How to memorize the Interval chart like multiplication table

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2018
  2. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Dude, wtf..

    I am reporting you for lying.
  3. BBSiteUser

    BBSiteUser Producer

    Dec 14, 2015
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    ooooooookaayyyyyy ... just read 20 pages of that old topic and I gotta ask one important question: What's your DAW?

    Excel or Numbers?
  4. kouros

    kouros Platinum Record

    Nov 7, 2014
    Likes Received:
    You could add "what's the instrument you're using with all that theory?": mouse or trackball?
  5. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    i think i might have chiped inn on another page not sure tho.

    short answer



    practice practice pratice.


    long answer:
    for the longest time i had the idea that the concept "practice untill perfect" was the way to go about things in life.
    Striving for the idea of "perfect" and what that actualy meant or didnt mean. or "losely described" or "defused concept" (perfect)
    it was like chacing a dream. - a fantasy. - How could i reach something that was "perfect" when i didnt even "know" what that actually was and what it mean to me. - everyday, without me knowing it, i rewrote, or revised the idea of what that elusive "perfect" was. "that feeing when the music just sounds perfect" - "that track was perfect" - "the bassline was perfect" along those lines. it was like a dog chacing its owne tail.

    so one day i read some random musician talk about music and his way of doing things and how much or little he practiced his instrument. One thing that he said that stuck with me ever since was he said. "I practice untill I cant do it wrong" - that just clicked with me. to me it takes the whole concept of "perffect" out of the eqution. it leaves alot of room to make mistakes and errors. since the errors and mistakes arent gonna be so big/important that it will make the hole cardhouse fallapart - or said in another way "(the mistakes) wont ruin the song" - "ruin the feeling of the track"

    i better stop here:woot:
  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2018
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