How to solve STEAM folder does not have write permission error (SOLVED)

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by unblazed, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. andrew rothschild

    andrew rothschild Newbie

    Dec 3, 2020
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    Alright. So idk why this hasn't been said either, it is obvious but my friend had the problem and took us a bit to realize what he did (since I assumed he did it right)

    ANYWAYS, If you have more than 1 spectrasonic program. The STEAM files must all be in the same STEAM folder. So all we did was cut the Keyscape folder from STEAM in Keyscape, and move it to the steam folder in Omnisphere.

    Whatever programs you may have, or whatever you downloaded first -- so on so on. Just make sure all your steam folders are in the same folder. ALSO, Don't put a steam folder into a steam folder. You should click the primary STEAM folder and you should see the programs right there. If you see another STEAM folder inside of a STEAM folder, you did it wrong.

    Hope this helps someone.
  2. musicmania-1

    musicmania-1 Newbie

    Jan 1, 2021
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    ok, ive been having the same issue, followed all the instructions mentioned, but seems like i am not able to solve the problem, it keeps on saying steam folder does not have write permissions, or maybe i am doing it wrong
    i would appreciate help to solve so that i can start using keyscape
  3. funbabecity

    funbabecity Newbie

    Mar 27, 2016
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  4. funbabecity

    funbabecity Newbie

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Dear The Pirate,

    I am new to this webpage that I find very good! I installed Omnisphere, yesterday and had this same problem.
    I followed your instructions and perfect, solved the problem! Now I finally know how to solve the file access
    problem. Thank you so much!

    Omnisphere is rockin loud and clear!

    Now, the updates to the STEAM folder do not install automatically. I get this error message. So I ended up
    doing this manually, which is fine, because I got it all updated succesfully.

    I was wondering if you also have a solution to this automatic update problem?

    Please advise,
  5. Sidenros

    Sidenros Newbie

    Mar 28, 2021
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    Hey The Pirate i've spent 2 days trying to fix the same issue, but after trying your method I just can't make it work. Must be doing something wrong. Could you help me? Sent you a pm.
  6. Thanks

    Thanks Newbie

    Apr 16, 2021
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    I guys, i'm here to thank you all about this thread. Today is my birthday, and then i've to give you something. My final problem was that the path to the STEAM have the special caracter ^ in a word (D:\EletrĂ´nico\Omnisphere\STEAM). Just move it to D:\Omnisphere\STEAM and that's all right now.

    "The Pirate", thanks for your excelentt work man.

    All the best to all of you!
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Happy B-Day and welcome to THE forum. :yes:
  8. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Your welcome, and happy birthday. With that said, I want to point out that the path you mention is not correct. The default STEAM folder location is C:\ProgramData\Spectrasonics\STEAM. Therefore, the proper path in your case should be: (your drive):\Spectrasonics\STEAM\Omnisphere or (your drive):\STEAM\Omnisphere. To be clear, there can only be one STEAM folder. The STEAM folder is the one that contains the subfolders that house the content for Omnisphere, Keyscape, Trillian.
  9. KDAD

    KDAD Newbie

    Jul 25, 2023
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    Hi everyone. Any idea how to fix this issue on a macbook? My STEAM folder has permissions to read and write for everyone. Still, it doesn't work. :)
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Maybe you have a different problem, then. The easiest way to correct problems of incorrect permissions is by using one of the following utility applications. Keep them around, you can run into this somewhat frequently on MacOS. Sometimes one will work and the other will not; that depends on the file, but they basically do the same things.

    Permissions Reset 2:

    or BatChmod:
  11. KDAD

    KDAD Newbie

    Jul 25, 2023
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    Thanks for recommendation! Will keep it around :)

    While the software is scanning the stem folder I'm thinking that maybe this has something to do with the version of my pirate? Honestly I've downloaded this few years ago and just came up with an idea of installing it. I did everything that the readme.rtf says but maybe I missed something? I've seen a post by user named The Pirate and instructions were completely different. Sending a part of readme text so maybe you can verify if this is the right version.

    Mac Tutorial

    1. Spectrasonics
    Place the "Spectrasonics" folder to "/Users/Username/Library/Application Support"

    2. VST Plug-In
    Place "vst" files to "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST" All "vst" files are pre-patched. They don't require to be patched

    3. Components
    Place "component" files to "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components"

    4. AAX Plug-In (Optional)
    Place "Avid" folder to "/Library/Application Support"

    5. RTAS Plug-In (Optional)
    Place "Digidesign" to "/Library/Application Support"

    6. Software Updates (Optional)
    Software updates aren't necessary since VST, AAX, and RTAS Plug-Ins are included

    7. Spectrasonics (In Mac folder)
    Place "Spectrasonics" to "Applications"

    8. KeyGen
    Use the correct Keygen to generate the Response code
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    How old is the version you are trying to install then? What version?

    The file locations in your post are correct. When you manually move files like those instructions, you will often need to Codesign everything. There should be some terminal commands in the instructions you have to do. Someone else will have to help with that, my Omnisphere is legit version. You'll get it working eventually, but it is one of the more tricky installations.
  13. KDAD

    KDAD Newbie

    Jul 25, 2023
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    Honestly, I have no idea. I can't run Omnisphere to the stage where I can check software details and none of the files are informative about this because after I get this error message I'm also asked for a key which I generated on my windows machine with a keygen but It doesn't work too.

    That's not a problem for me to download different version but I have no idea where. Do you? If yes, can I get in touch with you on PM?

    Of course I'd love to have someone else's help but I'm in a little rush with this since I'm leaving on Friday for 10 days to make music on the village without internet.
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If the instructions tell you to run the keygen on a windows machine, we at least know it is an R2R release. There should be a file with the .nfo extension which would have the R2R release number, or it should be in the filename of the archive file. It would be better to figure out what release you do have first, instead of downloading a new one.

    Instead of using a Windows computer to run the keygen, you should use Crosssover on the machine you are installing to. It's an app that allows Windows executable files to run on a Mac. I think they write to use Windows to run the keygen, so that an end user can install their release with no additional software. Crossover is just an easier method. You can send a PM but i'm probably not able to help much, because I have never done this install; but i have seen alot of people fight with it. It's not that easy when you buy an official copy.
  15. KDAD

    KDAD Newbie

    Jul 25, 2023
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  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It would have been in the .rar archive file you extracted. Or maybe in the Win.Zip files you have. Are your Trillian and Keyscape working correctly? Screenshot the error or errors you are getting when trying to run Omnisphere. Try running both the Application and also an instance inside your DAW.

    You did not mention which MacOS you are running, but I would go get Codesigner from the sister site and Codesign the application, the plugin, and all folders and files that you can which are showing in your screenshot.

    Use Crossover to run the keygen. That's about all i can help with. Everything looks correct, but people have had to do various instructions differently for certain releases. Do a search here and you'll find 10 different sets of instructions. Even the original instructions from Spectrasonics were not great for Mac, if you wanted to put Steam on an external harddrive.
  17. KDAD

    KDAD Newbie

    Jul 25, 2023
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    I can't find any .nfo file within downloaded folder.

    I'm getting this message when running Omnisphere Standalone or inside my DAW:

    When I click okay it asks me for a key code. After I paste the generated one (haven't tried using Crossover yet, but I did it on my windows machine) it asks to restart the software and informs that if I'm asked for the key code once again it means the previous attempt was failed.

    Yesterday I tried using Permission Reset but it took ages and I ended up going to bed. I'm trying again right now. I have all checkboxed checked as screenshot shows:

    In the meantime I'm trying to understand what codedesign is about. Can you send me some resources?
  18. PabloNoWay

    PabloNoWay Newbie

    Oct 6, 2023
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  19. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Had this same issue for awhile after OS reinstall and managed to fix. So going to share what I did. Not sure why it worked, but it did.

    My Steam folder is on an external drive, been that way for few years.

    After trying everything mentioned here and it still wouldn't work,for the hell of it I removed the zmap in user folder in Steam folder, put it in a folder on desktop as backup. Opened Ableton,tried opening Omni,just hung,spinning blue circle and never opened. Force closed Ableton by ending process in task manager, put zmap back in user folder. Opened Ableton,tried Omni one last time to see if same error. Figured worse case ehh I'll try uninstall/reinstall if I get same error. But to my surprise....

    It loaded and works now!

    W11 and Ableton 12
  20. Ayato Matsui

    Ayato Matsui Newbie

    Jul 21, 2024
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    I also faced the same error, but resolved myself.
    I copied the STEAM folder to another external drive and executed. In this case, the error message is correct, because the external drive does not permit write permission in user policy. (Administrator is permitted full-access)
    So, open the Omnisphere application (not via any DAW) as a super-user, and relate your STEAM folder. Although occured error response, when you reopen the application, it works.
    I'm sorry for explaining without any screenshots. I hope this approach will be a contribution.