How to make stereo image properly?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Niruvana, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I recorded the main vocal and the rhythm guitar part. I duplicated them to use the back vocal and stereo rhythm guitar sound. I have been using imager plug-ins or used the pan with the duplicated track, but it still doesn't sound stereo.

    For example, if you listen to Highway to Hell by AC/DC, you will be able to the rhythm guitar sounds on both sides. That's what I want. But my song sounds like just monotone.

    Is there any specific technique for that? I watched several online tutorials, but couldn't find a solution.

  3. threshhold

    threshhold Newbie

    Mar 2, 2019
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    The problem is likely you only have 1 rhythm guitar part recorded and by just duplicating it and panning the same part L and R it will sounds exactly like mono. Typically to achieve the sound your are mostly likely referring to you need to record the same rhythm guitar part twice and then pan each performance L and R respectively. The small differences between the 2 takes are what achieves the width.
  4. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    I got the point. By the way, I recorded the guitar part with VST. Is there any way to make it slightly different without mess the whole sound?

    Plus, I also tuned the vocal part with plug-ins. Is there any way like above too?

  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Best Answer
    Your ACDC example, he used 2 amps with really different sounds. That's why the stereo effect is so obvious.
  6. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Gotcha. Then I also need to try 2 different effects. Thanks!
  7. DAW

    DAW Kapellmeister

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Re-recording a second guitar is certainly the best way to do it. This is notably what Mike Fraser does for AC/DC - among other bands he mixes -.

    His work on Dan Reed Network : " The Heat " album is just INSANELY good - and so is the album - . Double tracks everywhere :

    But it may happen that you're (we're) unable to replay the part. And : in sync. Or eventually too : you (we) are lazy.

    This - at the beginnings of times- happened to the Beatles (at 1842 I think (...). ) ( ok 1966 ). For that case, and the future of recordings, was invented the Automatic double tracking trick =>

    More here :

    To complete this option, you (we) will use a psycho acoustic phenomenon : the Haas effect. Also known as the “precedence effect" . Due to the distance between our 2 ears, we are able to locate a source in stereo. Ask your cat too... Here:

    Mesure the ears distance, get the speed of sound, divide, get the delay...


    Note that rarely is "stereo panning" only done with the pot : the above " techniques " (big word) are mixed in.

    There is gear " out there " that will specifically do that - AMS DMX if I remember well, among the first digital ones - . The TC Electronic 2290 Dynamic Digital Delay, launched in 1985, is still considered a masterpiece.

    And so plugins too. Google the effects named. No recommendations, sorry, no use of p-i for this AFAIC.

    Then, even if a certain CLA says he does't care about mono compability, please check it. Part of the sounds may dissapear. For example: a very nice sound of Omnisphere, hitting the main theme, ...and in mono (so : radio) , the client was stupefied that it lost almost 4 dB !
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
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