How to make these supersaws?

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by MrAnonymous, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. MrAnonymous

    MrAnonymous Producer

    Feb 18, 2014
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    It's got a richness to it that i cant seem to make and yes i know it's got saws in it but no matter what i do i can even get close which makes me think it is hardware or alot of processing?

    it's at 0.30

    also this sound:

    0.30 t0 1.00 it's got a what i would explain is a smoothness to it and am curious how that would be done as i really like that sort of sound..

  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I think you are looking for supersaws, not saws. Spread them out over a few octaves and detune them. If you have stacking and unison/spread/detune on your synths - use them. Put reverb on it.

    Layering is also important to the sound. Many people think it's just one synth and one preset. Try layering 2-4 different synths with somewhat different characteristics, playing "pads". EQ them differently, pan them, saturate them, etc etc. The sum is more than the individual parts.
    Composition can also be overlooked. Sometimes there are several parts (pads, plucks, ducked reverb, delay, rhythm-gating, call & response, etc) that work together, but it can sound like its one entity/sound/synth. Sometimes it's hard to separate/dissect what is what.

    On the summed synths (grouped): EQ boost the part (sweetspot/sweetspots) you think best fits the track (maybe somewhere 1khz to 6kHz). Dip/remove the ranges you don't think sounds good (sometimes you need to lowpass at 5kHz). Lowcut/high pass to make room for bass and kick.
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