How to recolor or reskin - Fl Studio

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by mono, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. VolkovV

    VolkovV Ultrasonic

    Sep 20, 2018
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  2. Seave

    Seave Newbie

    Feb 11, 2019
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    Hey, can any1 reupload the video and patches for me? thanks! :)
  3. MiB

    MiB Newbie

    Feb 18, 2019
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  4. VibeTonic

    VibeTonic Newbie

    Mar 9, 2019
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    Can someone put me through on fl skin 12.5 i got it here when i try applying 86 it didn't make much changes it only affect the mixer making it more darker help me with a video or any help pls and also the links of other helpful materials through zipyshare is kinda expired please help me
  5. oSumAtrIX

    oSumAtrIX Newbie

    Feb 26, 2019
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    resourcetuner gives me an error that the dll is compressed or corrputed althought its r2r's dll for fl studio 20. Any idea why this happens and how I can replace the dll's res.?
  6. DbZ

    DbZ Guest

    Your work on skins is wonderful guys! :woot:
    The skins are available for FLS20.1.2.887?:cool:
  7. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Am working on remaking the dark skin for 887
    but not to sure when it will be ready or whats parts will be missing, but its started anyways whats good news. Fl has a new beta out in testing always :rofl:so maybe it will be out before this is ready.least we still have the old skins to use till something falls into place.

    So far eveything IL have tryed with the new protection of v20 has been a wast of time and resources as we have all seen and that time and money should of realy been spent on fixing and adding new stuff to their program,
    The reason they should wory more about their customers and less about pirates
    is that its the customers that have to pay for all this and not the pirates.

    All pirates can become customers but no customers can become pirates
    with life time free updates :yes:
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2019
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  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Ok here we go again :bleh: ,its not as good as i wanted but will have ta do us for now.
    Somethings cannot be changed in the rc data,blocks,zoom,scroll bar ,keys.mixer ect ect still is better than gray all day :woot:

    FL Studio_win_20.1.2.887 Dark Skin V1 x64
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
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  9. DbZ

    DbZ Guest

    For me, this one suffice me because more beautiful than the original. I DL directly!
    How to install this skin?
  10. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Instructions are in the Read me.txt
    1. Copy the "FLEngine_x64.rus" file into your FL folder. Easiest way is -> when you've installed FL in the default location:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Image-Line\FL Studio 20

    2. To tell FL to use the skin, your registry needs to know where the file is located.
    Simply click the "Fl color.reg" to add the info to your registry (works only if you use the default directory. In case you used another folder, you need to edit the .reg file accordingly -> see example in the Read me)
  11. DbZ

    DbZ Guest

    Sorry, yes, I read the "Read me.txt".
    However, the skin is present for a new project,
    but if I open a project I did before installing this skin,
    I always see the old skin.
    FL Studio freshly installed.
    Thank you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2019
  12. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    I can't get any plugins to be removed from the mixer once there added :dunno:
    i have to go to the default settings preset and reset the full fx channel,
    have tryed v887 patched and unpatched version and they have the same bug
    anyone elace got this bug,great update from IL :trashing:
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  13. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Btw. The skin also works with the fl demo / the unpatched fl studio.
    Tried it with my legit license and no patch installed and it worked.

    But for some reason I had to rename the skin file from *.rus to *.en and also change that "rus" to "en"
    in the reg file to get it to work on my OS. The russian setting just didn't change anything and fl looked like always.
    Maybe it just works on english or russian systems and needs to be fixed to "en" for systems with different default

    What DbZ describes here seems like he only gets the colors from the flp file, not from the skin itself and yes,
    they'll change when you use another project that isn't based on the skinned flp.

    mono go to FL Studio 20\Data\System and check if there is the file "(delete) effect.fst"
    If it's not existant, then try to extract it from the installer and copy it there.
    I replicated your bug by deleting that file and then I weren't able anymore to delete
    single effects. Then I restored it and the deletion worked like it should.

    If you don't want to extract, get it here: DataSystem.rar

    Now I know what the problem was. The delphi regkey is used to define, what language file a program, written in borland delphi,
    should load while the program starts. As developer, you can add language definition files for your program and then the program
    loads respective files depending on your OS language settings automatically.

    But if you want your program to use a different language file, then you use that regkey to tell the program where to go.
    Every program, which got compiled using the delphi compiler has that option integrated, even if there is only one language
    incoded (like in FL Studio). My system doesn't have the needed resources to display russian letters correctly so that "russian language file"
    aka skin just got skipped.

    To bypass that happening, I just had to change the names from "rus" to "en" so FL "thinks" it's loading the english "language file" instead
    which then leads into loading the theme correctly.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  14. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I made a Theme Selector with an option to go back to the default theme.


    For now it only includes the Midnight theme and the default skin.

    The best thing is:
    It automatically clears and rewrites the needed regkeys + paths to get the skin loaded correctly,
    adds the midnight skin grid color for the playlist and piano roll, places the template and makes
    it default to be loaded on every start of FL (if selected in the options).

    Additionaly the default theme, default grid color setting and default flp template is included
    as an option if you want to go back to the old greenish grey look for some reason.


    Have fun skinning!


    Make sure FL isn't running when installing the theme.
    Otherwise the Theme selector will restart your PC to replace the theme at the next start.
    Will fix this soon so it checks for a running instance before and doesn't restart the pc anymore.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  15. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    @r4e thank so much, the (delete) effect.fst that you shared works ok now and i can remove the plugins like before :thanks:
    I just seen i forgot the grid color reg as well
    nice one for adding it into your cool Theme Selector and finding out how to fix the skin reg and files
    would of never taught of that myself like the (delete) effect.fst :wow:

    Wish i could do more to the skin but for now have recolored the tools and some midi stuff
    cause i was happy again lol
    The file will just need to be renamed to en if ya ever want to use it :bow:
  16. DbZ

    DbZ Guest

    I have to put (FLEngine_x64.rus) to (FLEngine_x64.en), I am with pc french ? THX.
  17. oSumAtrIX

    oSumAtrIX Newbie

    Feb 26, 2019
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    I love the Inno Setup Theme, is it selfmade? <3
  18. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Ye, it's based on an old WinXp theme. Made it with the Inno Skin Builder and created several color variations
    of the highlighted elements like the buttons, progress bar, etc. to fit any situation.

    Did you see the window fade when moving the selector? Liked that feature alot in keygens and stuff
    so I added it in a similar way (as code) to my installers. Also the little music player and its graphics
    are selfmade.

    Btw. the theme selector also installs the 32bit version of mono's Midnight skin.
    Still have some old projects here that only work in the 32bit version of FL so I added the skinned RCData
    to the 32bit skin file as well.

    @DbZ, Use the theme selector. It will do everything for you.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  19. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Hm, the forum didn't show my last message so I wrote it again and now it shows both
    and I have a double post.
  20. DbZ

    DbZ Guest

    Ok, thanks, I'm going to use your theme selector. Good Work @r4e & @mono :wink:
    I have to throw the theme selector before opening FLS20
    or only when FLS20 is open? THX.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2019
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