I get / buy scratch phrases

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by freebeatprod, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Hey Guys,
    as the title suggests, I would need the scratch licks, for classic beats rap, to put on some instrumental in my website: www.empbeats.com
    it does not matter what the words mean, but they should scratch simple incisive and impact. Not is it relevant that the rapper is made from the scratch (I really like the voice style freddye foxx, mop, gurus, mobb deep, and others) ... How I really like the style of scratch DJ Premier and DJ Shocca.
    Of course I would be glad if any person could do them for free, but hopefully I can also spend a small amount of money.
    tell me know here or on my mail [email protected]
    thank a lot, to all.
    ps sorry for my english
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