How to make this glissando sound?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Huggy Bear, Jul 20, 2024 at 8:38 PM.

  1. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Ultrasonic

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Hey good people,

    I've been searching around to make this type of (I think it's the way you call this) delayed glissando (or arp?).
    I find this sound so beautiful in synth songs from the 70's/80's, but I never find the right synth patch to do it and the delay I apply is never to my taste. Strangelands from Alan Hawkshaw is a perfect representation of what I would like to achieve.
    Strangelands (
    If you can explain or have a good youtube video describing the process I would be eternally greatful.

    Thanks in advance

    DJ PUKKA Member

    Jun 28, 2024
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    You might achieve this with Zebra vst or freebie Podolski vst [adjust the arp settings to your taste] as i have made some very nice sounding arps plus try spire vst
  4. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Any "analog" vst could make it.
    Use sine plus triangular wave, add a little of lowpass 2 poles filter, a bit of resonance, delay, reverb.
    This is similar stuff made with Massive, it can be refined, but it's something done in few seconds.
  5. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Ultrasonic

    Aug 13, 2023
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  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    There are a number of nice sounds in that piece. I just wanted to try finding a gear list for him, so I tried ChatGPT to see what results it would return. He also used electric pianos, and I was sorta expecting to see a Melotron too.

    You: What synthesizers did Alan Hawkshaw use?

    Alan Hawkshaw, a renowned composer and musician known for his work in television and music production, has used several synthesizers throughout his career. Some of the synthesizers associated with him include:

    1. ARP Odyssey: A classic analog synthesizer known for its distinctive sound and flexibility. Hawkshaw likely used this for its rich analog tones and modulation capabilities.

    2. Moog Synthesizers: Hawkshaw is known to have used various Moog synthesizers, including the Minimoog Model D and possibly other models. Moog synthesizers are celebrated for their warm, fat analog sound and expressive control.

    3. Roland Synthesizers: Specifically, Hawkshaw has been associated with the Roland SH-1000, a monophonic analog synthesizer known for its simple interface and robust sound.

    4. Yamaha CS-80: This iconic synthesizer is known for its lush sound and expressive capabilities, particularly its polyphonic aftertouch. Hawkshaw's use of this synthesizer would have allowed him to create rich, textured sounds.

    5. EMS Synthi AKS: A portable analog synthesizer known for its quirky design and unique sound generation methods. Hawkshaw may have used this for experimental or distinctive sound effects.
    These synthesizers were popular during the periods when Hawkshaw was active in composing and performing, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s. His music often features lush, electronic textures and innovative use of synthesizers, making these instruments integral to his signature sound.
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  7. Huggy Bear

    Huggy Bear Ultrasonic

    Aug 13, 2023
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    @clone I often think of ChatGPT as the perfect tool to generate pictures of dictators holding cute cats but never such simple tasks. I had no doubt about him using some Moog synths but ARP and CS-80 make complete sense. Your intake might be the stepping stone of my quest. Thank you!
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