How to save the music from going out-of-fashion?

Discussion in 'Education' started by Radioactive Fallout, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind. Duke Ellington words. Someone is asking above for a measuring system that state which is which. There´s no system, just that in the good music lives a spirit that is inmortal, like the soul of man, and we can perceive it not with the mind nor in a subjective way and is revealed mostly by its absence, thus bad-perishable music is doomed to be forgotten and go out of fashion because of the lack of this spirit. Maybe we just can say that GOOD-REAL music soars far above the fashionable and the non fashionable.

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2019
  2. [​IMG]

    Some fashions never quite caught on.
  3. robotboy

    robotboy Producer

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Just make sure it isn't white after Labor Day and you should be ok.
  4. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    @9:10, 'show you how to do it, you all can do it later' BAHAHAHA :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
    was at this taping and this killed me I'm laughing 20 years later :guru::rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2019
  5. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

  6. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    @OP - find the artists

    if you think the top40 is going to tell you what's going on the problem is you
  7. Please let me add just one fact to this thread:

    All we produce will be forgotten within just one decade or less and never ever won't become a storehouse of memories or a study center.:sad: