How to be succesful in music industry?

Discussion in 'Our Art' started by ia, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Hello again! How to be succesful in music industry? How to be very popular and make awesome music producer career? I see a lot of unknow names with great music all over the Internet and also I see this stupid mainstream (PewdiePie and so on) without any talent.. What's wrong with this world guys?! Money for ads? Some friends in goverment/google/etc? or what?

  3. sunwheeler

    sunwheeler Noisemaker

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I'd Ask myself how to be successful in making "Music" instead of in the "music industry". Musicians that avoid trying to "make it" in the industry and just love making music for creations sake, regardless of the outcome, will always be a leader amongst creativity.

    Many of these people will Flourish and challenge the culture of the Arts. The most respected ones live in caves and burn their final masterpieces, turning them into ash, blowing in the wind.

    Of course I'd consider that to be a metaphor, but there have been gifted Mystics who do this. I'm sure you have seen or heard about the Monks who rake beach sand into beautiful masterpieces only to to be washed away shortly by the tides.

    Its all very similar.

    I can't tell you exactly how to be successful in the music industry, but I will tel you this...

    Be yourself, the Master of You. Develop your own unique style, with an immaculate flow and template. Avoid getting stuck in the minds of others when creating things for yourself. You want to be creating things that stand out from mundane. Don't expect it over night, but True talent will get you the kinds recognition one dreams of. Honest hard work, with a foundation of dedication and commitment, will always fulfill us. Keep this advice close to your heart, never stop making music, and always do what you love.

    If you push hard enough, your music will attract all the truthful, right things.

    & Don't Forget,

    Roll in dem bars, my Sun.
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  4. How to be succesful in music industry?

    Be a total c*nt. Constantly and without fail. Any excuse will do.
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  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    it is mainly because of the way we consume media these days.

    since you probably clicked on something pewdiepie related,
    facebook advertising and Google think you're a fan now:rofl:
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Success is a word that seems to vary in its interpretation. I prefer to encourage than discourage even though these days with the amount of exploitation that occurs unmonitored that never happened 20 years ago makes that difficult.
    I have tagged Tony in this so rather than filling this up with explanations if you want the legal logistics, he's the guy. So PM him if you want that because there is not a lot in that area he does not know.

    My take on success has changed since I grew up and I mean that in maturity of attitude not in physical age.
    To me success is achieving what you set out to do. Whether this is to do a great tour, or release an EP or CD, or write the best composition or song to date whatever that is. If you are in music to make money and are young enough if money is your goal, then reconsider and become a lawyer or go into banking and the stock market.
    Money, accolades or reputation are a byproduct of that success. Your reputation is earned from quality not quantity, though if you can perpetually churn out high quality music, it is possible to conversely have a quantity of quality.
    The days of selling 50 million CD's are almost gone because if an album is good enough to do that, it is likely Spotify or someone else has given much of those millions away for free or the album has been pirated before it gets much past two weeks of of sales sadly.
    Get a fan-base, find your niche of followers, there's more but fans buy your stuff, plus also understand your demographics. There are many online ways to make money. I made a lot more between 1975-2000 when the industry was still a true music industry, when I could gig 7 nights of the week. Now each one of us is technically our own record label in independence, with less gigs to go around and three times the population and around 20 times the amount of albums out there released daily.
    I know how to become an official label too but Tony to repeat knows the ins and outs of the legalities better. Make sure you know what you want to do and where you see yourself. Without a vision it's difficult to make a mission to stick to. I have my own label but in saying that I can also publish my own music in print form if I need to - if that is the path you wish to take? Work out where and how you see yourself in a realistic manner. Everyone wants 50 million dollars, without a vision, a mission statement and a clearly defined set of goals and milestones to achieve that, you have a better chance of winning the lottery.
    You may or not make a million but you can make a living.

    In summary, there is a sense of achievement which is a part of every man and woman's dignity when you complete something worthwhile. That for me and some others I know, in this 21st Century is the box I tick as done, with the rest being gratitude for the byproduct that came from the success I have already achieved, regardless of how small or large the byproduct is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2018
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  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Any device which has a capability to play music, would be showing a blank black screen if it did. This has transformed the "value" of music.
    We have to make a complete audio visual experience, to go anywhere.
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  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    There is only one flaw with that logic.
    That being that it assumes that the goal of "anywhere" is the same for everyone.
    It discounts music therapists, ambient and thematic writers, music for radio.... I can keep going with music that requires no visual at all. To prove that ask Olymoon. I won as a finalist in the last International Songwriting Competition and I sent no video in to do that.
    I know people that frequent stores that have Vinyl LP's that are looking for nothing but audio and people that would rather go to a concert than watch youtube. If you are talking of the generation under 30 years of age that is possibly correct because that generation is the generation of instant gratification that would be lost without their all singing and dancing phone or computer.
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  9. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    In order to become successful, one first has to have success. :guru:

    [Edit:] Writing catchy stuff every once in a while could kickstart the plan.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
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  10. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    If there was something to really rely on, all my plugins would be legit. :hahaha:
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  11. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Seriously: No-one knows. You have to come up with the right idea at the right time at the right place.
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  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    never have a backup plan.
  13. type2002n

    type2002n Kapellmeister

    Apr 5, 2012
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    An equally interesting question is:

    "How to be successful in music agriculture?"

    It's a joke... Or maybe not.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
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  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I have noticed with every person asked any question about success, the same thing.
    That success is measured or based on what each person considers to be success. That is a good thing that I hope never changes, because if we all had the same identical goals life would be so fricking boring.
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  15. Voltus76

    Voltus76 Noisemaker

    Apr 4, 2018
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    I feel like you really have to really market yourself and keep pushing your music, you could have the best songs in the world but if nobody knows they're there than you really have nothing, start hitting up lables and those youtube channels that support unknown artists, a few people have gotten really big from giving music to Nocopyrightsounds, just keep pushing yourself and your name and your brand, take a look from the outside looking in which means would you yourself listen to your own music if you were a fan? If you were scrolling and saw your logo would you stop and check out your own music? Just a few things.
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Make music that the largest percentage of population can enjoy ( for example more than 50 percent is a female demographic)
  17. Voltus76

    Voltus76 Noisemaker

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Which I feel is true, you see more females than anything when it comes to festivals.
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  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    A simpler way to look at it is that if a person can make a living out of whatever they choose and pay their bills, then they are technically successful at it, rather than looking at the degrees of it.
    There still is however a feeling of success in achieving whatever you set out to do. They can align and sometimes not.
  19. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Success is in the eye of the IRS. :chilling:
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  20. ThomasD3

    ThomasD3 Newbie

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I used to work for a large publisher and we did a lot of audio for shows; the vast majority of songs fail exactly the same way: if the day after hearing a song people can't sing it or hum it, it will not be used. This have been one of the most successful criteria for decades to see if a song has a chance to be commercially successful.
  21. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Addressing the question now, and not interpretations of the question. The word 'successful' can have various interpretations. But it's clear what his definition of 'success' is, because he qualifies it in his second sentence with the word 'career'. So, interpretations like 'for me success means' are not addressing the OP's question which is quite clear. He's also asking the question with astonishment, in the light of seemingly untalented people achieving success. I'm not sure whether Pop music (any and all the Youths' genres in other words) or music for small children would qualify as the one needing the least talent, the simplest types of compositions, on a scale where Classical compositions would require the highest degrees of musical talent. So, that's why so often we see completely talentless productions becoming popular, from time-to-time.. this Pop music is easy to do and standards are very low, in the grand musical scheme of things. Anyone, even without any musical talent or knowledge, can form a band and make Pop recordings, and people without good singing voices are adored by the general public - who, sadly, and it is a great sadness, know no better! Yes, I make a huge generalisation which can easily be torn down. But you have, at least, the basis for an honest answer to the original question. As to how to make a career in the music business: The target to set is to be a 'professional' - it simply means making a living from music, and only music. To an extent, being professional means that you have, at the very least, achieved a 'good enough' standard and can demonstrate one talent or other. With any career, you have to reach a measurable standard, either of achivement or potential, or knowledge. This is why we have a world that is full of qualifications. These qualifications make you 'qualified' to operate in that field. If you pass a driving test it means you are qualified to drive a car, you achieved that standard required. You have to have a standard to aim for. Either go down the academic qualifications route or try to be 'good enough' (professional) to earn a living through muisic only.
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