How Vinyl Records Work

Discussion in 'Education' started by simpler, May 29, 2015.

  1. simpler

    simpler Newbie

    Mar 8, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Nice article on how vinyl records work
  3. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    OK put the boxing gloves on....... :dancing:
    could the reason that the "Analogue" sounds superior, be a myth, the stylus (Needle) as well as picking up the movement from the grooves on the disk also picks up the vibrations from the music being played from the the amplification system ( speakers) giving a minute distortion, or acoustic feedback, this makes the audio that were hearing inferior to the original recording, that's why digital is by far a superior system. So don't be a sheep and follow what the audiophiles say, its just another method of extracting more cash from a dinosour system..... let the feathers fly :bleh:
  4. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    2 completely different mediums both mastered completely different, both have their own merits.

    I work with both and enjoy both.
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Don't think it has anything to do with distortion on the analogue side... more like distortion on the digital side?

    "enough" pixels makes a digital image clear and look good, but data is still lost, same way digital sound is slices of analogue,
    there is information missing, albeit subtle, analogous to using programmed drums and a real drummer, truncated content can be heard.. maybe not by everyone...but for sure by audiosexuals.. :dancing:

    If you are a music enthusiast, you are, or should be one of those that hears and knows the difference , just like the law specifies that any aficionado or accomplished person in their
    field should. or should have known details specific to their area of practice or interest...

    nonetheless .... nice trollin' :bleh:
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    If you can "hear" the difference, and I can... then there is a difference.

    You can make all the technical arguments you want, about Nyquist and whatever physics are involved..

    I was raised on vinyl, and at least in the days when CD's were not mastered well, you could hear ( and feel )

    a substantial difference, regradless of whatever slight wear was on the disk, and if you properly maintained

    your vinyl they sounded good for years. Of course with digital no pops and crackles, granted.

    Have not bothered to load up vinyl for a long with advances the digital may have the same depth

    and warmth now, I guess that's my due diligence to perform. I just use digital since it predominates, and is more convenient.

    Am I just ignorantly prejudiced coz I first engaged with music on vinyl and find it to sound better?

    Are the expensive vinyl reissues now in music stores just a marketing ploy, with no sonic quality that justifies a $30 to $50
    price tag? (for those again that can or "care" to hear a difference )

    So people can argue with mathematical transforms or whatever, to defeat a subjective opinion,

    but then again, math never did explain everything, and probably never will :wink:
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Come on dude, you can't say stuff like that out loud publicly...
  8. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Have you heard of DSD? That might be perfect vinyl replacement in digital domain, quality-wise it's like perfect analog. DSD128 and above at least. :wink:
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