How to archive this stereo sound(placement)?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by insaner, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Hi all!

    I have a (kick) sample which i think has a great (pseudo) stereo sound or even a behind the speakers trick i have no clue how to archive this because i have been trying for days to get it the same. I started with the mono'ed sample to replicate.

    1. Different third party tools i used.
    • Izotope imager
    • Waves Q10
    • bx_shredspread
    • PSP pseudo stereo
    • Flux stereotool

    2. Different processing tried.
    • Split the sample in different bands and process it.
    • Behind the speakers trick
    • Changing the ratio between M/S
    • Haas Delay, Comb, Phase shifting

    3. The sound is perceived really wide. So that's why i thought well it has to be something to do with pseudo stereo. I also analysed different frequency ranges to see how it behaves as a stereo sound. (hope i am saying this right) i mean that i put an EQ before the Vectorscope to see what a given frequency band does. When i tried to do a behind the speakers trick i cancelled all the ''other'' frequency's out and got just that ''sound'' and wideness what i was missing but this was taken from the stereo sample.

    4. Is it even possible to (re)create stereo information from a mono'ed sample?

    5. Really hope that one could shine some more light how to archive this.
    In my believe it is quite important to have knowledge how you can archive this with kick/snare type of sounds. Because in the end this gives the listener the best experience of that sound.

    I hope you all can understand what i am saying, if i have explained something not well don't hesitate to tell me. I also can provide more audio examples and screenshot's.
    Thank you!


    Q AZ How to Do This .1 (Stereo Example).wav
    Q AZ How to Do This .2 (Mono Example to recreate Stereo Example).wav
    Q AZ How to Do This .3 (Side information from Stereo Example).wav

    Samples zipped:
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  3. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Just to get the idea: You try to recreate a stereo effect with one channel (or mid) of the processed file?
    I'm pretty sure you would need to have the unprocessed file to recreate the processed version properly.
    Let's assume this was done with a short shatter ping pong delay and let's say that delay was processed with a stereo chorus to fatten and widen it even more up. You couldn't make that undone and your recreation would just be some washed out whatever.
    Or possibly maybe i'm getting you wrong.
  4. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Layers is how I would start, instead of trying to make it from one sample.
  5. insaner

    insaner Ultrasonic

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Thanks for you reply!

    Its not per se a stereo effect, it is how the frequency's are placed in the stereo field thus how you hear and perceive the sound.
    Don't know if you can call that a stereo effect?

    To answer your question i have a stereo sample and i like how it sounds in stereo, but would like to know how i can do this with my own samples. So i change the stereo sample to mono and i am trying out how to make it stereo like the original.

    I understand your point when you change the stereo sample to mono that sort of information is still there.
    It is not about the actual results its about the process how you can archive something similar.

    The samples (high passed) is from a kick...a distorted 909 and the stereo information comes from reverb i think.
    As far as i know the reverb on the punch of the kick is ducked when de tail is present.
    Also i have never heard that a producer used a delay or a chorus on his kick (i am talking about hardstyle genre). but it is possible that the kick is mastered by a professional who make to placement of the kick perfect. So the attack/punch/tail get processed different to get the best result.

    Did you have imported the sample files in your DAW? and took a look with a vector scope?

    I can provide some other kick samples (not high passed) so you can compare it. The kick's/punch examples i want to show you doesn't have that great placement in the stereo field.
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