct this, I had to really open up my exposure which caused a lot of tracers, and other weird phenomenon. When I edited the video, in order to fix it all, I had to duplicate and blend a lot of frames, but unfortunately even though I fixed almost all of the crazy distortion, it caused the screen to not only move, but warp, and shift at different rates which can make you sick (similar to playing on a VR headset, your mind has trouble understanding wtf is going on.), because if you look close enough, you'll see that parts of the screen will shift and others won't...

    The lesson to learn here is that light shows are a b*tch to capture haha
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