How to get "this" sound.

Discussion in 'how to make "that" sound' started by Jacob12177, Feb 14, 2022.

  1. Jacob12177

    Jacob12177 Guest

    Hello audiosex people, I have a question here. I'm making some 80's retro style music and I want to know how to get this sound. I searched in the web but I couldn't find the name of it.
    I can hear it in many 80's hits but I think this the best example track to hear it.
    Here is the song:

    Maybe it's inside the library of a specific synth... Idk...:dunno:
    The sound is from the minute 1:00 to 1:02
    Hope you can help me.
    Thank you,
    Kind regards.:wink:
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Best Answer
    That's easy, it's called Orchestra hit and has been abused a million times in the 80s, 90s, ...
    Here's some history

    and here are some examples (look at 0:32 ff). At the end of the vid some thumbnails to more vids are inserted
  4. Jacob12177

    Jacob12177 Guest

    OMG thank you so much!:thanks: I had no idea about it. You made my day. I really appreaciate it. Thank you No Avenger :beg:
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